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Social answers

Date: Fri, 07/01/2011 - 06:31

Submitted by SOAPLADY
on Fri, 07/01/2011 - 06:31

Posts: 17315 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 23

Social answers

I have some problems with this forum....I really dont see the point of this format.

I was the third logs me an as annoyomous even though I am logged in.

I dont bother going over there have to go thru all the threads one by one to see if there is a new response.
If you do mark a thread down, the whole thread gets out of order. It tends to be the same posters over there posting the same bad information as the main forum. If they are not corrected, which is how I am understanding this "social forum", the people asking the questions are getting bad advice. It lowers the credibility of the the whole forum.


I was the third logs me an as annoyomous even though I am logged in.

We will look into this matter and try to fix it asap.

I dont bother going over there have to go thru all the threads one by one to see if there is a new response.

Very good idea!! We will try to implement this concept soon.

If you do mark a thread down, the whole thread gets out of order. It tends to be the same posters over there posting the same bad information as the main forum. If they are not corrected, which is how I am understanding this "social forum", the people asking the questions are getting bad advice. It lowers the credibility of the the whole forum.

You are right again SL. In order to counter bad advice we will soon introduce a system where one can comment on another poster's reply. We are also thinking of giving members the right to edit posts having wrong advice. You may have noticed that we have given three options to our OP/members to choose from i.e "Votes", "Older","Newer". If they choose answer by "Votes" option, they will get the best answers first. Yes it may break answer order but it will surely help our OP to get the best answers from the lot. Now if the OP wants the old answers first he/she can always click on the "Older" option tab and if they want new answers first they can go for the "Newer" option tab.



Submitted by Jason on Sat, 07/02/2011 - 01:52

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )

I am not seeing the point in a second forum. I am seeing posts being duplicated in both forums. The same wrong and bad answers are being given by the same people. In social answers it is impossible to see if there are new replies as it only shows who started the thread...not who answered it last. It is simply doubling the work load for the mods.

We are here to help people in debt with good advice. Instead all I am seeing is terribly wrong advise being given by people who do not speak english as their first language and are guessing at the answers. IE...Anna Sweeting....I PM her all the time as do other mods and she continues to give potentially harmful information. She doesnt read the questions and simply echos other opinions. I have seen some of the articles she has written and even they are not giving complete or incorrect information.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Fri, 07/15/2011 - 05:32

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )


I am seeing posts being duplicated in both forums.
In the long run we will have Social Answer as our main question/ answer platform. Like I said before, we will use our present forums for discussing purpose ONLY and will be meant for just registered members.

It is simply doubling the work load for the mods.
The above mentioned plan will ease the work of our Mods because all questions related to debt problems will get posted ONLY in the Social Answer platform.

I am seeing is terribly wrong advise
That's why we have installed the Edit/Comment option in Social Answer now and the vote option is there as well :)

In social answers it is impossible to see if there are new replies as it only shows who started the thread...not who answered it last.
Thanks..we will soon fix the issue.


Submitted by Jason on Fri, 07/15/2011 - 23:33

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )

Are posters in Social Answers going to be required to register?? I am answering tons of "Anonymous" posts...however 95% of the time the original poster does not return, probably because they dont know they have a response. If they do return, or there is a new post, you need to go look for it since the thread is not pushed to the top. It is so frustrating!!!


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Mon, 09/12/2011 - 05:53

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )


Personally, I cannot stand the Social Answers format. It's cumbersome to navigate, extremely time consuming to keep up with the questions you've answered, etc. Let alone the fact that I've had to go back and rewrite my own posts because someone didn't like the answer I gave them so they edited MY post.

Once you make the final switch over to this format, I likely won't be participating anymore.


Submitted by OhioGal1 on Mon, 09/12/2011 - 08:04

( Posts: 5253 | Credits: )

Very good idea SL, but we don't want to force anyone to register here for posting. As you said we are also trying to find out ways how we can help our Guest posters to locate their posts. Our tech team is working on your second suggestion as well relating to the replies of the last posters and we hope we will able to implement it soon.

OG we would request you to be patience as we are still looking for ways to improve the social answer concept. I'm sure once we make it full proof, you will start liking social answer again just as you enjoy our forums. Please bear with us for the time being as we don't want to loose a valuable member like you. Moreover we would request you to send us few thread urls where your posts were edited.


Submitted by Jason on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 02:51

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )

I don't know of any other board where people can post without registering! It is counterproductive....people dont know that an answer is available to them and they probably end up at another board where they have to register....they return to those boards BECAUSE they receive notification. People who do come back and have posted ANONYMOUS generally cannot find their previous posts and end up posting again.

Issues with Social Answers
1. Threads with new posts not bumped to the top.
2. Thread themselves ...answers are out of order. I asked the poster a question, their answer bumped mine question down. To any other reader looking in, this does not give a good impression. They will end up going elsewhere.
3. No merge thread option
4. No change category option
5. No ability to quote
6. Voting system. Get rid of it. These are peoples financial lives, not opinions on the proper method for screwing in a light bulb. I dont appreciate no minds like Sally, Amy, Anna or even Nelly bumping my correct answer to the bottom with their nonsense drivel.

I am spending lots of time there right now because I am underemployed and quite frankly, I need this extra cash badly. I am just barely covering my fixed expenses and the checks from here go to groceries for me and my daughter. Luckily I have 3 interviews over the next 2 days. Once I am back to work, I wont be spending the time here especially if Social Answers becomes the fixed forum. Debts and getting out of debt needs hard facts, not social opinions. And a forum that works.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 05:34

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

what makes this forum great is the fact that most of us give info based on earlier threads,or our own experience.sorry but generic threads basically telling people base info,and to either look it up,or contact so and so is lazy.i know some of the answers anna,sally,and sandy are giving are auto answers that they have saved and tweak a bit.i answered 2 pdl questions and personally i won't go back there can someone in a NY PDL stating and i quote "you never mentioned the state you are in"now keep i mind the thread topic was.ny pdl's what can i do?that idioy was voted the best answer.i would reconsider changing over from this to that as i know you and vikas worked hard to make this site what it is.switching from this to what i call the "fools forum"will only hurt what you have built SOAPLADY stated people come here for info and help not discussions with people who have no business discussing the topic at hand.please if you musty keep both do so,but switching to social answers only will not be good.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 06:55

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

If you insist on the voting option, perhaps having something more like Yahoo Answers would work? The voting doesn't "move" the order of the answers. It simply has the answer with the most votes added to the top (that answer still shows in the "thread" in the correct order but is duplicated at the top as the "best" answer).

I still don't like the voting option. People need correct answers, not answers they like the best.


Submitted by OhioGal1 on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 06:58

( Posts: 5253 | Credits: )

i have noticed that trend especially in the student loan forum here.people don't want the truth,or the facts.they want as to post what they want to hear/see.that is not what this forum is about.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 07:08

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: ) should see the ones I have deleted recently....student loan justice org people must be bored.

This is a prime example of social answers....everything is backwards. Anyone trying to learn anything is going to give up.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 11:11

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

i feel yaz seems more and more the trend.unfortunately.again that is what sets this forum apart.let's keep it that way.


Submitted by paulmergel on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 12:17

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Thank you all for your valuable suggestions. Since most of you are having issues with the voting system in Social Answer, will it be ok if we remove the voting system from Social Answer so that the order of the posts doesn't get disturbed? In this way, we can prevent others from misusing the voting rights.



Submitted by Jason on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 22:12

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )

SL..thanks for pointing the post disorder bug.

Mods, we are thinking about your suggestion relating to voting system in social answer. In the mean time I have a question for you all :) Don't you think the voting system helped the OP here in selecting the right answer from the replies posted in the thread. Other knowledgeable Mods/Members who did not post in that thread can also vote so that the right answer always reflects at the top. This will help the OP to decide which answer to take and which to reject.

Removing a feature is no big deal but if we can look at ways to improve the existing settings then we feel it would ultimately help the system in the long run. Say for example we can give our Guest posters an option to enter their email address so that they receive all updated replies. As far as voting feature is concerned, we can restrict the number of voters. i.e give voting rights to those who have crossed a certain number of posts in our community or whom we think will not misuse the voting option.

Waiting to hear your thoughts :)



Submitted by Jason on Thu, 09/15/2011 - 02:24

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )

Answers should not be a popularity contest. That is why in my opinion is is just plain wrong for this type of forum. Plus voting knocks the whole thread out order. I voted the bad answer negative but since it is below my answer, the context of the thread doesnt make sense.

Look at the big posting forums like and I started posting on these forums before I came here. In those forums, I see quality answers without mindless responses we see here. No voting system.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Thu, 09/15/2011 - 04:41

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )


I'm not sure why you used that as an example "for" the voting option. The best answer in that thread shows 2nd, which was Soap's answer of " will NOT affect your score. Creditors to not report until you are 30 days late."

I think this is a perfect example of why the voting system is a bad idea.

We need to have a reputation of giving posters sound advice. Many times, the correct advice/answer is NOT the most popular answer.


Submitted by OhioGal1 on Thu, 09/15/2011 - 06:28

( Posts: 5253 | Credits: )


I'm not sure why you used that as an example "for" the voting option. The best answer in that thread shows 2nd, which was Soap's answer
I posted that link to show you how a negative vote prevented an "incorrect answer" (last reply) from going at the top of the thread. However when I posted the link we had only two answers then and SOAPLADY's answer was on top. So someone helped the OP to find the right answer by using their voting right to bring the "incorrect answer" down. Since we have a new reply in that thread the Guest poster's reply ([COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times New Roman]I have got this information from the following link:[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times New Roman]) [/FONT][/COLOR] is showing up now. OG this can be a perfect example where Mods and experienced members can use their voting rights to bring a correct answer at the top again thereby helping the Original poster to find the best reply otherwise s/he will have no choice as to which answer to go for.

We have already reported the post disorder bug that SL had pointed to us and our tech team is working on it. As far as the voting system is concerned I will have a discussion with Vikas regarding this issue and will let you know the outcome of the discussion soon.



Submitted by Jason on Fri, 09/16/2011 - 03:53

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )