I have several student loans and they are all in d
Date: Thu, 05/05/2011 - 08:58
I have several student loans and they are all in d
I have several student loans and they are all in default. my collections agency is about to start a wage garnishment on me. I attempted to call them and find some payment solutions, and they only offered rehabilitation with 9 months of payments at 345$. I informed them I only work part time and could never afford that. what I would like to know is: are there any other options. I've heard of consolidating through the department of ed. but I have no idea what I need to do to do that. also my CA only gave me one payment option and that was direct withdrawal from my account. I do not make very much and I offered to send them 50-75$ a month but they said it was not enough. any pointers or ideas that would help this situation would give me great emotional ease.
How much do you owe? Read the stickies at the top of this forum
How much do you owe?
Read the stickies at the top of this forum....
A standard payment for rehab with that sized balance would be ar
A standard payment for rehab with that sized balance would be around $240....with reasonable and affordable would be around $150. Consolidate with Direct Loans,
I was actually trying to consolidate there but I do not know all
I was actually trying to consolidate there but I do not know all the info they want for instance the account # on the loan, and petty much the entirty of that section confuses me.
Did you call them and ask for help??? Go to NSLDS.gov You can
Did you call them and ask for help???
Go to NSLDS.gov You can use your SS# as your account number