Going to bitch about social answers again...
Date: Tue, 12/20/2011 - 08:54
Going to bitch about social answers again...
I am about ready to say fuck it to social answers....most of the posters want information about their credit cards, questions that could be answered by their credit card company if they just turned over the damn card and called them. Most questions are really not debt related and with anonoymous posters who never return, it is like, why bother? The majority of the questions sound like they are coming from overseas...."where do I "collect" bankruptcy forms?? That is not north american verbage. And with the dumb shits rectangl and enoyyourlifetothefullest parroting each other....they just reincarnations of annasweeting and the other idiots that left. I spend more time deleting and moderating the spam posters....and at at 1 penny a post, it just aint worth my time or effort.
i am in agreement on this.in fact i think that rectangel is one of the ones mentioned.a waste of time to go there and refute some of the advice given there.
We have asked them not to reply unless they are certain about th
We have asked them not to reply unless they are certain about the answers they are giving.
Anna and the parrot crew dont post...they just reincarnated them
Anna and the parrot crew dont post...they just reincarnated themselves under different screen names. Again, they post when the US is sleeping....