Skip to main content - the USA consumer forum he authorized to post business link?

Date: Fri, 08/05/2011 - 07:31

Submitted by SOAPLADY
on Fri, 08/05/2011 - 07:31

Posts: 17315 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 10 he authorized to post business link?

Another yahoo who doesnt know what he is talking about.

Another question....are mods going to get any delete/edit powers in social answers? Quite frankly, that forum is a train wreck. You cannot tell when new answers/questions are asked and it is full off anna/nelly/sally/jeorge saying the same thing on the same thread. No originality. What can be said in 6 words is dragged out into 2 paragraphs...quite frankly if I had a debt problem, this would be the LAST forum I would post has no credibility. The pluses and minuses are takes the whole post out of order so it makes no sense at all. Plus there have been cases where my correct answer has been marked negative in retaliation because I marked the wrong answers negative. Can we just stick with the main forum format? I post at other big credit forums...they use our main format. Fix that one...the social answers format it a blog/discussion format....not a credit board format.

sorry vikas and jason.but that is why i stay away from that place like it was radioactive.


Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 08/05/2011 - 08:32

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I was just coming here to ask about this guy's links. Are they approved? If they are, you may want to take another look. I just looked at his blog (the first link) and he has a post on there about how you absolutely can be ARRESTED for not paying your debt.

Sounds a little fishy to me. He's also replying to threads that have been dead for 3 years... :rolleyes:

I also agree about the other forum. I don't even bother going there anymore because it seems like all I do is correct other people's bad advice.

Vikas, Jason, if you keep that format, this site is going to get a bad name. I know you don't want that. Please think about it.


Submitted by OhioGal1 on Wed, 08/10/2011 - 10:49

( Posts: 5253 | Credits: )

First of all thank you all for your feedback.

Quote: he authorised to post business link?
No. We deleted the link and asked him to first register his company in our company list section and then use the link in signature.

[QUOTE][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times New Roman] saying the same thing on the same thread.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] We have sent a mail to them for not repeating the same post on the same thread.

are mods going to get any delete/edit powers in social answers?
Mods already have Edit rights in Social Answer. We are thinking about the Deletion option too but since we received too many complaints about post deletion in our forums, we are taking time to make it full proof so that we can track those who are deleting the posts.

[QUOTE][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times New Roman]You cannot tell when new answers/questions are asked [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]We have a tab named Un-Answered Questions where members can take a look at all the Un-Answered questions.

[QUOTE][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times New Roman]Can we just stick with the main forum format?[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]In order to avoid confusion we will ONLY stick to one format in the long run i.e Social Answer

[QUOTE][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times New Roman]I don't even bother going there anymore because it seems like all I do is correct other people's bad advice[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] We would request our Mods to be active in the Social Answer section as well because if you don't correct wrong answers, it would remain there which will give a bad name to our forums.
In the near future we are thinking of giving points for Editing posts as well. Since this is an open forum we get various members having varied knowledge levels, so if their answers are wrong OP will reject them any ways as we have placed the vote option which will take the right answer at the top.

Since we don't always get all the Moderators and senior members all the time here in our forums because of their busy schedule we do look for members who will at least receive OP's post and not let the thread go Un-Answered or refer it to Experts for further discussion.

Hope you'll understand.



Submitted by Jason on Fri, 08/12/2011 - 00:09

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )

The problem with the vote option is that it takes the entire thread out of context, making some of the threads one big cluster fuck....excuse my french. The only reason I am spending time over there right now is that I have the time having been laid off last month and I need every penny I can earn. Once I get back to work, I am not going to waste my time there.....I spent at least an hour right now going in and checking the idiots answers. "I dont have any information" was my favorite quote this why the hell are you posting?????

I dont understand your reasoning for this format. None of the other forums use this silly format.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Fri, 08/12/2011 - 04:58

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Hi Soaplady and All,

First of all, I want to introduce myself. This is Mike Davis, taking care of Community development and implementation of technical Issues. I understand your level of frustration because of too many drastic changes & some irrelevant posts in DebtCC.

But our main reason behind the implementation of Social answers is to improve our Visitor's Satisfaction Level and to make this platform as popular as Yahoo Answers. The main idea is to get more questions of the members to help and get more scope to earn by making more replies.

After conducting a market survey, we got the impression that people prefer simple Questions Answers platform rather than Discussion forums to get helpful advice. On exploring the reasons behind it, we got few Cons of Dis-satisfaction in forum:

1. It is tough for the actual poster to identify the best solution from the multiple advices given by us.

2. The original poster needs to go through the whole discussion in order to get the actual answer. He/she has to read through the irrelevant posts too. This increases his/her frustration level.

3. Many a times, actual discussion gets diverted to another topic with some ???one to one conversation???, and actual poster does get his/her answers.

Visitor Satisfaction in forums

Average Exit % from forum: 44.87%

Features Implemented in Social Answers to overcome the Cons of Forums and increase the Satisfaction level are given below:

1. Voting System: Answers having high votes may help the Actual poster to determine the best answer.

2. Editing Rights to member with comment: Given Editing rights to members with comment. This feature will help a member to edit and improve the answers given by other member. As a result, it may help the actual poster to get quality answers in the first reply only.

3. Comment feature: Members have comment option to each replies/ questions, from where he can ask/ comment directly to that particular member and it looks like one to one conversation only. We have hidden the multiple comments to make the threads look neat and clean. It will help others to browse the whole thread.

4. Best Answer Option: The actual poster (who has asked the question) has an option to choose and vote the best answer.

Visitor Satisfaction in Social Answers till date:

Average Exit %: 30.54%

No system in the world is 100% perfect. Every system has pros and cons. Social Answers is no exception. Some of the cons of Social Answers are:

1. Sometimes, our valuable member posts get a negative vote by another member.

2. Some irrelevant replies are getting posted.

We are thinking about to overcome the Cons in the following ways:

1. Giving more voting points as per seniority. For example, if a moderator is voting an answer, it will get +3/-3. If a registered member with more than 500 replies or so is voting an answer, it will give +2/-2 point and like this.

2. I personally feel, deleting/ banning members is not the right solution for our community. I don???t think that giving negative votes on the answers (whenever we feel like) is a good solution either. It is completely irrelevant. The best option will be to tell
them ??? ???Please do not give Irrelevant replies???.

3. Thinking of giving rights to the moderators to delete posts. But we want to do this after implementing proper tracking system. It may take some time to implement.

I have tried my best to explain our concept behind it. If I haven???t been able to make it clear, please let me know.

I am looking forward to your valuable co-operation on this subject and making our Social Answers as one of the best Financial Questions Answers platform on the Web.

Mike Davis


Submitted by mike.davis on Sat, 08/13/2011 - 03:30

( Posts: 3 | Credits: )

Hi Mike

Is wondering who these exit polls were conducted with....the people who think we are their creditors or the spammers who post advertising links?

When dealing with legal type questions, questions that could impact someones financial well being, social answers is most definately not the solution. This website has too many overnight posters, people who I suspect are not even living in this country posting their guesses at answers. When I go in as a mod, I will often see 2-3 incorrect, incomplete, answers not answering the question or just plain wrong answers. Sure I can go in and give them negative ratings and put in the correct answer, but it then puts the whole thread out of context. It is completely disruptive to the flow of the thread. Due to the fact that this entire forum does not require registration, half of the time the original poster never returns because they do not know there is an answer. Thus, the correct answer is never voted for so this voting system in my opinion is a total waste of time.

The mods here are constantly PMing individuals for posting bad information....but we get ignored. It is frustrating. I have time right now for the new forum but once I go back to work, I will not be spending time there. Most of the other mods will not go there. In my opinion, you need to stick with what has proven to work for most other forums with the addition of registration for all posters. They can still be anonoymous with registration...I have never understood why this is not enforced. Sticking with the social answers forum, you will have no experts answering, and it will end up at discussion forum for viagra and coach purses.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Sat, 08/13/2011 - 04:15

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Perfect prime example...

I have asked sally NOT to answer student loan questions since she doesnt have a clue on the answers. These people post just for the sake of posting and getting points. This is the identical answer she gave the other day.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Sat, 08/13/2011 - 04:32

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

So basically we can summarise three important points from the above discussion.

1) We need to reduce posters from posting bad information
2) We need to take note of the voting system in Social Answer
3) We need to allow members to remain Anonymous even with registration

Thank you Mods for your concern about our forums. We will look into it.


Submitted by mike.davis on Mon, 08/15/2011 - 03:30

( Posts: 3 | Credits: )


3) We need to allow members to remain Anonymous even with registration

People are anonymous on an online forum!We post under screen names...nobody really knows who we are.

My point is that everyone needs to register with an email address. That way when they post something, they are notified there is a response. So many unregistered posts are made on this forum...they are answered and the original poster never returns because A..they failed to bookmark the page or B..they dont know there is an answer. This also helps to weed out the spammers since they have to go thru the verification process.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Mon, 08/15/2011 - 07:30

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )