Loans from University of Phoenix
Date: Fri, 09/24/2010 - 15:43
Loans from University of Phoenix
Has anyone ever dealt with University of Phoenix? I had a student loan with them that was discharged as bad debt even though I was making monthly payments to them. I almost had it paid off, only owe $200. I have been trying to work with them for a year to get it removed from my credit report before paying the remaining balance. I want someone that shows better than a paid charge off.... Any other suggestions on this!!!
You more than likely did not have a loan with University of Phoe
You more than likely did not have a loan with University of Phoenix...they are not a lender and do not give out loans. You probably had a Perkins loan which is a federal loan administed thru them or a tuition account. In either case, they are required by law to report correctly and factually. You defaulted..which is a charge off. If it is a Perkins, they are required to follow federal rules which means you will have to wait out the reporting SOL.