Forum Problems
Date: Sat, 06/19/2010 - 06:28
Forum Problems
I am experiencing forum problems again, my replies are above the questions, see the screen shot. Also, the posts are showing up again in the search function. Hitting F5 doesn't seem to work for me either.

New posts are showing up, even if you refresh the page over and
New posts are showing up, even if you refresh the page over and over and over. Pressing F5 isn't effective this time. This is the only website I am experiencing problems with.
It seem the link boxes are shoved over or the screen is narrowed
It seem the link boxes are shoved over or the screen is narrowed also! It looks OK now! But not on your post!
We had some technical problem with server timings. However it ha
We had some technical problem with server timings. However it has been sorted out.