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OVLG Attorney

Date: Fri, 05/14/2010 - 09:22

Submitted by goldenbast
on Fri, 05/14/2010 - 09:22

Posts: 2884 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 27

OVLG Attorney

What is up with this guy? I just can't understand this poster..sometimes he seems helpful, other times he gives out the worst advice! Recently I have started to wonder if he is even a real lawyer...

I have wondered that also, I have disputed his word a couple of times, he did apologize though. I'm not understanding where all these new members are coming from, they seem to have come of of nowhere and they are providing terrible advice, I have complained about many of them but they still remain here, so.

As Paul pointed out, a lot of these new members who are giving inaccurate advice have first and last names, very odd if you ask me!


Submitted by Shazzers on Fri, 05/14/2010 - 09:33

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

I posted the same thing before! Stephen and Stephanie were following each other with almost identical posts! They both PMd me because I questioned it! Stephanie got banned but Stephen is still with us! Very strange! I agree with the poster regarding OLVG Attorney! My attorney would have no time to spend here!


Submitted by Frogpatch on Fri, 05/14/2010 - 14:37

( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

I'd be annoyed....who does he think he is to go and give YOU a lecture? YOU help people, give them real, honest, helpful advice. HE doesn't even come close...can you forward the message...I admit to a morbid curiosity!

Also...see Joe Smith? Looks like he joined at the end of last year, but all his posts to date have been just yesterday....strange.


Submitted by goldenbast on Tue, 05/18/2010 - 14:19

( Posts: 2884 | Credits: )

yeah he gave totally wrong information...its a bond they have to have...the codes don't actually mention having to have a license. I already am suspicious of this guy and it made me mad he rebuked Shaz.

There are still more and more of these two first name people showing up.....very, very suspicious.


Submitted by goldenbast on Tue, 05/18/2010 - 15:19

( Posts: 2884 | Credits: )

In the thread below I kinda told him to knock it off lol, he then sent me a PM in response to it:

Sub: Re: Payday loan mess!
Originally Posted by OVLG Attorney
And advising them to break the law is help?

My response is below:
What are you talking about? Your advice simply generalizes on the situation, this poster needed specific information. No one is breaking any freakin laws.


Submitted by Shazzers on Tue, 05/18/2010 - 15:31

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

This is the whole conversation. lol

Originally Posted by OVLG Attorney
Originally Posted by Shazzers
Originally Posted by OVLG Attorney
And advising them to break the law is help?
What are you talking about? Your advice simply generalizes on the situation, this poster needed specific information. No one is breaking any freakin laws.

OVLG Attorney
It is illegal to purposely breach a contract. It may not be a criminal offense but it is a civil one under every state's Uniform Commercial Code. Even if the payday loans are illegal, the OP still owes the principal. I apologize if you think I did not give the advice the OP needed, but generalized information is all I'm allowed to give without being licensed in Maryland to give legal advice.
I just don't think scaring these members to death with unneccesary information is going to help them. I have always advocated paying back the principal amount borrowed, ALWAYS. When I give them a link on how to deal with unlicensed lenders it outlines that message quite clearly. I am not here to argue with you, but I think you should be careful about the replies you are giving, and do your research first. A contract with an unlicensed lender wouldn't hold up in a court of law, and as an attorney you SHOULD know this. Do you really think there is any court in the country that uphold a contract made by an unlicensed lender who is basically, scamming the consumer??!! I don't. But that doesn't mean I don't advocate paying back the principal amount they borrowed.
OVLG Attorney
And I never said that a contract with an unlicensed lender would hold up in court, and if you read some of my other posts you'll see that. I do research my answers, and I don't expect that I'm right 100% of the time. All I do is give my opinion.
But I have seen numerous posts from others, including other moderators, who do advocate people stopping payments, enough that I feel it's important for posters to know the consequences of their acts and don't mean to scare them, just inform them. I don't want to argue either, I've had enough of that with Soaplady and her anti-lawyer rants. So I'll end this pointless conversation.


Submitted by Shazzers on Tue, 05/18/2010 - 15:37

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

He doesn't know what the heck he is talking about! First he DID plainly state that it is breaking the law to break a contract..then he backpedals and tries to say that he never said it would hold up in a court of law??? By saying it is a civil matter implies it would hold up in a court of law.....I honestly don't think this guy is a lawyer....heck, I am just starting school and I know more about the laws then he does!


Submitted by goldenbast on Tue, 05/18/2010 - 15:43

( Posts: 2884 | Credits: )