Rehabing a Student Loan
Date: Tue, 11/16/2010 - 12:00
Rehabing a Student Loan
I've tried to read just about all the posts regarding this topic and just to make sure I'm going about this correctly I wanted to recap but first let me tell you about my situation. I have an outstanding balance of about 40K with Texas Guranteed Student Loan and my wages are being garnished and they have been for about two years now. I would like to get out of garnishment so from what I've read I would have to contact TG and ask them about rehabing the loan and also for about 10 months I would have to pay over and above the garnishment amount (which is usually 1% of the balance). Is this all correct? Thank you :) are correct. Call them and get it set up. are correct. Call them and get it set up.
You are going the right way my friend. Do whatever you have list
You are going the right way my friend. Do whatever you have listed in your post. Get out of the debt as soon as possible. Best of luck!!!