When does Statute of Limitations start?
Date: Tue, 06/29/2010 - 16:04
When does Statute of Limitations start?
Question for you guys;
I know in my state, WA, it's 3 years for cc, but does that start from the date of the last payment I made? The first date it's delinquent? The date it got charged off? I'm still a little unclear, thanks in advance for your help.
I know in my state, WA, it's 3 years for cc, but does that start from the date of the last payment I made? The first date it's delinquent? The date it got charged off? I'm still a little unclear, thanks in advance for your help.
Statutes of limitation start as of the date you miss the first p
Statutes of limitation start as of the date you miss the first payment.
If you were residing in a state and incurred the debt in that st
If you were residing in a state and incurred the debt in that state and subsequently moved to another state -- which statute of limitations would apply? I'm looking at credit card debt with 3 year SOL in Louisiana and a 4 year SOL in Texas where I now reside.
[LIST=1] It you are now a permanent texas resident, any legal ac