Unauthorized Signature
Date: Wed, 12/28/2011 - 05:53
Unauthorized Signature
I considered that but, the post actually had decent info.
I considered that but, the post actually had decent info.
it don't matter
it's called the"wolf in sheeps clothing"that could have been to get people to click the link.nothing good can come from that as whoever goes there might be assailed with spam.JMO.they can post the info with the SIG,or get deleted.
I dont see how we can allow this. It is an advertisement, whi
I dont see how we can allow this.
It is an advertisement, which we do not allow without approval. Also, look at the profile--the person selected the Western Europe time zone. We all know what happens when people from other countries advertise payday loans--those loan companies try to act as if they do not need to follow US law. That causes only trouble for the people who fall for it. It's possible that the person made a good post to try to gain credibility--after all, we all know that the people who do wrong actually do know the laws, so they know the right answers, right? I dont see how this can be allowed, I really dont.