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What has been the typical response from PDL AFTER filing complaints?

Date: Sat, 01/29/2011 - 07:43

Submitted by angsmith911
on Sat, 01/29/2011 - 07:43

Posts: 69 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 10

What has been the typical response from PDL AFTER filing complaints?

Just curious - for anyone who has gone through the steps and did not reach an agreeable resolution with your illegal PDL, in other words, they refuse to give you a PIF, and you have gone on to file your complaints with your state AG, or the appropriate agency within your state, what has the process been like, and was the AG able to help you get your PIF letter, or do the PDL still buck at the laws of your state? Also, was anyone able, with state agency assistance, to get a refund of exorbitant fees you paid?

This is the step I am at....I have about 15 PDL (it's terrible). I sent each of the illegally (unlicensed) lenders a letter to the effect that I found out they were illegal in my state and that I was requesting a PIF letter, and a refund (if overpaid). One PDL (Greenlight) wrote me back and said they would comply with my terms. Two (Payday-Loan-Yes aka Fastcash Advance) responded that their state law prevails just as I signed on my contract, and the rest didn't even respond at all. Oh wait, one that was already paid off (ABC) did respond that my account is PIF, but when I again requested a refund (because I overpaid them by more than $1000!!!!!), they didn't respond any further. So now I am starting the process of filing my complaints, so I am just wondering about the help you received and the outcomes...

I don't think this Tim McFeeters at Payday-Loan-Yes would even care that I've filed a complaint against him! He so thinks he is in the right, and whenever I've said I was going to file a complaint or consult an attorney, he says "Do it - have them call me". And then I get the "Good luck." I'd love to get my hands around his neck!!! I would hire a lawyer and sue all these PDL that don't issue me a refund IF I could afford it!


Submitted by angsmith911 on Sat, 01/29/2011 - 09:53

( Posts: 69 | Credits: )

I started the whole process about a month ago via email. I got one refund ( and the others still tell me I owe (247 greenstreet, United Cash Loans, and one other). I have filed with the BBB, the companies have not responded. I've also filed with my AG.
I'm wondering what else I need to do to try and get my refunds and/or a PIF???


Submitted by SunshineB on Sun, 01/30/2011 - 08:46

( Posts: 17 | Credits: )

How illegal are these people? Are they "shady company in Chicago" illegal or are they "1/32 'indian' white guy operating on a reservation" illegal? Either way, I'd suggest the following:

1-Close your account and set up a new one

2-send each of them a certified LETTER. Saying they may no longer debit any accounts owned by you. Save this letter. If they attempt to debit after but before your account is closed, present it to your bank/credit union and ask for an "unauthorized electronic debit form" (yes, they have one). Staple your copy to the form. The bank is required to reverse the charged amount (and they'll give the pigs a fee which they very much so deserve).

3-if they call you and that starts bothering you, block their number. Tell them you're doing this in a letter. Demand a copy of the contract and include something along the lines of "any legitimate company would gladly send a copy of the document establishing a right to collect".

Protip: if they debit your account after revocation, debit your account in strange amounts (to avoid a dollar amount debit hold your bank puts into place) or debits numerous times in the same amount, they are more likely than not in violation of the EFTA and now owe you up to$1,000. Take them to small claims court yourself. It's a Judge Wopner situation, not a Supreme Court case.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 18:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I actually got a letter back from my AG about one company. It had a letter from the company's lawyer stating they were reviewing the case. Funny thing is, I did get a PIF from them like a week after I filed the AG letter. So I mailed the AG a letter saying they closed the account. I have now two official PIF's, one unofficial(I think Sure Advance and GECC are the same people, and Sure Advance PIF'd me...GECC just isn't calling anymore, and neither is the 3rd party collector). United Cash, Ameriloan, and Nationwide Cash seemed like they were gonna put up a fight, but I haven't heard from them in a couple of weeks. The rest...not a peep. ALL got AG complaints on them. We shall see.


Submitted by Mike W. on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 07:26

( Posts: 94 | Credits: )