PLease give me an idea of what i should do
Date: Sat, 06/11/2011 - 08:19
PLease give me an idea of what i should do
I just found out through a credit check that i owe National Collegiate Trust, and they have assigned the loan to a CA. As i explained to the NCT CA associate that i never received any letters or phone calls about this, he verifies the mailing address to me and the apt number was completely off. Which explains why i never recieved a letter. Should i fight this, and if so, how so? They offered me to pay th einterest either in full or monthly payments, i can do either but i feel that it isn;t right since i never received anything from them. And how can i take the loan out of the CA? if i pay the interest in full will that help my credit? Please help. Thank you!
The Department of Education's position is that billing is simply
The Department of Education's position is that billing is simply a rent, your payments are due monthly whether or not you receive a bill. So that arguement will get you nowhere.
Did you ever call to set up or check on your payment plan during your grace period???
your loan is in default. It will not be removed from the CA without cause.
When you default your balance becomes due in full on demand...this was your agreement on the prom note. Making payments on a default will not help your credit. Payments may stop them from suing you right away.