Student loan - applying for ibr
Date: Sun, 05/08/2011 - 23:15
Student loan - applying for ibr
Soaplady (our forum expert), is the best person to guide you on
Soaplady (our forum expert), is the best person to guide you on such issues. Before she takes it up, I'd like to share a few things with you.
Before you go for rehabilitation and consolidation of loans, you'll need to get a fair view of your current financial strength. Remember, that you'll again be expected to pay consistently towards your plan. So, you have to be absolutely sure that you can meet the agreed amount over a period of time.
You may share your concern with the U.S. Department of Education's (Department) Default Resolution Group. They may assist you in repaying your loan.
Thanks for the info. As a single mom making a low income is ther
Thanks for the info. As a single mom making a low income is there any way of figuring out what my payment would look like with ibr?
According to the calculator I used at it said I woul
According to the calculator I used at it said I would pay $0. Is this referring to the amount of interest I would be paying?
Call the DOE...without knowing your income, I cannot estimate yo
Call the DOE...without knowing your income, I cannot estimate your payment.