another solicitor?
Date: Tue, 01/24/2012 - 23:01
another solicitor?
I specialize in helping people just like you. There IS a way out, trust me. We were in home foreclosure and facing bankruptcy and I just absolutely refused to let that happen even though everything already HAD spiraled out of control.
I fought back, it was hard at first but I found a fantastic way to manipulate what little income we had. It was hard in the first 4 - 6 weeks, but as soon as that first high interest bearing debt is paid off, your budget reflects relief believe it or not, yes, from just getting that first high interest credit card blown out of the water.
I have developed a formulated spreadsheet specifically to get people like you and myself out of debt very quickly and it's too involved to go into detail here even though everything is setup for anyone to use.
I live debt free now, so there really is hope and an effective way to get out of debt.
I have only just joined this forum and haven't had time to do my profile and page properly just yet, but feel free to visit my blog in the meantime for more info - the Running Totals Budget tab is the one you might like to see. :D
Message me if you have any questions or need more info ;)
opinions please
i liberated this from jasgal's thread titled(barely able to live)i think this may be a solicitor,but i want to ask jason if this person has permission to post the link to their site like that.i'm guessing no as this is their first post,but i could be wrong.
We have not given any permission to him for adding links, but w
We have not given any permission to him for adding links, but we will allow him to post signature links if we find his post quality to be ok. This is because we want to encourage industry people to participate in our forums. In the meantime we are sending him/her a message to not post promotional content in the forum.
all right then
cool it just seemed that the beyondbudget in their signature was a link to a site.nothing great.ho hum,but if you deem it okay good enough.