Payments for debtcc points - November 2007
Date: Thu, 11/01/2007 - 09:41
Payments for debtcc points - November 2007

Good job Cajun you give invaluable advise to everyone here and i
Good job Cajun you give invaluable advise to everyone here and it is greatly appreciated.
I think you missed your calling, I think you would have made an excellent consumer attorney:)
Yea for you Cajun!! Way to go, and thanks for all your help here
Yea for you Cajun!! Way to go, and thanks for all your help here!..karen :D
Thanks everyone,it has taken me a while to amass some points and
Thanks everyone,it has taken me a while to amass some points and they will come in handy as I have some medical bills to pay that insurance did not cover.My twenty percent of the total bill is right at two thousand dollars and boss ain't giving me any more over time since I have moved up to 91 hours a week. :lol: It will all work out in the near future.
91 hours equal 13 per day and I would like to charge more,but bo
91 hours equal 13 per day and I would like to charge more,but boss crying like a toddler! :lol: :lol: Us guys on the rigs love over time.It is where we make our real money! :shock: :lol:
Cajun..I used to work up to 80 hours in a week..but learned it a
Cajun..I used to work up to 80 hours in a week..but learned it ages you very fast. I had to settle for half of that..more flex time. More power to you..seems like you handling it well. Best of luck!
Cajun is have a great impact on this forum...
Cajun is have a great impact on this forum...
Laura I work my hours for my family.If I was single and kidless
Laura I work my hours for my family.If I was single and kidless it would be less.You are correct in that it can be very exhausting at times.
Cannr, GAWD woman i LOVE U!! ha ha I was lol at is there even
Cannr, GAWD woman i LOVE U!! ha ha I was lol at is there even 91 hours in a week! :lol:
U always make me smile,
Ang have a lot to work for..I would do all that for my f have a lot to work for..I would do all that for my family also. I am by myself grown and I have grandkids to spend those extra hours with...that is time well spent! You'll find that out someday I'm sure.
cajun u oilfield? I grew up in Oildale! Always thought there was
cajun u oilfield? I grew up in Oildale! Always thought there was reason I was drawn to ya -=--destiny? perhaps!! :wink:
Well Cannr surely NOT for work!! :shock: I swear when i read th
Well Cannr surely NOT for work!! :shock:
I swear when i read that i cracked up! Sounded jsut like something i'd say!
91 hours? I feel like a baby with my 45-50. You are awesome Caju
91 hours? I feel like a baby with my 45-50. You are awesome Cajun
FYI, keep posting!! You are only 19 posts away from HOF!! That's
FYI, keep posting!! You are only 19 posts away from HOF!! That's $100 and your screen name in lights!
I plan on cashing my points in for Christmas like I did last yea
I plan on cashing my points in for Christmas like I did last year. The extra 100 for HoF, if I get it wold be a nice addition. It's going to be hard getting even presents for 7 kids!
Wow!! those points totals look tasty Thanks for all I am learni
Wow!! those points totals look tasty
Thanks for all I am learning here
Hi kashzan, It's for you as you requested. :) Regards
Hi kashzan,
It's for you as you requested. :)
Hi anthony, Here is debtcc point payment. Have a look
Hi anthony,
Here is debtcc point payment. Have a look
Hi chris, your payment is made as requested. Have a look
Hi chris,
your payment is made as requested. Have a look
Hi volleyballmom, Have a look at your payment snapshot
Hi volleyballmom,
Have a look at your payment snapshot
Hi frogpatch, It's for you. Have a look Regards Jason
Hi frogpatch,
It's for you. Have a look
Here are a few payment snapshots of the members who redeemed the
Here are a few payment snapshots of the members who redeemed their DebtCC points in the past couple of days.
Congrats to everyone!! Thanks for helping in the Forums!!..karen
Congrats to everyone!! Thanks for helping in the Forums!!..karen
Yea FYI and ladybug!! Congrats and thanks for your help and supp
Yea FYI and ladybug!! Congrats and thanks for your help and support on the forums..karen :D
Thank you! There are so many wonderful people on this site. I've
Thank you! There are so many wonderful people on this site. I've said it before and I will say it again, I wish there had been a place like this when I was deeply in debt. I've learned so much and I have been fortunate enough to return what knowledge I have and hope that I have been helpful to even one person.