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Guys, we REALLY need to do something about some of these samaritans...

Date: Sun, 11/06/2011 - 21:26

Submitted by skydivr7673
on Sun, 11/06/2011 - 21:26

Posts: 2036 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 24

Guys, we REALLY need to do something about some of these samaritans...

I know we have discussed this before, but this is getting out of hand.

Now, I know that danettere does not have as many posts, but a modicum of common sense should be among our expectations for debt samaritans. There is no good reason why an OP should come in here and say "I requested validation, they sent me back a bunch of stuff, is it validation", only to be met with a debt samaritan that says "well, you need to file an FTC complaint, then send them a written validation request letter. And if they do not respond, send them a cease and desist".....

But the real problem I am having, once again, is anna sweeting. We have spent countless time and posts discussing what validation IS, and what validation IS NOT, with her. She has nearly 2,000 posts and many of us, myself included, have repeatedly corrected her on this and other topics. Not only has she completely ignored our advice, but she continues to post the false stuff that is going to get our members in serious trouble with debt collectors. If someone sees her posts, and follows her bad advice, they will come face to face with a lawsuit. it is that simple.

I was always under the impression that this place was here to HELP people who do not know the answers. The longer she is allowed to stay here as a debt samaritan, the worse this is getting. how much longer should we have to correct those who are identified as people who can give quality answers? She CLEARLY ignores what we have been telling her for 1800 posts much more do we need to see?

Sky, I agree with're preaching to the choir.

I'm exhausted from constantly correcting people like Anna, marvel, Liam, nandy, sally, etc. I spend more time correcting their bad info than I do offering my own info to people.

It's a shame.

Jason's not going to do anything though. We've visited this so many times and nothing ever happens. It's ridiculously frustrating.


Submitted by OhioGal1 on Mon, 11/07/2011 - 07:33

( Posts: 5253 | Credits: )

the deadhorse has been beaten.there is no meat on the carcass,and the bones are bleached in the sun.bottomline is that ohiogal is right in fact she and SOAPLADY showed initiative by deleting some of their useless posts.they responded by whining to's apparent that as ohiogal stated nothing is going to be done so i guess we can correct them.however decorum should not be considered in correcting them.they don't care about their posts and their value so we shouldn't care how we correct them.


Submitted by paulmergel on Mon, 11/07/2011 - 08:09

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )


I have been a member here for a number of years now. I have been a debt samaritan. I made the hall of fame. I was then asked to be a moderator. My experience here has been huge.....I have literally helped dozens of people who have been sued illegally by deadbeat debt buying bottomfeeders. I have gone as far as to review court filings, research case law, help our members prepare motions to take to their attorney or to legal aid for review, etc etc. To date, I have not "lost a case". Now, mind you, I make it very clear that I am not an attorney and that my advice should be reviewed before used to ensure that what I am presenting fits their specific scenario. I have helped literally dozens of people from this forum in this manner. I have helped countless others to understand the ins and outs of debt collection law. I have helped tons of people deal with CA's that cross the line. I like to think I have contributed a very significant help to what this website is here for.

I mean no disrespect at all to you, but at this point I am considering whether or not I should continue here. The things that some of these people are doing directly hurt our entire mission here. They hurt our credibility as a whole big time. I appreciate and respect that this is your show. But I have to say, if Anna's contributions are worth so much to you and/or this forum that you feel you are better off with her here instead of me, that is fine--as I said, I respect that this is your show. I would also like to say that it really bothers me that the moderators here have served and continue to serve your forum and our members in an exemplary fashion and we do not ask for much. Please consider that having someone like Anna as a samaritan undermines us as moderators. I feel, to be honest, a bit played that we have spent the time and effort here that we all have, only to be ignored when we bring a genuine problem to you.

I have no ill feelings towards you, or even towards Anna, etc etc. I signed on to help people here, and I happily do so--in fact, I have spent hundreds of dollars of my own money maintaining access to databases that I used to use in my old bail enforcement days, specifically to help people here. I never asked for or would ever accept a penny from any of our members in return. Please understand the major slap in the face that you are putting out there when we as the staff bring legit concerns to you and they go ignored.


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Mon, 11/07/2011 - 09:51

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

I want to know WHY these people are even here??? They have never posted their own personal debt problems or expertise...they just show up! They all post overnight which leads me to believe they are overseas...are these Indian or Asian people here just to practice their english skills?? If I hear "to my knowledge" or "I have no experience with"...well I am going to scream. " Moreover, although I have no experience to your quiery" translates to "besides, I have got a clue as to how to answer you question but I am going to answer just for the sake of posting"


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Mon, 11/07/2011 - 10:07

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Applauds Skydiver...that is how we all feel.

I have read thru several of Anna's articles....they are mostly fluff. I cannot prove plagerism but they are not written how she posts so I have to assume they are copied and altered...but they really give no valid information. I have seen 8th graders write more in depth pages.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Mon, 11/07/2011 - 10:14

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Mods, we truly appreciate your concern for our forums and your desire to see this site as a good advise destination. I'm in agreement with you all when you say we need good, experienced posters or even better industry experts in our forums. But the big question is from where will we get them? Since most of the experienced moderators/experts do not come here often, it becomes very difficult to find members to even acknowledge the queries of the Original Posters so that the threads don't go unanswered. Having no one to receive a post is also not something good for a community forum. Isn't it? :)

Based on your feedback, I have two options now - either to ban them or tell them to JUST post basic info so that OP's query is at least received by our community and the expert advise can be given by you all. Even if we ban them will any of you take the responsibility of bringing in other new experts,friends who has knowledge/experience in this field so that apart from giving good advice, we can show others about our wholesome/complete participation in forums.Moreover, I have checked their IPs and they are all US based.They don't even claim points for postings and since they are not spammers will it not be very harsh to ban them? :) But I will surely ask them and caution them this time so that they don't post unless they are very confident about a particular topic. They can however pass on the query to the experts so that they can join in for giving the right advice. In posts where generic answers are required we don't think that should be stopped since almost everyone experienced or new give similar answers like checking pdl state laws,basic concept of Debt consolidation/ Debt settlement etc



Submitted by Jason on Tue, 11/08/2011 - 02:49

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )

a couple of things i got from your response jason.

1)if they are banned we are responsible and
2)you consider these people experts

i just threw up in my mouth posting that,but you also stated about people replacing them and relating their experiences.what experience do the three female stooges have?none!let spin a and a half years ago SOAPLADY woudn't answer a pdl question because she reallt wasn't up on it.she did footwork,looked at threads like i did and applied that to her she answers better than the female stooges.they are lazy vain and stupid.btw maybe the reason people aren't staying after getting help is because the help these give is like you said basic.i'm all for you PM'NG them but we all have and polietly,but they get ignored.they need to be warned first.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 11/08/2011 - 05:45

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

When I came here, I had no PDL experience....heck I didnt really know what a PDL was! But I learned. Often by simply pulling up a website I can see they are illegal or tribal. Or even knowing that PDL's are illegal in certain states. I learned the laws and how to deal with them. That is what makes an expert. Our parrot posters simply repost the same thing over and over again without digging in. Consequently, it makes more work for the real experts! I have deleted at least 8 posts of sandra's today because it was mindless nonsense.....information repeated or an "I agree!" Funny thing is on one thing she agreed with the wrong answer. havent got the patience anymore to correct her or the others....I just want to get the right answer to the people who need it! I dont give a damn about their feelings...they are fucking with peoples money, homes and food money by giving bad info. Spanking the bad child is not going to work....they need to be kicked out of the house and told to get another job.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Tue, 11/08/2011 - 06:02

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

however jason is still trying to find a middle ground.there is none.warning them first would be the first step to booting them out as thet ignore pm's from us.i'm guessing they might from him as well.if they do then they deserve to be banned.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 11/08/2011 - 06:40

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )


Mods, we truly appreciate your concern for our forums and your desire to see this site as a good advise destination. I'm in agreement with you all when you say we need good, experienced posters or even better industry experts in our forums. But the big question is from where will we get them?
Jason, this isnt a question of where we will get good experienced posters---several of us have repeatedly shown you how we are NOT talking about a good experienced poster, and you have continued to protect this person's right to be a debt samaritan here. There is nothing good or experienced about a person with over 1800 posts, that has been told dozens of times and even shown the laws, that prove they are posting false stuff....and she continues to fight the system. What is good about someone with that many posts, that has been told this many times about the constant errors, but she blows us off and continues to post the false info?

If you want GOOD info, you cannot allow someone to blatantly ignore us and post BAD info. What will it take--does someone need to tell us how they followed her advice and got sued because of it?


Since most of the experienced moderators/experts do not come here often, it becomes very difficult to find members to even acknowledge the queries of the Original Posters so that the threads don't go unanswered. Having no one to receive a post is also not something good for a community forum. Isn't it?
First, since I started my own business I have been here a lot more often. Second, you need to make a decision. Do you want TRUTHFUL answers or QUICK answers that are false? IMO, if a person has to wait an extra day or two to get a CORRECT answer, it was worth the wait. Do you disagree??

What good is an immediate answer if it gets the OP in a bind because the advice was completely bad?

IMMEDIATE or CORRECT--you need to decide what this forum is here for, with all due respect.

Based on your feedback, I have two options now - either to ban them or tell them to JUST post basic info so that OP's query is at least received by our community and the expert advise can be given by you all.
Jason, again with all respect, how many threads have been posted in the mods section about this one particular person? My point is this--most of us have confronted her, sometimes in PM and sometimes right in a thread. The only response I have ever seen is when she attacked soaplady in a thread because she completely failed to understand the thread in the first place. She takes no responsibility at all for her errors. She has been told again and again, and she still posts the same bad info that we all have already told her is false. I have gone as far as to state to her that if she is not willing to learn the correct info, then please do not post about debt validation anymore. YES, it is THIS bad with her. If you think you can get her to listen, then thats one thing but she has blown the rest of us off time and again.


Even if we ban them will any of you take the responsibility of bringing in other new experts,friends who has knowledge/experience in this field so that apart from giving good advice, we can show others about our wholesome/complete participation in forums.
We do take that responsibility already. I tell people all the time when I offer help that they are more than welcome to help others by sticking around to pass on what they have learned. Some do, and some do not. But again, I refer back to what I said above--BAD advice is what she gives. Do you want bodies here no matter the quality of what they post, or do you want good advice being posted here to help our members?

Moreover, I have checked their IPs and they are all US based.They don't even claim points for postings and since they are not spammers will it not be very harsh to ban them?
In the forum rules, it states that the forum reserves the right to remove any post, close any thread, etc etc that we feel crosses lines or violates any laws. Considering what the stated mission of this forum is, would you agree that someone choosing to constantly post false info goes against what we are here for in the first place? There's your reason for taking action. At the very least, someone in that position has no business being a debt samaritan. You yourself have said in here that being the debt samaritan title refers to knowledgeable posts--but she doesnt make any. I remember when I was made a debt samaritan--by the time I was asked to be one, I was helping people beat bogus lawsuits. Some of our longer time members from some time back, like fedupinpa, will tell you how they benefited from my efforts. THAT is what it took for me to be offered debt samaritan. And now, this lady comes along.....she offers at best the most basic, vague info, and most of the time when she posts it, it doesnt even apply to the thread. Seriously, why should she be a debt samaritan when someone posts a thread about how they sent a DV letter, and she replies with "you need to send a DV request letter"?? Seriously????

I am like soaplady--when I came here over four years ago, I came here to ask questions. I didnt know anything. From there, I did a TON of legwork. I got educated on the debt collection laws. I got educated on the laws in many states. I got educated---I made the effort. I dont post a lot about PDLS, bankruptcy, student loans, etc etc because I do not have experience there. I would think that, in the process of making 1800 plus posts, that anna would have at least learned SOMETHING. She is still posting the same false stuff that she came here with.


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Tue, 11/08/2011 - 10:18

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )


We have good moderators here and maybe some that dont post much would come back and post if the fluff was taken out. I do see several posting in other forums. Maybe Anna and fluff crew should be all placed on moderation...that way we have to approve their posts.
Send emails out to the oldtimers who have contributed.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Tue, 11/08/2011 - 10:33

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Case in point--new member "stick101010". You asked us if we will take on the responsibility of finding new people to post good info. I did. He came here looking for help, even contacted me via PM asking for my help. He got it. And he is still here posting his experiences and helping others. It DOES happen, Jason. Not everyone stays but we DO have success with this.


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Tue, 11/08/2011 - 10:40

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

I find this entire subject very depressing and I echo the sentiment of the other mods here.

Jason, these people that you're defending aren't experts. They waste not only our time but the time of the poster who's asking a question. I find it insulting to be compared to some of these people by your labeling them as "experts."

They need a warning from you or Vikas and it sounds like you're not willing to give them one. They need to realize that there are consequences to their actions here. Giving out bad info hurts those of us who are affiliated with the site AND it hurts YOU. Someone is going to get sued and then that person is going to post all over the net about how this site is giving out bad info and then you won't have to worry about finding experts to post here regularly because no one will come here.

Your solution regarding "basic info" is both good and bad. If they post basic info as a first responder, that's fine. If they post it after a discussion has already taken place, letters have been sent, and a resolution has been reached (or is in process), it makes no sense and it confuses the original poster and others who've participated in or are just reading the thread. If they post basic info after very specific info and/or questions have been posted or asked, again...confusion.

Having us constantly monitoring their posts hurts the forum as well. I spend WAY too much time scanning posts by Anna, nandy, sally and others. I do this in an effort to make sure that our clients are getting the best possible information we can give them. So, I feel it's my obligation to correct their bad information. If there were consequences to their actions, I wouldn't have to worry about that and I could concentrate on what I'm here for...helping people.

I am one of the people who came here knowing nothing. I was in a bad situation and I was desperate for help. I was givien sound advice by paul, Shazz, sky, wolf and others. I'd like to count myself as one of the successes sky mentioned.

After I realized that I'd been unnecessarily stressing for months, allowing it to effect my job and my health, I was furious with these illegal lenders and collectors. I made it my mission to learn as much as I could and give back to this community so that I might prevent others from going though what I went through.

I feel I'm succeeding at this most of the time. However, my level of frustration and stress because of the posters who consistently offer misinformation and/or basic information without reading through the threads first and doing a little research to give a specific answer to the poster's questions is really starting to get to me.

Jason, I don't think that you realize if the 4 of us leave because of this nonsense, not only will the visitors to this site suffer but the site itself will suffer.

I don't think that's what you want. I know you're trying to be diplomatic but diplomacy can only take us so far. Sometimes you have to take a stand. I think now is the time. Don't you agree?


Submitted by OhioGal1 on Tue, 11/08/2011 - 11:37

( Posts: 5253 | Credits: )


1) if they are banned we are responsible

No. Did I ever say that?

2) you consider these people experts

No. This is why I said - "They can however pass on the query to the experts so that they can join in for giving the right advice." What I meant was, till the time an expert comes to post in the thread, they can at least welcome a member or tell the OP to wait for expert advice. In doing so the OP will not feel that his query is being ignored by our community.

warning them first would be the first step
They need a warning from you or Vikas and it sounds like you're not willing to give them one.

I have already warned Anna,Nandy,Sally and others and have asked them to refrain from posting unless they are confident about the answers.

if a person has to wait an extra day or two to get a CORRECT answer, it was worth the wait. Do you disagree??

Agreed, but in a forum if the posters don't get response quickly, they tend to go elsewhere :) That's why we feel there must be someone to at least receive the OP's query.They will not give expert advice but just post a welcome note or tell OP to wait till our forum expert post a reply in the thread. And this is the point that I was trying to make. I was not in any way protecting them.

IMMEDIATE or CORRECT- you need to decide what this forum is here for, with all due respect

ideally both - IMMEDIATE and CORRECT. And so in the larger interest of this forum I would request you all to approach (if possible) friends,industry experts (who have knowledge on these subjects) to participate here for giving good advice and helping our members.This is because if we have a ready pool of experts available all the time, none of the threads will go unanswered. We are also trying to bring back our old members and new industry experts in the community.

Sometimes you have to take a stand. I think now is the time.

We have already taken a stand i.e we have warned all the members mentioned above and have asked them to not post in threads where they are not confident. They can however welcome a new member or ask a poster to wait until an expert comes and give a reply to the particular post. I have also asked them to send private messages to experts regarding expert advice to the questions on which they are not confident.

As always we look forward to your valuable contribution.


Submitted by Jason on Wed, 11/09/2011 - 02:24

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )


ideally both - IMMEDIATE and CORRECT. And so in the larger interest of this forum I would request you all to approach (if possible) friends,industry experts (who have knowledge on these subjects) to participate here for giving good advice and helping our members.This is because if we have a ready pool of experts available all the time, none of the threads will go unanswered. We are also trying to bring back our old members and new industry experts in the community

Immediately is cannot walk into an attorneys office and get an answer without an appointment. Evenings sure...people are on. This is pretty standard on all boards. 2-3 hours for a good answer is not unrealistic. If you post at 2 in the morning, well you are going to have to wait.

As for new industry experts coming in, none will stay with the social answers format. Hell I hate going there!


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Wed, 11/09/2011 - 06:00

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

kill the messenger.jason your first response.the one where i posted those two points are what i got from your posts.others must have agreed to an extent on that.btw yes people they did pm/email them because they as far as i know aren't around today like usual.they can either learn from this and improve,or good riddance to them.either way this was good to get this issue out in the open.the issue of SA will be ongoing,but as for this i will keep an eye out for will say alot about them if they choose to just leave.nobody's perfect,but they sure act like it.


Submitted by paulmergel on Wed, 11/09/2011 - 07:09

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I agree, Jason, "immediate" is unrealistic. You cannot get immediate answers often times when using a source that you have to PAY for. No one comes here and pays you for this forum's advice. Also, we are not paid employees, we are volunteers. It is not realistic to expect immediate answers. For what it is worth, if all you want is an acknowledgement of the OPs post until one of us can get there, why not make a forum bot to do just that?


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Wed, 11/09/2011 - 12:47

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

i thought that too ohiogal.i will watch them closely.there styles are too similar.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 11/10/2011 - 05:36

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

i saw one you deleted where this mope posted basic info best suited to a first response nine posts in.i think an IP trace is in order.if in fact goodluck78 is one of those warned.they should be banned.enough said.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 11/10/2011 - 11:38

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Havent "seen" the ones posting the bad advice in awhile...except for Savion and Amy. However suddenly all these "new posters", rectangl, enjoylifetothe something and a bunch of people with "J" initials start posting...."moreover" their answers to "queries" are identical to anna and the parrot crew. Gotta love the delete button.....


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Tue, 11/22/2011 - 12:08

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )