valid debt through AI
Date: Tue, 07/12/2011 - 11:04
valid debt through AI
Sounds like you got a 30 garnishment need to respo
Sounds like you got a 30 garnishment need to respond to the letter as directed and talk to AI and set up a new payment plan. Your previous plan is no longer in affect....AI will garnish you if you do not follow the instructions in the letter.
ok, so i send back the garnishment. And i know i have to contact them before that happens. What am I REQUIRED to give them? We spoke briefly last week and they said with my income i can qualify for the rehab program. When we finally came to a down payment and monthly payment agreement, they then wanted a bunch of info right away over the phone and told me i had to or rehab wouldn't be guaranteed or locked in for me.
THey wanted names and #'s of people, and really i know they just want those to call if i slipped with payments. I want to call them back and get this started so i can pay it off even though i know it will take years. I just want to be informed before i do, so i'm not bullied into giving more than i should and end up deeper in trouble/debt. I have gathered some $ for the required down payment they want, but i'm leary of giving info over the phone so they can "post date" a withdrawal. What can i request and what can i expect? I'm scared and have had a terrible experience with another large bank/collector with the whole electronic post dating stuff. I do appreciate your help and see you are busy with questions.
i re-read the letter. It says i only have to send back the garnishment letter if i don't plan on entering into a re-payment plan. I really want to do that, but want to be more aware of what my requirements are before i call them. I listed what they said i "needed" to do to be part of rehab. - A down payment, card info via phone so they can post date an electronic withdrawal (not comfortable about that) and names & #'s of "references" just in case... I have gathered some $ for the down payment and want to get into this. many payments do i need to make before they DON'T hold my tax return. I'm getting ready to be a single mom (again) and will need that for school supplies and to move to a more affordable apartment. PLEASE Help!! Thank you.
As I stated above, no down payment is required to enter into a r
As I stated above, no down payment is required to enter into a rehab program. They can ask for it but they cannot demand it as a condition of rehab.
Reference....your original app had references. They need to be updated...provide them.
As for your taxes, your guarantor is entitled to them whether or not you are making payments. However guarantors will remove borrowers from the offset list as long as they are in repayment or have met the requirements set down. Each guarantor is different...ask the collector handling the account what the requirements where last year. The offset list is submitted just after thanksgiving. If you enter into repayment in july, you should be ok. But ask.