NFS National financial systems,inc
Date: Thu, 02/02/2006 - 08:46
NFS National financial systems,inc
Tania Welcome to the forums! Could you please share you sto
Welcome to the forums! Could you please share you story about this company. The more information you can provide, the more the consumers will know about this company.
nfs national financial systems,inc
my husband paid this account in full and he gave a check by mistake and they try to collect this check many times,my husband told them that he dont owne nothing to them and they put his check many times.i have proof.they never send a letter to us that we pay them in full and already i just received a letter from other debt collector here.this account is with citycorp visa and is in my name,but my husband paid because he uses and i dont have no more accounts with him,because he is mentally ill,lives in ssa disability and my job is onLY TAKE CAREof HIM.THIS IS A VERY OLD ACCOUNT of 90 and he pays it .He calls citi bank and told them he finish with this account and they send other debt collect after us, for 435.56 . the credit file may 28,1998 citibank visa 4128002143565583-5-91account closed by credit grantor.last activity in account5-95.i just look this credit file equifax of 1998 and said:previous payment visa 3 times 60 days late,12 times 90+days late.previous status;10/96-r5;08/96-r4.account closed by credit grantor.ventus send paper here for 435.56 and account number is247643 and i just received a letter from collectcorp with account 4128002143565583 for435.56.i just need to research more papers and i think is a very illegal transation here.i'm really ...and one time i told the man in the phone (martin)fromNFS NATIONAL FINANCIAL,INC THAT MY HUSBAND WAS BLIND AND MENTALLY ILL AND HE SAID:-"ARE YOU JOCKING tANIA?AND I ANSWER NOW;nO, I'M NOT JOCKING MARTIN AND I GO TO GET YOU AND ALL debt collectors THAT ARE DOING MONKEY BUSINESS WITH THE HELP OF MY GUARDIAN ANGELS OF debt consolidation CARE!
No one can legally force you to pay a past SOL debt. Tania, plea
No one can legally force you to pay a past SOL debt. Tania, please check your state laws regarding SOL.
nfs national financial systems,inc
MY husband gave nfs more than 1500 hundred dollars and close this account past day he call them and gave a check by mistake and they put this check so many times (2 months) and he was telling them was a mistake.after the mistake they create a new account for him of 435.56 .i feel sorry for my husband because he has fallen in the nest of the most terribles serpents and they want to eat him alive and eat all his disability check.thanks is not enough to thanks all people of debt consolidation care.i'm sure GOD blesses this forum .amen
citibank(south Dakota),NA
citibank-customer service center pobox6500 sioux falls,sd 57117 6500.
dear tania alvarez-january 30,2005-ACCOUNT NUMBER 41280022*********.we recently mailed a letter to you incorrctelly indicating that we have reported or may report negative about this account in the credit bureaus.this letter sent in error.we want to assure you that we are not reporting any information,negative or otherwise ,about this account to the credit bureaus.we apologise for any inconvinience or concern we may have caused.S.L,,,,, customer service federal regulationsthe statement printed on the reverse side.I'm sorry with excuse and i just want to say it"s not my fault.i want the big fish take the little fish to the court because seems until now everything is base in the law and little fish is only a little fish.
Account number edited for your personal safety - Vikas
CHECK 795 of 435,56-stop payment and check 795...
CHECK 795 AMOUNT of 435.56 date 6-01-05 stop payment action and check 795 deposit again june 3-2005 notice of insuffient?unavailable funds and waived for citibank and they NFS ,inc( NATIONAL financiaL servicE) DEPOSIT more times this check that was a mistake.if my husband gave a stop in this check how many days a stop payment is valid?is not his fault when bad people try to robber him .i only gave him the wrong telephone number by mistake and this mess was in my husband cheking account in citbank and believe me i can proof .this account was paid in full and this people needs to be stopped because they are not good people.2 gangs try to robber my husband in the same time and nobody get the money, ltd wrong number.operation unable to complete.SOS debt consolidation care guardian angels.
77OO SOUTHLAND BLVD,ORLANDO FL 1800-411 1332 and fax 1407-850 0042.
hicsville,ny 600w.john st PO BOX 9013 ny 11632 or hicksville ny 11802-9041 and telephones;1800-5682733,1516 9328828,1516-9321400.The paper they send me only has NY addresses and i live in miami florida.very stranger people.
national financial systems,inc and ltd 77074
CHECK 795 FOR 435,56 can not be found or trace no more. many people try to cash check 795 and get 435.56,but the owner of this check only gets 599 dollars a month in ssa check.national financial systems,inc tries to deposit this mistake check in my husband account many times and oooops!!!terrible mistake and them to all bad debt collectors,i have a warning:VENTUS capital services GO TO VENUS with account 2475643???!! for 435.56 AND COLLECTCORP GO to ask citicorp where is 435,56 is hidding?I'm sure citicorp and NFS dont deserve to be in business and because this they have to stick together.VENTUS CAPITAL SERVICES FAKE THE ACCOUNT NUMBER because....................
national financial systems .inc and citibank check 739
national financial systems ,inc and citibank doing monkey business.i just have all the papers here and im not blind.
check 739 was not authorized by my husband
this check 739 -date 5-12-05 of 150,00 stop payment request (letter).check 739-5-20-2005 insufficient funds returned and 30 dollars fee for my husband by citybank (LETTER).the check serial number was 739.the date 5-07-05. .the amount was 150,00 dollars.the payee was national financial.the reason was accordance of instrucions of 6-02 -05(it is a lie)i have a first letter here that said in accordance with the stop payment instructions you provided us with on 5-12-05,the following iten has been returned unpaid.i have to check all the checks of citibank .the check 795 of 456.35 6-01-2005 stop payment and check 799* after the check 795 in the statement for 225,00.i see check 795 and check 799*6-02 and i dont find for who you pay with the check 799*.my husband is telling all the time. some people are robbing him and many times i dont put attention,but after ltd,nfs and citybank and others bad PEOPLE i see my husband is right and this cannot continue and this forum has been my best friend because i know i m not more alone because this wonderful forum.i'm crying because my husband has been abused and he only gets 599,00 a month.he is a person blind and mentally ill.if my family dont help me with money our lives will be miserable.i dont know how this people can sleep and live every day with so many sins.i just dont understand.authorized transfer-6-01 ssa288,00 and authorized transfer6-03 social security 311,00 and check 795 of-6-01-05 and returned check for 435.56 and check 799 for 225,00 and i dont find the check799*.i dont know what to do.please help me debt consolidation and i think what all these people are doing a really illegal transaction here.
Hi Tania, Since there were some unintentional mistakes on you
Hi Tania,
Since there were some unintentional mistakes on your part too, I would suggest you to speak with them. Instead of sending correspondence, try to speak to some one with higher designation. Show all the evidences that you have. It will help you to explain your problem well. Best of luck.
national financial systems,Inc
national financial systems,inc with account of citibank was paid in full.if i make a mistake with a wrong number and tell nfs,inc the check dont belong to them(check 795 for 435.56 .why they insist to deposit this check many times?the other check 739 was eletronic and wasnt suppost to go for national financial for 150,00(ONLY LTD WAS RECEIVED 150,00 of this check,the last check they received (ltd 77074 )was 738 for 150,00 and the next 739 will be 150,00(May 2005) and just in my papers i found 739 in 5-07-05 for national financial and the problem with ltd was just in may and june.i need to ask my husband how he pays national financial systems,inc.i have a million papers here to search and i go to find enough evidence here ,im sure.i go to complaint to FTC,TOO,
pLEASE national financial systems INC and NCO ARE THE SAME COLLECTION AGENCY?
nfs national financial systems,inc-date- may 18-2005 amount due:435.56.detach here.please detach and returned with payment. from nfs 600w john st po box 941 hicksville or other places,many addresses or telephones numbers.did you believe they want payment for a check 795 of 435.56?
check 795
check 795 .the amount was 435.56.the date was 5-27-05.the payee was ltd financial and the reason was item disputed.this stop payment will remain in effect until 11-03-2005 and check 795 deposit again in 6-01-2005 for 435.56 and stop payment request in 6-01-05.check795 again returned,waived and the itens exceed your balance due -208.31 in my poor husband account..citibank offers several products and services that may help avoid this action in the future.
national financial systems,inc and a check 770 of 816.33
pay to the order of national systems 816.33to account ************ CITNW*********,CITIBANK,FSB- tel.***********.THIS NUMBERS I CAN give because this account is more than past sol and i have here in my hand the check 770 of 816,33.national financial systems was not suppost to deposit check 795 for 435.56 given by mistake and i go to search every paper and check i have here.
Account number deleted for your safety-Vikas
national financial systems ,citibank and check 769
check 769 of february 23,2005 and pay to the order of national financial systems 200,00 and no cents.citibank fsb miami,florida account and behind for DEPOSIT ONLY NATIONAL FINANCIAL SYSTEMS TRUST ACCOUNT #2 CITICORP AND 60 dollars check 762 in 2-09-05 of my husband and he tell me to put the finger in the line for HE write a really mess check .he dont see and i have to put his finger and pen in the line.he dont want i make checks for him and he puts above the number of this account.forget date and behind the check is the date 2-9-05 .for deposit only national financial systems cashier number 2 of this transation.
national financial systems ,inc 2003-2004 AND 2005
i never checked papers of my husband before and because debt consolidation care forum i have solve many problems and still solving others.i dont understand why my husband is paying this account of last activity in 1995 and was about less than 2200 i saw the last credit report yesterday and national financial systems send a letter in may 23-03 for 2877,04 and say:if payment is not made,collection efforts as well as interess will continue.use western union"low cost" quick collect for instructions and your payment of 150 dollars is due account with our client citicorp visa.january 30,2004 amount 2269,00.may 10-2004 is 2066, january still has 1511,89.before 2003.check679 em 12-03-03 200,oo dollars and he put the number of this visa and 4-03-03 150 dollars and my GOD ALL THIS PEOPLE WAS ROBBING MY HUSBAND SINCE 2003.I GO TO FIND EVERYTHING HERE.
last report of this visa may 28,1998
the total for this citibank visa was 2141,00 and i dont understand why this visa is overpaid in 9-07-03 my husband paid for this bank in apr.03-03 my husband pays 150 dollars to FA FINANCIAL CENTER CITIBANK AND 9-07-04 he gave a check of 50 dollars and put this number of confused.
national financial systems and citibank are together
national financial systems and citibank are husband paid both and i have found more than 3000 dollars in checks and deposits here with the number **************** since 2003.i have to search more other years because he told me he was paying this account.
NATIONAL FINANCIAL SYSTEMS,INC IS SENDING LETTERS since 2003.may 23,03 amount due:2,877,04 .your payment of 150,00 is due 5-29-03.FA FINANCIAL CENTER CITIBANK 025(530)BAYFRONT TRANSACTION YOU PAID 150 DOLLARS TO VISA ************5583 apr 03.03.tHE only one that send letters and call our house ( 2003- 2004-2005) was national systems,inc with the address : 600 john st po box 9046 hicksville 11801 and my husband was paying fa financial center citibank in citibank(fa financial center citibank 60,00 dollars to visa xxxxxxxxxx65583 date time feb 9,05 3:08PM).in the end of this transaction they appeared in this confusion face a face to us charging and take big money to citicorp visa(client) with the real or fictitious name :NATIONAL FINANCIAL SYSTEMS,INC.IT's my husband is blind and i was blind too until came to this forum.thanks to debt consolidation care members for open my eyes and now i see ,like say the bible and "is time for everything".
nfs,inc and is imperative that we received $1511.89
ACCOUNT *************5583(LAST ACTIVITY 1995). national financial systems,inc send a letter like this in 1-31-2005:"LET this letter server as your "final opportunity"to hold your account active without the necessity of recommending that our client (citicorp visa) pursue futher collection activity!!!
Account number edited for your personal safety - Vikas
national financial systems,inc and hackers
national financial systems,inc i just have proof that some citibank employees are hackers and make falses statements with the help of NATIONAL FINANCIAL SYSTEMS,inc that offers help to the hackers.
Tania, You should contact the Consumer Protection Office of y
You should contact the Consumer Protection Office of your state and explain the whole thing that happened with you and your husband. Best of luck.
national financial systems,inc
i send some papers for people of debt consolidation care, about some bad employees in citybank with the help of national financial systems,make a big identity theft against me and my husband.they make false statements in 2001 with account ***********65583 in my name . last report of this account was in equifax 1998.i go to send these papers to Equifax, can publish these papers,i really dont care and i want people knows i tell only the truth and is good to publish for save other innocent people from a identity theft like that.
national financial systems,inc report complaint
national financial systems,inc needs a report complaint amd i go to send copies of the statements of my husband with city bank,too.
national financial systems,inc and a controversial estory.
national financial systems and a controversial estory about a debt.check 795-6-01-2005 of 435,56 and check 799* of 6-02-05 of 225,00 dollars was paid to national financial systems and city bank knows because in the check activity of checks paid is 795 and 799*(indicates gap in check number sequence). regular checking of john doe is a mess.i just find out how they did and check 795 and check 799* was never send to us.the check was deposit of 435,56(check 795) but the deposit of social security of my husband was 288,00 dollars and they took the money because is minus - 208,31 and the other social security of my husband was 311,00 and they deposit check 799* of 225, 6-07 my husband make a deposit of 300,00 dollars to his account in citibank in 6-07-05 and he covers all the checks here.they took a little bit from here and after that national financial systems,inc send others debt collectors after us and citybank call here to charge my husband more and this abuse of extort(to obtain by force of threads)is a very illegal manner here.citybank and national financial systems didnt forgive any debt to us and is outrageous what i found in this papers here.
check 739 and check 739 PAID-NFS,INC AND CITIBANK
where is checks(2)739?i dont know and i want to ask if a check can be paid for two times,i cannot believe it.checking activity and checks paid:check 739 5-12-05 of 150,00 and check 739 5-18-2005 paid 150,00 dollars.i go to send this copies for debt consolidation care,see.the check was charged two times or i dont understand it.check 739 (2 ) ,check 795 and check 799*are missing too. checks we paid and are missing in action just like a movie,just like a cold case that is beginning to get very hot like a hell and many people bad are envolved.the check serial was 739 and the amount was 150,00 .the date was 5-07-05.the payee was national financial.the reason was "change".stop payment remains until accordance with your instructions of 6-02-05 at 10:32,we have placed a stop payment..............
national financial systems,inc
national financial systems,inc just knows about the identity theft in this account in the 3 credit bureaus equifax,experian and transUnion knows about the"identity theft in this account."YOU have the right to obtain information from a debt collector" and i believe that many people are envolved in stealing money here.
I HAVE A CHECK HERE FOR 332,48 IN 4-10 -92AND MANY CHECKS HERE OF 5-10-94 AND 7-10-94 OF 100,00 IN THIS ACCOUNT 6***3 of citibank and my husband pays with checks of chemical bank and i have many checks here from many banks that closed in miami that i didnt search yet. i go to search all the checks of my husband (he never put a check in the carbage and i go to show proofs that you national financial systems,inc cooperate to help to take money of a blind person with enough problems to fear all of you.i"m not accused all of debt collectors that works in NFS,INC,LTD 77074 OR CITYBANK.I ACCUSE SOME BAD PEOPLE THAT are bad debt collectors or bad employees that just think that people with debits dont deserve be treated with respect and since i found this forum of debt consolidation care i just change my manner of think about some people that only tell lies and abuse people good to liVED their lives in great style.
Account Information edited for your personal safety - Mike
for citiBank.NCO SYSTEMs is the ONe,onlY ONe
pARTneR OF banK X AmeRIca.BE AWARE MAYBE maybe
their names are changed because you are in the
twilight zone.twiLIGHT ZOne is a right name?
sorrY ABOUT my ENGLISH.THE banks dont need
thanks jedijeff13
i have to learned a lot with all of you .i really enjoy all the help and i dont go to write more like that xFDvnjTgfd.thanks jedijeff13 for be an authentic human being.the truth always be the truth
and this forum of debt consolidation care is always about the truth.
I was just having fun and trying to get a laugh. I never, ever m
I was just having fun and trying to get a laugh. I never, ever mean anything rude or demeaning about what I say - I want to laugh with you, never at you.
I always am amazed when I see people writing in the manner I did. I mean - who the heck came up with that?
Citi & National Financial Systems
I have received calls at work to the point where the person from National Financial Systems is using fowl language with my co workers that answer the phone and won't let them talk to me because I can't receive calls at work. I almost lost my job this week because of this. I finally got ahold of this collection agency today and the man I spoke with was very rude to me which doesn't suprise me because what he has done to the people at my job. I told him I could only pay $50 a month and he said that was un acceptable and then just sat quiet on the phone. I said well how much do I owe. He said I owed $980.89 and I would have to pay the past due of $294.28 and then $125 a month at the lowest until this account is paid off. I can't afford that. I told him not to call me at work. He said what is your work number. I said I can't remember because I didn't want to give it to him again. He said he can't remove it if he doesn't know what it is. That made no sense. I gave him a number to call if he needed to and told him I would have to see what I could work out. At that point he just hung up the phone on me. I'm so stressed out about this and it is causing a lot of problems at work and in my home life. I don't know what to do and can't handle the stress this person from the collection agency is putting me through.
This company called me again on July 28th and offered me a settl
This company called me again on July 28th and offered me a settlement of $588.00 I mailed the payment that evening. I didn't even think to overnight the money order. I have been so stressed out and crying non stop and at my wits end. They said it had to be to them by the last day of July. Again with all the stress I just sent it postal mail. They called again today and wanted to know when I was going to pay the $392 I told the guy I accepted a settlement. He transfered me to the guy I originally spoke with and he said To Bad! The settlement payment was received on August 1st and now you owe the remaining balance of $392. I don't have anymore money to send them. I can't even afford my medication that I need. Now they are wanting $98 a month until this is paid in full. Please Help Me Somebody! I can't deal with this and the collection people are so rude and I have done everything that I can. I tried my hardest and this is about to push me over the edge for good. Please respond somebody! Please!
I think i have been scammed by them too
I have been sending them money and debt collectors are still calling me! What should i do!!!
NFS has been calling me. The person I talked to yesterday was ve
NFS has been calling me. The person I talked to yesterday was very hateful and ugly to me. I was trying to explain that I don't owe any debts to anyone and that he must have the wrong number. He started yelling at me and even said he could hunt me down. I was trying to figure out if I am the victim of identity theft. He not only wasn't helpful, he was rude and ugly. Are these people allowed to yell and scream at people??