abt tax and wage garnish
Date: Tue, 05/03/2011 - 22:38
abt tax and wage garnish
You earn more than what is required per week to be garnished...t
You earn more than what is required per week to be garnished...they will get 15% of you disposable pay. It is also very rare that they will return the tax offset. You should have consolidated with the Direct Loan program under the ICR or IBR program....that would have made your payments very affordable.
You need to find more work to increase your income even if it outside your field.
You will not get any of your refund back. If you call the loan
You will not get any of your refund back. If you call the loan company and work out other arrangements with them the garnishment will stay in place until they release it. Which means if it's not paid off by next year, your refund will be garnished then also. My suggestion is to get another job. Why are you only work two days a week? It doesn't appear they are garnishing your payroll checks but that appears to be on the horizon. Call them. Avoiding the situation will only make it worse.
i am only working 2 days a wk because i needed it for school rea
i am only working 2 days a wk because i needed it for school reasons,however it didnt help me and i cant still get my full time or benefits back.this is the first time they ever taken my return and i depended on it so badly because i am behind on my mortgage and other pymts.i just call the department of ed and they refered me to the CA saying i would have to deal with them now.when i called the CA this guy said to help me i have to either pay the whole thing or make pymt arrangements.He went to ask me where i work at i was a little sceptical to reveal that since i dont want to be guarnished there too.i only get 300/wk.do i have to give that info in order for him to collect financial info as he said it was necessary.When i said i call you back he threaten to send my info for garnishment and put his supervisor on the phone.i dont have any money and iam late on my mortgage for 2years thank God i have a private and understanding lender otherwise i would be on the street.Am i still able to consolidate,is it my best bet and what do u recommand.i am so torned apart and need all the help i can get.
School reasons?? You in school? How are you paying for it sinc
School reasons?? You in school? How are you paying for it since you are inelligible for federal aid?
They can find out where you work easily...DOE gets the info from the IRS.
i get refunded part of my tuition by my union and reapply that t
i get refunded part of my tuition by my union and reapply that to my next tuition and i do pymt plans with them.so ur saying i must give the CA my place of work address.
You dont have to give it to them but they will find you either w
You dont have to give it to them but they will find you either way.
If you cant get more than 2 days at your current job, you really need to be looking for some other type of employment to fill your other days of the week. A lot of people work 2 jobs, myself included. If the collection agency does decide to pursue garnishment, you are not going to get a lot of sympathy with the luxury of working 2 days a week. Another job more than likely wont pay as well as your union job, but it is money...another 20 hours a week at a $10 job is another $700-$800 per month.
i am an LPN and work 12 hours shift so i am supposed to only wor
i am an LPN and work 12 hours shift so i am supposed to only work 3 days a week plus one 8hr shift in a month.its not like i work 14hrs a wk.i went P/T because i needed to finish that semester unfortunately it didnt work.I've been looking for my ft back or at least get another job but with the bad econmy noone is hiring.But still i want to know what are my options and what i can do to stop them from further guarnish.if it is possible to direct me as to what i can or should do i will really appreciate because i kinda wait for your answers to call the CA otherwise idk what to do and dont want to do the wrong thing.Thanks so much
You either have to enter into voluntary repayment now or they wi
You either have to enter into voluntary repayment now or they will garnish you., You can also look at consolidating with the Direct Loan Program.
They told me the other day that once in default and garnish i ca
They told me the other day that once in default and garnish i cant consolidate.if i enter a pymt plan with them will they still garnish my tax returns every year there after.?
Does anyone think that i should i should put some on credit card
Does anyone think that i should i should put some on credit cards though they may have a big inerest rate just to diminish the amount because it will take me my whole life to pay for $30.0000 and also give my returns every year.just looking at all the possible options available.
hello soap laddy did you loose interest in my questions? i was s
hello soap laddy did you loose interest in my questions? i was still seeking advise from you and all the other experts as i am a real novist at this a very worrysome at this present time,just though i could use your expertise in this matter.
I told you what to do in post 9. Did you go the Direct Loan web
I told you what to do in post 9. Did you go the Direct Loan website and read it?