80+ Cosigner of Daughters Student loans dies. Executor of Estate does not know of SL
Date: Sat, 02/19/2011 - 21:31
80+ Cosigner of Daughters Student loans dies. Executor of Estate does not know of SL
My ex- sister in law has many student loans that her 80 plus Dad co-signed ... he just died. She has not told her brothers about the loans. She has ill health and currently is applying for disability. If she can not repay the loans ... are the brothers liable. They are going to see a probate lawyer next week ... but do not know about the loans. I feel I need to tell the executor this (her oldest brother) but am not sure how to handle. If she defaults - can the siblings who receive from the estate be sued after the fact? In other words the sister to the brothers (oldest brother is executor) do not know that their father co-signed for the sister, do they need to know prior to probate. Daughter in her 50's has all the paperwork on the student loans, not the father. I am not even sure if I am asking the question correctly.
Your ex-sister-in-law's brothers won't be personally liable for
Your ex-sister-in-law's brothers won't be personally liable for her student loans. But her father's estate may be liable to pay off the student loans as he co-signed for them. It will be better if your ex-sister-in-law consults an attorney regarding this issue.
If the loan is in default, the estate may be held liable. But i
If the loan is in default, the estate may be held liable. But if the loan is current, there is no reason for estate involvement.