My New Venture!
Date: Wed, 07/28/2010 - 09:36
My New Venture!
As some of you know I have been pursuing a new career that is a little more recession proof than my past one! After six months of studying, testing and getting a background check and waiting to get appointed by insurance companies I am finally a bonafide insurance broker! Here is my site! Yes that is really me! I am changing the image of the guy with the suit and briefcase to a virtual Florida laid back image! Who wants some suit sitting at their kitchen table at 8 at night with a notebook! It can all be done on the phone and shared mouse! Check it out!
Congratulations FFL!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!! I check
Congratulations FFL!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!! I checked it out it!!! You deserve nothing but awesomeness and I hope this venture is ultra successful!!!!!!!!!
Thank you! It means a lot coming from both of you! I really appr
Thank you! It means a lot coming from both of you! I really appreciate it! I am so out of my element doing this but they say you have to step out of the boat!
We all wish for a successful one. Best of luck Froggy !!
We all wish for a successful one. Best of luck Froggy !!