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Wage Garnishment

Date: Tue, 07/27/2010 - 10:59

Submitted by anonymous
on Tue, 07/27/2010 - 10:59

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 4

Wage Garnishment

The student loan people intercepted my income tax refund in the amount of $4027.00 Now they are garnishing my check for approximately $67.00 a month. I have just started my current job in January of this year. I kept an open communication with my loan department letting them know what was going on and they still took my refund and now are garnishing my wages. I currently make $12.50 an hour, raise two children on my own and I do not recieve assistance from any other entity. I am getting ready to dispute the garnishment but can I also dispute them taking my refund check? Please help. My children and I have already been evicted as the $67.00 garnishment is taken out weekly. I can no longer afford to pay child care. If I cant pay child care I cant work. If I cant work my family and I can not survive. Some one PLEASE HELP! I'm ABOUT READY TO JUMP OFF THE NEAREST bridge. This is a sad day in time when our economy is doing so horribly and people still pick on the already poor. I could understand if I had never attempted to pay but as long as I was working I made the required payements. I dont understand why this is happening to me and my family.

You are in defaulted of a government loan....they have every right to take your tax return. Change your withholding so there is not as much to take.

As for the garnishment, you were sent a 30 day notice prior to the garnishment to appeal. If you did not respond, garnishment happens is the result. Staying in touch with the lender will not stop anything from happening. You can appeal now, but it will take time since you did not respond in a timely manner. Starting your job in january means nothing unless you were involuntarily seperated from your last job.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Wed, 07/28/2010 - 06:03

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