Saving money
Date: Mon, 03/14/2011 - 04:12
Saving money
Apart from the standard set of budgeting tips can you provide new ways of saving money?
Hi! Welcome to the forums! There are lots of ways to save money.
Welcome to the forums!
There are lots of ways to save money. One is using CFC bulbs. These bulbs consume less energy. This means that you will receive a bill of lower amount. This way you can save money on your electricity bill.
Buy only what you NEED and when its on sale. Search on-line for
- Buy only what you NEED and when its on sale.
- Search on-line for coupons for things you need like oil changes.
- Clip coupons for groceries, buying food when it's on sale
- Run all your errands - food shopping, pharmacy, cleaners, etc. at one time to conserve gas.
- Shop at consignment shops for kids clothes
- Pack lunches
- Car pool
- Sign up for netflex instead of renting movies or going to movies
- Buy books/paperbacks at second hand store
- Sell extra stuff on e-bay
- Buy christmas gifts on e-bay - I bought my grandsons coats, game boys on e-bay for a fraction of their original cost