Name forged to consolidated student loan
Date: Fri, 07/30/2010 - 05:50
Name forged to consolidated student loan
You owe a loan....did you pay it off? Paying it? Maybe you jus
You owe a loan....did you pay it off? Paying it? Maybe you just dont remember consolidating it. Is the consolidated loan being paid on?
Too many unanswered questions.
Apparently the consolidated loan paid off the original loan that
Apparently the consolidated loan paid off the original loan that I was a student on. This consolidated loan where my name was forged to the document was being paid on and then went into default and is way past due.
Who was paying on it?? Maybe parents? You will have a hard tim
Who was paying on it?? Maybe parents? You will have a hard time with this one and fighting it is not likely going to get you anywhere. If proven fraud, it will charge back to the original lender who will declare you in default anyways.
How can I be held liable if I never had any knowledge of it, nev
How can I be held liable if I never had any knowledge of it, never signed for it, never negotiated the terms, etc. ? It is fraud.
Because you DID have knowledge of the original loan and you were
Because you DID have knowledge of the original loan and you were responsible for paying it off. Did you pay it?
When I contacted the creditor they told me the consolidated loan
When I contacted the creditor they told me the consolidated loan that my name was forged to was used to pay off the original loans.
How long ago did this consolidation take place? If you still ow
How long ago did this consolidation take place? If you still owed on your student loans, why didn't you question it when it was "miraculously" paid off? Did you have a co-signer on the loan(s)? Perhaps they consolidated them so they could make one payment? Did you possibly request a consolidation loan via the Web and didn't realize it went through?
The point is, if the consolidation loan was fraudulent, the money will be returned and the loan will simply revert back to your original lender and you'll still owe it.
In my experience, you consolidated and simply forgot. You would
In my experience, you consolidated and simply forgot. You wouldnt be the first and you wont be the last.
You CANNOT negotiate terms for student loans. They are set by the federal government. You probably ended up with a lower interest by consolidating.
Soaplady - that is not the case. I never signed for any consoli
Soaplady - that is not the case. I never signed for any consolidated loan. After seeking legal advice, I have a pathforward. Thank you for your responses.
I dont see the probably benefitted from the consolid
I dont see the probably benefitted from the consolidation. So now what will happen is your loan will go back to its original lender at more than likely a higher interest rate which will be recalculated. You will still be in default cause you didnt pay. Seems like a waste of time.