my wages have begun being garnished by Sallie Mae
Date: Sun, 05/15/2011 - 02:10
my wages have begun being garnished by Sallie Mae
Well for starters, Sallie Mae is not garnishing you. Sounds lik
Well for starters, Sallie Mae is not garnishing you. Sounds like you defaulted on a federal loan and as such, sallie mae would have filed a default claim against you with you guarantor, No court order is required by federal law in this case,
I am assuming that they lowered the garnishment so you could rehab...however because you didnt do the auto draft, they are now going for the full amount of the garnishment. If you are not making voluntary payments every 30 days, you are not in rehab.
Not sure how allied comes into play...sounds like you may have a second loan. Look up your loan detail at
I did not fill out the app because I could not afford $240 plus
I did not fill out the app because I could not afford $240 plus 50. I was told by the rep that %15 would be $180 that is way less than the actual $240 that was actually deducted. I did not realize till now that the $50 was for rehab thanks, I did not know about having to make voluntary payment to be in rehab but now i do. So the loans are not collected together? I did take 2 out but this was back in 06' and do not recall. Thank you so very much
The auto draft was your voluntary payment. More than likely you
The auto draft was your voluntary payment. More than likely your failure to return it voided your agreement so the CA went for the entire 15% of disposable wages.
It is possible that your loans had different guarantors if you took them out at different times. You should have been receiving gobs of mail about the pending default and the actual default which would list the guarantor. It would have listed out your lender and guarantor. As I said before look up your loans on nslds or refer to the mail you have been receiving. It is possible they are being collected seperately.