Student Loan default
Date: Wed, 06/23/2010 - 10:16
Student Loan default
What is the best way to handle a stundent load, that is now in default. I'm the cosigner. how can we resolve the judgment/
If there's a judgment on the loan, you will have to pay the judg
If there's a judgment on the loan, you will have to pay the judgment amount. If you think that it won't be possible for you to pay the judgment amount, you can try to settle the outstanding judgment amount. However, you won't be able to remove the judgment from your credit report. It will stay there for 7 years from the date of entry on the credit report. The account will only be reported as "Paid judgment". As a cosigner you can be held liable to pay off the debt.
Judgements stay on your credit for 10 years, not 7.
Judgements stay on your credit for 10 years, not 7.