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Sallie mae cosigner

Date: Tue, 01/03/2012 - 01:10

Submitted by Sorryfriend
on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 01:10

Posts: 11 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 14

Sallie mae cosigner

My best friend co signed on a sallie mae career training loan, I filed chp 7 and she is now fully responsible. I am still unable to pay. What can happen to her other than bad credit if she doesn't pay?

I filed the chp 7 pro se. I didnt think it would be discharged, but i went ahead and added all of my debts. it is no longer on my credit and has went to hers. Is there a way I can get if back off her credit and on to mine. I am losing my best frined over this, and it was beyond my control. I tried to dispute the loan because i was sucked in by a predatory school that put me on a fast track while i was unemployed. They told me i had the option to go in the days or nights, I was offered a good job and accepted it because I assumed I could finish school at night. The school told me night classes were no longer available because they had no instructors.


Submitted by Sorryfriend on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 07:43

( Posts: 11 | Credits: )


I filed the chp 7 pro se. I didnt think it would be discharged, but i went ahead and added all of my debts. it is no longer on my credit and has went to hers. Is there a way I can get if back off her credit and on to mine.

It will return to your credit. Since you have probably defaulted on it now, it will appear on both.

I am losing my best friend over this, and it was beyond my control. I tried to dispute the loan because i was sucked in by a predatory school that put me on a fast track while i was unemployed. They told me i had the option to go in the days or nights, I was offered a good job and accepted it because I assumed I could finish school at night. The school told me night classes were no longer available because they had no instructors.

Did you demand a refund since no night classes where available?? Did you get anything in writing that classes where available both day and nights??? Did you officially withdraw to get any of the funds refunded???


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 08:04

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

it hasnt reappeared on my credit, i asked them to do it after explaining my situation and how it went on her credit and they said my credit isnt good enough to take over the loan. I have my whole packet at home regarding my correspondence with them. Im gonna check and see if the night and day class provision was in writing. I was only in the course for about 4 weeks but since they put me on a fast track (in class 8 hours m-f) they said that i completed more than 45 percent of the course and thereby didnt qualify for a refund. I still really feel like i was tricked by the school and they got the money, i got nothing, and my best frined is now stuck with this loan and she is also now in school and is very afraid that this will impact her being able to get her own financial aid.


Submitted by Sorryfriend on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 11:51

( Posts: 11 | Credits: )

yes i am still using financial aid also. and since my divorce, i am now eligibale and recieved a few grants. I told my friend that it wouldnt affect her financial aid, but she doesnt think im correct. Why cant they just consolidate all my student loans together, and include that one.? why are they being so difficult? i think its because at once she had really good credit, but has since almost lost her home but sold it in a short sale, and is now unemployed but in school fulltime for nursing. I dont know what other choices i have.


Submitted by Sorryfriend on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 12:22

( Posts: 11 | Credits: )

Sallie Mae will not lower your interest rate or the amount you owe. Lets put it this way....when you buy a car, you take a loan from the bank to pay whoever you are buying the car from. The bank takes no liability or interest if you buy a car that constantly breaks down or is a still owe them the money. Sallie Mae is the same as the bank....they loaned you money to go to the school of your choice. How you used it or didnt use is not their concern. You still owe them the money. And they are very agressive at getting it back.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 12:50

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

The loan cannot be made the decision to take a job instead of continuing in the program. On top of that their argument that you attended more than a certain % and therefore are not due a refund is standard with all schools. Schools often "reserve the right" to change programs and times. If you were in the evening program and they discontinued it, you might have had an arguement. However since you were in a day program, you really dont have hope in hell, especially this long after.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 14:14

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

thanks OHIOGAL, unfortunately, I dont believe it was in writing but part of the schools shady recruiting officer to convince people to join. I only went there to brush up on some computer skills, it wasnt like a big career move for me. I wanted to stay busy while I was out of work, I had just relocated to Florida from New Jersey. Yes, this is a very hard lesson but I got it.


Submitted by Sorryfriend on Wed, 01/04/2012 - 11:33

( Posts: 11 | Credits: )