Payments for debtcc points - September, 2005
Date: Mon, 09/05/2005 - 06:12
Payments for debtcc points - September, 2005
The details of the payments are given below.
Payment details for Lindsey

Payment details for Twokidtwocat

Thanks a lot for your contributions and hope to hear from you frequently. Your valuable suggestions will be of great help for the community.
Congrats Lindsey and Twokidtwocat for your valuable contribution
Congrats Lindsey and Twokidtwocat for your valuable contribution in this forum. I hope many more will be benefited in the future when you will be standing by their side.
Thanks,Im glad the word has spread about these scam loan compani
Thanks,Im glad the word has spread about these scam loan companies and I plan to keep on giving any advice I can to any who need it.This is a wonderful and very helpful place to come.
I have to agree with you twokidtwocat! If it werent for this pla
I have to agree with you twokidtwocat! If it werent for this place I would have fell for the same loan scam that everyone else has fallen for. I think and this community is really great with providing consumer awareness. Great job to you both!!
Great work, Lindsey and Twokidwocat for your outstanding efforts
Great work, Lindsey and Twokidwocat for your outstanding efforts in this forum. We all can learn something new in our every visit and bring awareness.
Keep posting and keep smiling.
thanks you guys
thanks for all the help from you guy s and hope the message that you all are spreading is getting across to people i agree there is alot of scams out there and im just glad everyone is here to talk and let us know about things that have been going on in the world these days
thanks alot
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate helping out as much as I ca
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate helping out as much as I can! As I told Vikas, there are also benefits to being a Debt Samaritan---I've donated to a few people now for their help and it feels really great!
Unfortunately, I've become very knowledgeable on debt the hard way, so I like to use my experiences to help others in and get on the right track as well. :-)
Definitely will get a return of your honesty. God
Definitely will get a return of your honesty. God is there for all!!
It does feel good to be able to offer advice to others based on
It does feel good to be able to offer advice to others based on your past experiences. Unfortunately most of us have learned the hard way, but if you can prevent the same thing from happening to someone else, then all the better!!
if it wasn't for this website i don't know what i would be doing now probaly trying to get more loans and falling for scams so thanks rhonda for referring me to this site your help is very appreciated
Ch, you can also refer someone who is looking for some genuine h
Ch, you can also refer someone who is looking for some genuine help to this site. Have you checked the new affiliate system in the pub section?
Thanks again :D And I look forward to a possibility of having
Thanks again :D
And I look forward to a possibility of having a blog!
Vikas- Are we still able to have our debtcc points/rewards ma
Are we still able to have our debtcc points/rewards mailed to us???
Lindsey Good job. Keep posting and keep earning $$$$ Great
Good job. Keep posting and keep earning $$$$
Great work
Hi MisterBig, You wrote Quote:Are we still able to have our
Hi MisterBig,
You wrote
Are we still able to have our Debtcc points/rewards mailed to us??? |
If you want to encash your Debtcc points please send us a mail at [email][/email] with your paypal account details.
Hi I was wondering how long it takes the encash to be put in you
Hi I was wondering how long it takes the encash to be put in your paypal account.I checked and its not there yet.Thanks so much.
Thanks everyone :D The debtcc point system is an excellent an
Thanks everyone :D
The debtcc point system is an excellent and rewarding concept!
twokidtwocat Quote:Hi I was wondering how long it takes the e
Hi I was wondering how long it takes the encash to be put in your paypal account.I checked and its not there yet.Thanks so much. |
When did you send Vikas an email. Roxette told me he was a bizzzy person. Hopefully she'll see this post and might be able to shed some light on the timeframe.
Hey...I can't believe this week is ALMOST over.
whew...I'm ready for the weekend!
Paypal payments depend on the type of payment method. IF YOU
Paypal payments depend on the type of payment method.
IF YOU ARE A PAYPAL USER REQUESTING MONEY FROM ANOTHER PAYPAL USER you can send the request to their account and if it is already in their account the transfer is immediate. If it is not, it may take up to 3-5 days to transfer from their bank account into their paypal account ... then they can transfer ir to you instantaneously.
IF YOU HAVE A PAYPAL ACCOUNT BUT THE PERSON YOURE REQUESTING MONEY FROM DOES NOT then you can send a request for money to their email address and they can enter their debit card information. The transaction is instantaneous.
Indeed, one of my payments took 5 days, and one took 24 hours...
Indeed, one of my payments took 5 days, and one took 24 all depends...all that matters is you get your encashed points eventually and within a good timeframe. Mike and Vikas have been doing a great job!
Mikey, you're enthusiasm and wit on this board is AWE-SOME. It's still Hump day, but the weekend is fast approaching!
When Monday rolls around I find myself saying "just 4 more days
When Monday rolls around I find myself saying "just 4 more days of work" ha ha.
I use to change my ring tone for each day of the week. Ohh...
I use to change my ring tone for each day of the week.
Ohh...and yes, I do the whole only 4 more days till Friday. Then I have to explain that we have to keep a positive outlook...really 4 more days. Before we know it'll be 3.
Friday I'm the worst....I count down by the minute!
Please let me know about the payments
I have already submitted the payment request to the finance dept for recording purpose, in case of urgency please let me know I will do the process personally.
Thanks no problem,its just been over a week since your post abov
Thanks no problem,its just been over a week since your post above showing it was sent.I didnt know if I had to do anything on my end.I will keep checking.
Thanks again for everything.
Do you guys manually remove the number of debtcc points encashed
Do you guys manually remove the number of debtcc points encashed from their running total? If not, what do you do to prevent people from "double encashment"?
We have kept it simple
We have kept it very simple
See the explaination at (5th from above).
Hi Lindsey, We are pleased to inform you that your paypal pay
Hi Lindsey,
We are pleased to inform you that your paypal payment for Debtcc points redemption has been made. You can get the details of your payment by clicking on the thumbnail below.
Paypal payment details for Lindsey
The community would like to thank you for the contribution you are making towards our forum.
Wish you all the best.
Payment done
Payment done
To request for a encashment of you Debtcc points or post any query about our redemption policy visit our post on Debtcc points encashment.
Kudos mikey! Thanks for all your help and your amusing wit!
Kudos mikey! Thanks for all your help and your amusing wit!
Thanks Lindsey- I enjoy being here and offering my help. I'm
Thanks Lindsey-
I enjoy being here and offering my help. I'm also learning a few things that I didn't know before.
Hi Lindsey or Roxette, How do I refer people to this site who h
Hi Lindsey or Roxette,
How do I refer people to this site who have similar problems to ours?And who have main questions if I cannot answers I am pretty sure somebody on the forums will do you know how I can do that?
Ch, we are glad that you are involving yourself in some genuine
Ch, we are glad that you are involving yourself in some genuine community service for the people in need. Please forward our website address and request them to sign up in the website completely free of cost.
After completing the sign up process, the people whom you have referred will become a member of this site and will be able to get community help in the forums.
Looking forward for your referrals.
chmartinbaby06 If you go here refer a friend, you can send th
If you go here refer a friend, you can send them a direct email with a link to this site. There will be a welcome letter explaining the site and a link to come check it out.
If they don't have email, you just tell them to check out
Thanks guys!Cause I have some people who are intrested in the pr
Thanks guys!Cause I have some people who are intrested in the program and the website to join so I will make sure that I inform them about the site!
Thanks alot
I have a question about debt consolidation points ?Can someone g
I have a question about debt consolidation points ?Can someone get back to me concerning my points
chmartinbaby06 You might be better off adressing your concern
You might be better off adressing your concern directly with Vikas.
You can email him at [email][/email]
And as Roxette told me, he is busy busy I would allow some time. Or better yet, maybe Roxette could answer the question herself. She's been a big help in some of the questions I've had.
Hi chmartinbaby06 You can private message me with any of your
Hi chmartinbaby06
You can private message me with any of your queries. I will try my best to sought it out.
Charisse, Sean, Lindsey, Rhonda, Debbie Good job folks!! :D
Charisse, Sean, Lindsey, Rhonda, Debbie
Good job folks!! :D Great work!! :) :D
I will wish to see that day when a post like this of mine will be added with many many more favorites like you all.
Not to forget Mike, Ben, Bryan, Tracy, Katie and many more who are equally responsible for spreading the good word.
You all can help us in building the community. Without any one of you, it would not have been such a huge success. We all appreciate the noble deed. Thanks
Roxette- It has been a great pleasure to be apart of this com
It has been a great pleasure to be apart of this community and to share my ideas with people who are in need.
We learn something new each day....and it might not be something we'd thought we would learn. It could be something about how to save...but it's something that's useful.
I wish the best to everyone,
And a big thanks to
Charisse, Sean, Lindsey, Rhonda, Debbie. You're ideas and words of wisdom are greatly appreciated.
This goes to everyone on this site. We wouldn't be more alert or concerned about our credit as we are now.
Thank you all, Also for the help with many concerns this is wel
Thank you all,
Also for the help with many concerns this is well appreciated and I will continue to keep posting and enjoying the site
Thanks everyone! I'm really enjoying this opportunity to help an
Thanks everyone! I'm really enjoying this opportunity to help anyone in need of financial advice or to lend a shoulder. I've learned a lot from all of you and I am grateful for your wisdom and experience! I look forward to helping out more often. Congrats to Crypto, Ch, Rhonda, Twokid!!! Your help is VERY appreciated!