Please refrain from deleting genuine post
Date: Wed, 10/19/2011 - 04:24
Please refrain from deleting genuine post
We are getting frequent complaints of genuine posts being deleted by moderators. If you have different opinion about a particular post, please don't delete it. We have options to rectify the post with the help of comments or you may even give the reply which you think is correct in the subsequent post.
Looking forward to your cooperation.
I know Ohio will back me up but a lot of the posts being deleted
I know Ohio will back me up but a lot of the posts being deleted are pointless drivil, repeating bad or the same information over and over again. Savion, Anna, Sandra Nelson, Jeorge, Nandydiana ... they repeat each other over and over again, not answering the original posters question. They will even answer spam posts!!! These people are not expressing opinions, but reposting copied information...I have caught that happening too.
let me back you up as while i have not deleted yet,but alot of what the members are posting is drivil,ill-timed,and semi-copied.what i mean by ill-timed is that there are alot of threads that these members respond to with their semi-copied content that the facts have been makes the forum look bad,and i do get the feeling these members don't read the whole thread before posting.i never deleted,but if one of them posts their semi-copied content at the wrong time i'm not gonna sugarcoat as posting in a thread 8 posts long,and it's been established the loans are illegal.then they post their semi-copied content then i will let them have it.btw there have been instances i can't post the links where others have taken these members to task for not reading the while i never deleted,and will not i won't hold back on them because that's lazy,and dumb posting.
another thing
especially sally,and sandra.they remind me of sunil so much.just posting to accumulate points and content.i'm not accussing aana of that because i have never seen her redeem so i don't know how to peg her yet.
I have to agree. I have deleted some of these posts as they ar
I have to agree.
I have deleted some of these posts as they are pointless. They add no value and it's clear the poster is simply copying and pasting their generic response without even having read the OP's question.
I leave them in many cases, but there are times that I just have to delete.
I'm happy to correct these posts over and over again, if that's your preference, but it will take up a lot of my time and prevent me from actually helping people :)
Again, I want to know why half of these people are here? They d
Again, I want to know why half of these people are here? They did not come here because they have any collection skills or skills learned from being in debt. They post thru the night hours, never during the day which leads me to believe they are overseas, probably India. (Sorry I have spent too many hours talking to Help Desks in India) Moreover, in regards, query, needful things....I mean, who talks like this is in the US? This is not a place for them to practice their english skills and writing.
Opinions can be dangerous...especially when they have no experience or knowledge of the opinions they are expressing. They are simply cut and pasting bad information and is lowering the quality of this forum. h9
The thing that really bothers me is that these people have 2 or
The thing that really bothers me is that these people have 2 or 3 set answers that they cut and paste as a response. They don't bother to actually read the original post nor the responses that have already been given.
Their answers:
And many times they post incorrect information. They continue to post incorrect information even after being corrected multiple times.
I really believe a lot of these people are here just for $. They're trying to post as much as they can possibly fit in and frankly, I think that's bullshit.
I don't like that they're rewarded with monetary compensation or with accolades of "debt samaritan."
you got that right
especially in the NJ,NC,AND PA pdl threads.i noticed the exact same posts word for and's really lazy,and does remind me of SUNIL.
Maybe the points should not be awarded to individuals below a ce
Maybe the points should not be awarded to individuals below a certain a 1000 quality posts or those with an expert ranking. Lets face it...the people who come her looking for help could care less about the points ...they just want to get out of their immediate financial trouble. My guess is that these parrot posters would quickly disappear.
Good idea. I have a feeling it won't fly, however. Don't get
Good idea. I have a feeling it won't fly, however.
Don't get me wrong. I do have a few "standard" answers or requests that I have saved so I can cut and paste them, but I don't think I've ever done so without modifying them to fit the specific request. I'm just saving myself typing.
Regardless, it's annoying and it take OUR time to keep going in and correcting these same people over and over again. I only have a limited amount of time I can spend here and I'd like to use it helping as many people as possible rather than correcting bad information that's being posted by the same users on a nearly constant basis.
I have an wont help the problem much as a whole but th
I have an wont help the problem much as a whole but this is something that I know would help in other ways....
I propose that a new requirement be made for debt samaritans that they cannot make such posts. When someone is a debt samaritan, it lends credibility to what they post. So, if one of them posts these kinds of things, it adversely affects the forums because people will believe what a debt samaritan posts. I know we have had questions inthe recent past about at least one of them...