I just won against DLA and Midland Funding
Date: Thu, 07/29/2010 - 18:25
I just won against DLA and Midland Funding
[EMAIL="hgdameron@gmail.com"][/EMAIL]personal info removed for your safety - Jason
Congratulations Haley!!! I hope other members in this community
Congratulations Haley!!! I hope other members in this community will take heart from your success story. Why don't you write your success story in details and post it under 'Stories on winning from debt'. Waiting to see more posts from you.
Congrats Haley !! You can earn by sharing your experience with u
Congrats Haley !! You can earn by sharing your experience with us. But first you need to register here. :)
Midland Funding Case dismissed in California
The day I got served with a lawsuit I was at a loss for words. I had no idea who this was and why they were suing me. I immediately did a Google search and came across a forum where many people in my situation were talking about your website. It was obvious you knew what you were talking about, so I bought your guide ??? it was a lifesaver. I was guided every step of the way with all the legal paperwork and what steps I needed to take next. My case In California was dismissed. I would recommend your guide to anyone in similar circumstances - I really would have been lost without it. Thank you so much!
Midland Funding Case dismissed in Kentucky
With your book, I was able to have my case with a junk debtor dismissed. You are very knowledgeable, and I feel extremely lucky to have found you. I will refer you to anyone I know in the same situation!!!
Midland Funding Case dismissed in Oregon
I just want to express my sincere thanks for your help. I received a summons in Oregon from a debt collector, and had no clue what to do. I searched the web about the company suing me, and most luckily found your website popping up again and again. Your guide is amazing. every question I had was answered, and every step explained. My case was dismissed, and they collected nothing from me. You???ve paved the way for people like me, who don't know anything about the court system.
Midland Funding Case dismissed in Ohio
In the mail yesterday, I received a notification from the law firm that was suing me that they dismissed my case! Woohoo! I would NEVER have gotten a dismissal without your guide. Thank you so much for giving me the power to fight and win!!!
- -Noelle, OH
On a related note, does anyone besides me find it more than coincidental that all four of these posts came within two minutes of the last, but they are all from supposedly different people in different states, and they ALL advertised the same link to the same website? Dont be suckered out of your money, folks--the info that helps people beat these deadbeat debt collectors is available for FREE out there, and on places like this very forum. Do not pay for a book unless you can verify that the book contains info not available for free within easy reach!