Unpaid "tuition" to the University
Date: Tue, 02/08/2011 - 14:47
Unpaid "tuition" to the University
I don't know whether or not you've any recourse regarding the at
I don't know whether or not you've any recourse regarding the attendance issue but if you don't pay back the balance amount to the university, they may charge off your account and sent it to collections.
Key is STATE school. Tax offset, admin wage garnishment You sa
Key is STATE school. Tax offset, admin wage garnishment You say you do not intend to go back to school there. If you plan on attending another school, you may have issues. You are required to list ALL schools you attended plus this will show up on your financial aid transcript.
Dropping the course probably dropped down aid and then not attending the classes on the others is a big no no. So get it paid and resolved.