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dead beat dads

Date: Mon, 01/17/2011 - 17:38

Submitted by anonymous
on Mon, 01/17/2011 - 17:38

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Total Replies: 2

dead beat dads

am in the same boat my son is 19mo and has only seen his one wk last year he is also on ssi and dfs has close my case saying i dont get shit . it's sad that my son didnt even get a chirstmas gift from him at all . i do it all i have from day one i think its mess up ! it's his lost he a great kids and very smart and has a great stepdad that
wants to be there !!

I do not accept the same definition of Deadbeat Dads as is currently popular. I believe a father has responsibilities for his children. I also know that in many cases he father is treated like a check book with no rights to visitation or with visitation that is interfered with.

I think it is very sad that the courts will pursue the father to his deathbed for child support but on evidence that visitation is interfered with they turn a blind eye.

I believe that one of the reasons father's don't pay it is as an act of rebellion against an unfair system. If they are going to enforce one aspect of the parents obligations to his/her child then they should also address the obligations to not only allow but encourage the child to maintain a relationship with the absent parent.

I think it is tragic that the courts are not always in the mood to listen to what the father is saying. The message to him is a simple one: PAY UP.

And any arrearage in child support will never be erased, can't be disposed of in bankruptcy.

Once someone becomes seriously behind and see no way out they have and they aren't getting their rights recognized (or the child's rights to see both parents) then many times they feel hopeless and just give up which serves no one.

In the case where the mother was young and immature and foolish and had child she will also be given help financial and otherwise, perhaps training also to earn a degree or a skill. He/the absent parent will receive no help, he may be young and foolish and immature just as she was. If they are so interested in the father paying then they should offer the same benefits to him so that he can become productive.

Burying him in hopeless financial debt is no answer.


Submitted by Gretchen VonDerhoff on Mon, 01/17/2011 - 22:01

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