Ways To Make Additional Income
Date: Tue, 06/21/2011 - 00:04
Ways To Make Additional Income
Hi! Welcome to the Forums! Well, you can sell the fruits, flowe
Welcome to the Forums!
Well, you can sell the fruits, flowers, vegetables grown in your garden in the market and earn dollars.
As Nelly has said, growing fruits and vegetables in your garden
As Nelly has said, growing fruits and vegetables in your garden is an excellent past time, which can help you earn dollars. It also helps remain stress free.
As a 10 year veteran of doing farmers markets with my soaps, it
As a 10 year veteran of doing farmers markets with my soaps, it is NOT necessarily easy to get into a market. There are regulations and inspections for selling food products. It means opening up a business and unless you have acreage to supply a market, dont even try. Farming is a business and profits are up and down...
Can or freeze your veggies for home consumption. Maybe sell to friends depending on where you live.
Be Careful!
If you are just selling fruits and veggies to people you know or perhaps to your neighbors, there may be less regulations. However, if you start selling on a more mass scale, you definately need to follow USDA and other government laws in the process.
Try growing flowers for a change. This requires enthusiasm and p
Try growing flowers for a change. This requires enthusiasm and patience. You're likely to manage both if you have set a definite goal to reach. You can always come back to growing fruits and vegetables for domestic consumption and other such purposes. Flowers do have a very high demand in the market. You need to enhance your knowledge on the subject of horticulture for better and profitable results.
You can make jams, jellies, pickles, sauces, or even baked produ
You can make jams, jellies, pickles, sauces, or even baked products from the fruits and vegetables grown in your garden and sell them to the local food stores. :idea: