247 Greenstreet
Date: Fri, 09/03/2010 - 16:58
247 Greenstreet
They tried collecting on the date that it was due, but I had put a hard stop on our checking account preventing them from taking the money.
The next day a collection company called telling me that I had to now pay $414.60 by 9/10/10.
If I didn't then they would report me to the 3 credit bureaus and also do a wage assignment through my work. I just started this new job and don't want that to happen.
I'm willing to work with 247 Greenstreet but obviously they aren't willing to work with me.
what can I do?
They are illegal in your state. They are located at Malta. So, y
They are illegal in your state. They are located at Malta. So, you are only bound to pay the principal amount of the loan borrowed. They are using scare tactics to make you pay them. Moreover, wage assignment can easily be revoked by you.
CLICK HERE to find out how to deal with illegal lenders.
CLICK HERE to find out how to deal with illegal lenders.
24/7 GreenStreet -
GreenStreet will work with you to pay the money back. You had a scammer calling you. Please do not give out your information and call Greenstreet to confirm you are dealing with them.
Most of the people doing the scam sound as if they are from India and/or Iran. Foreign. They threated you with everything under the sound including jail time and court cost.
I live in Missouri and had gotten a loan on 12-24-10 then decide
I live in Missouri and had gotten a loan on 12-24-10 then decided I didn't want...when I called to cancel they said I would have to call back on Monday because of holiday and then it would be over the cancelation period and I would not be able to...On monday it was in acct but I could do nothing and on 300.00 I owed $362.94....So after several calls of getting transferred and cut off I gave up. It was due to be taken out of my acct on 1-7-11....It didn't happen. Then I checked on line the next day. All of a sudden I now owed $420.94 and to contact customer service. When i used online chat they told me to call customer service. They could not help me. I called customer service and was told when it went thru it was insufficient. I knew better I just got paid and money was there. They were just trying to find a way to get more money out of me. When I called they now told me they needed the acct number and my SS#...I refused to give it. I said you people got all that info I will not give it again!!!! And yes now I have some foreigner calling me everyday telling me to call 247 green street. I'm done. They didn't come thru on their part of debiting my acct when arranged and money was there. I don't have hours of playing their game of being transferred and cut off. If they could get money into the acct they should be able to take out. I am worried they will try wage assignment. What should I do?
They will try to use the wage assignment, but first, you really
They will try to use the wage assignment, but first, you really need to close that account, now that they have your account number you can count on every other illegal lender on the Internet has it too, and it's just a matter of time before they, and others start taking HUGE amounts out of your account. So, before you send them anything, close that account, it will never be safe again, [URL=http://www.debtconsolidationcare.com/paydayloan/illegal-pdl-dealings.html]CLICK HERE[/URL] to find out how to deal with illegal lenders.
Is 247Green Street a legal business in Washington DC, Virginia,
Is 247Green Street a legal business in Washington DC, Virginia, and or Maryland? These guys are creepy. They have used a lot of scare tactics w/me and I am paying them back their money but can only pay them what I have. Just wondering if they were legal in Virginia, DC, and or Maryland
I would venture to say they aren't licensed to lend anywhere in
I would venture to say they aren't licensed to lend anywhere in the US. For sure they aren't legal in Maryland or DC because payday loans are prohibited in both states.
No they won't
I've been a long time customer with them, and they will NOT work with you. They won't offer any kind of repayment plan other than paying the whole loan off, and most people myself included wouldn't have taken the loan if I could pay it back right away in full. So I just keep paying the interest and reloaning. I'm paying them $230 a month in interest. RIDUCULOUS!! I could pay that loan off in less than 2.5 months.
Like some of you, I would pay off my balance and reloan. When I discovered that ALL payday loans are illegal in the state of NC, I emailed the customer service department for 247 Greenstreet and told them that I would be willing to pay the principal balance only since they are in fact prohibited in the state of NC. I then added up the amount that I've paid thus far for previous loans with them which exceeded the amount I've gotten from them by approximately $520. I asked that they mark my account as paid in full and requested a refund for the overpayment which I doubt I'll ever see!
Before sending that email, I would get a phone call from someone by the name of Amanda from some company called ECare or something to that effect as well as emails from the same person.
Now when I log into my account on 247greenstreet's website, it says "I'm sorry, but unfortunately we can't lend to you today." I'm not sure if that means they've written my account off as paid in full or what but I've yet to receive any more emails or phone calls from them since sending that email.
heard anything from them???
just wondering if they ever contacted you again or tried some how to get their money?? I am going through the same thing with them :/
They did work with me
I had a situation recently during Hurricane Sandy. I called them and they connected me to the department that process and debit your account. The lady was very friendly and understanding. She worked with me, and everything worked out fine. Ask for the department that handles the ACH and processing of the loans.
24/7 greenstreet back at it
Looks like 247 GreenStreet has found new life yet again. As a former customer I got an email last week indicating they had found a new financial partner that was able to fund loans.
Like many other entities we've heard about they were unable to disburse funds for awhile as no banks would work them.
They're once again claiming to be affiliated with an indian tribe and have switched their corporate name from Northway Financial to Oasis Funds, LLC. The email also mentioned a connection to Canada as well.
Just passing on the info...Beware.