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FFG & amp; Associates - Are consumers grieving against the CA?

Submitted by Marcia Sheats on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 06:34
Posts: 14

I received a message on my cell and at work from a Joseph stating he was trying to contact me about a check that I wrote and needed to verify some information with me for security purposes. I am not sure how to respond to this because I have not had a checking account in over a year. He sounds american and the caller id is from somewhat local area(about 1 1/2 hours away) with a call back #866-443-6985. I thought I would investigate a little before calling back since I have been having serious issues with scammers out of india harrassing me at work and on my cell and I am having troubles getting them to stop. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

FFG has been calling our house because someone has listed our home as a contact number. We've told the company this person doesn't live in our house and we have spoken with that individual in a decade. But they harass us with the same questions daily- which is illegal under the FDCPA guidelines. If they continue to call, I plan to ask them that I don't associate with agencies that engage in criminal behavior. Then I'll demand their address, so I can send a cease and desist order.

Anonymous Kid- I suggest you put them on the defensive, make them prove you owe the money. I plan to make them prove they have the right to contact me.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/16/2010 - 20:00

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FFG and their little assortment of stripper named associates are operating illegally. They know this, I know this. They have "verified my employment and income" about a dozen times (Okay), and turned me over for legal action more times than I can count, because they "can't let this sit in the office forever". Same song and dance over and over and over again. They're full of crap. I have invited them to sue me, PLEASE sue me, but to no avail. The only thing they can do is call and call, which in itself violates FDCPA along with the numerous other tactics they try to use. I really love their use of "local" cell phone numbers to call, and really, you think that someone who listens to Joseph's recording time and time again believes that crap? Funny how Joseph's nasally voice was replaced with a robo voice, about a check I wrote. I don't write checks, I prefer cash and online payments thank you. Not many checks being used these days I don't believe, so you may want to rethink your ploy a bit FFG. At last, I am a patient man. Unlike FFG, I'm not blowing smoke when I say I HAVE taken legal action, and I will have the last word with these clowns. So, not only am I thumbing through the cash YOU think I owe you, I'm going to be thumbing through a bit more of yours soon enough. Happy collecting!

Submitted by on Sat, 11/20/2010 - 08:09

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Just a quick followup to my previous post. I received a letter yesterday from Neveda State Financial Division. They have given FFG 10 days to provide a validation of debt signed by the manager that must be notarized. If the information is not provided, they are subject to disciplinary action pursuant to NRS 649.395. I'm guessing is a law in Nevada.

They must not have received the notice, I got 7 calls at work yesterday and 2 on my cell.:-x

Submitted by blujeans on Tue, 11/23/2010 - 12:39


( Posts: 31 | Credits: )

Important info on ffg...
Public document...
Bbb oh ffg...
Unauthorized debits from your bank account and overcharging...
Go to and read it yourself...
Be very careful when dealing with these low lifes ffg,they will wipe out your bank account illegally...

Submitted by on Fri, 11/26/2010 - 11:04

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Must be a scam,

keep getting calls about a check I wrote. Never even owned a check book LOL
If I ever get a hold of them I will sue them for reimbursement for all the phone calls and voice mails.
I tried calling them back, actually got some none computer voice on for a second and than got dumped before I could even ask for Joseph.

Now the best part. Only 4 people (friends) have my number and guess what.... It is on the DO NOT CALL REGISTRY since about 6 months.

Makes me wonder where they get the phone numbers in the first place.

Submitted by on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 14:57

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maybe all you DEBTORS should just pay your bill .#justsaying then you wouldnt have anyone calling you.

Submitted by on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 16:20

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I am getting these same calls, at home and at work. It has gotten so bad I had our home telephone number changed and unavailable but they got it somehow. I do have a cash loan to pay back to a company, but this is ridiculous. The loan amount was $250.00 and they want 500.00. Most of these calls are coming from Joseph or Martha. I have nothing in writing from this company. What should I do?

Submitted by on Wed, 12/01/2010 - 09:32

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Before you call someone a liberal make sure you have all the imformation correct. What you do not know is this company was set up by a foreign individual and they call numbers at random and threaten legal action if money is not paid back. They are very threatening on the phone and try to scare their victims into settling what the victim perceives as a debt owed to FFG. They even try to get you to settle for less than what they tell you is owed just as long as you send money. They may even have part of your bank account number but not all of it. When you contact them they will try to extract the numbers they do not have and the real trouble begins. I know what these people are because it is nice to have a relative that is in the FBI. I have been called on 2 separate occassions by these people in the past year and I still have no outstanding checks nor loans that could have been in question. I contacted my relative and after an investigation was started and is still going on I have been told that foreigners have been duping American citizens out of millions of dollars with these types of scams. I am telling everyone to beware of these people. Now maybe if you have common decensy you will apologize for your comments to whom you perceive as a bleeding heart liberal.

Submitted by on Fri, 12/03/2010 - 18:44

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Before you call someone a liberal make sure you have all the imformation correct. What you do not know is this company was set up by a foreign individual and they call numbers at random and threaten legal action if money is not paid back. They are very threatening on the phone and try to scare their victims into settling what the victim perceives as a debt owed to FFG. They even try to get you to settle for less than what they tell you is owed just as long as you send money. They may even have part of your bank account number but not all of it. When you contact them they will try to extract the numbers they do not have and the real trouble begins. I know what these people are because it is nice to have a relative that is in the FBI. I have been called on 2 separate occassions by these people in the past year and I still have no outstanding checks nor loans that could have been in question. I contacted my relative and after an investigation was started and is still going on I have been told that foreigners have been duping American citizens out of millions of dollars with these types of scams. I am telling everyone to beware of these people. Now maybe if you have common decensy you will apologize for your comments to whom you perceive as a bleeding heart liberal.

That was quite a speech but who are you directing it at?

Submitted by Shazzers on Fri, 12/03/2010 - 20:45


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Just got a call from Joseph at FFG & ASSociates saying he needed to verify some info on a check I wrote, just for securety reasons mind you. Problem is, Joseph, I DON"T WRITE CHECKS!!!!! How stupid do they think people are? The number he left was 877-683-5490. Probably cost you $10 a minute to call it too.

Submitted by on Thu, 12/16/2010 - 11:44

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I also got the same phone call stating that I owe money. I did get a loan for $200 and their trying to tell me that I owe $457.00 that's some BS for real and to be honest they isn't getting a penny from me. I cancelled out my bank accounts and visa cards and sent their calls straight to my PocoMail cause I don't got time for that. They sent me an email saying if I fail to pay them they will be authorized to file a lawsuit against me. They can go right ahead. By the way those of you who wanted their information I have it. They claim that they are represented by ROVO & ASSOCIATES 9980 W. Flamingo Road Las Vegas, NV 89147 Phone:702-586-4444 Fax:702-463-8752 but FFG contacted me from 1-877-683-5490 and 414-255-2966. These are some big time scam artists

Submitted by on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 05:36

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A man called my 86 yr.old aunt about two weeks ago and got very ugly and threating and yelling and cussing at her, saying that they know that I live out there and she has to get a hold of me asap because they will be out there in two hours to serve a warrant for my arrest. My aunt has a heart condition, therefor she spent two days afterthat in the hospital for a heart attack. I had paid all but 120 of the 700 dollar loan and everytime i talk to them the price goes up another 200 dollars. So i have talked to these people but I am not going to tolerate this crap. All they gave my aunt is another phone number and a file number. It is 888-353-2551 i cant seem to find out who the phone no.belongs to. Can someone clue me in....I pay my bills, but due to layoffs and no work in my area things are getting paid slowly. Any help is appreciated......

Submitted by on Mon, 12/27/2010 - 07:57

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"Hello (Insert Your Name Here).... This is Whitney from FFG & Associates calling about a civil matter in (Insert your County here). You need to call me back because you're going to need to make some decisions in the next couple of days."

Witney failed to leave a call back number and that's what prompted me to look up the company. Epic fail on her part. She sounded legitimate when I listened the first time, but the second time I was sure it was bad acting. I can see how this would scare people. It sounded like they were going after my house.

Besides the scare tactic, what is THIS about???

Submitted by on Fri, 01/07/2011 - 14:39

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Anytime they call you and say it is for a check, it is because of a payday loan that YOU took out, and never paid for. When you agree to a payday loan, YOU agree (by signing the agreement) to pay the enormous amount of fees they charge. When YOU don't repay it, it accumulates MORE fees. This would be why the amount increases. Doesn't anyone ever read what they sign? YOU also agree in your agreement that you allow them to sell the debt. FGG purchases this debt and attempts to collect on it. I can't say if FGG is a scam or not, or if they operated without a license, however if you owe the debt, pay it. Make someone else you owe wait for their money. Why are you willing to take a chance on getting garnished for the priveledge of trying to be right? If you owe the debt, they will get their money sometime. Doesn't anyone understand that? If you buy a TV, can you really expect to not pay for it, keep the TV and actually never have to pay? What is wrong with people? Everyone pisses and moans that the economy is shit, but no one is willing to pay for what they purchase. Stop trying to keep up with the Jones's. Only buy what you can afford. And pay off what you purchased!

Submitted by on Fri, 01/07/2011 - 18:17

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(I posted this in another forum and have posted updates since. I figured I should spread this around as it's a huge concern for many people like me. Here is the link to the other forum

On Oct. 12, 2010, I attempted to take out a $200 payday loan from Check-N-Go. I had use them before with no issues and tried to use them again. Once my status for approval of the loan was pending, I just waited for the usual phone call I got from them telling me to go back online and electronically sign to the terms fo the loan. Next day, I got a call from a place called CMG Group trying to tell me that they could do the loan for me of $200 and it would be $260 with interest and it needed to be paid back in 2 weeks. I knew I couldn't do this, as Check-N-Go gave me a month to pay back a loan so I said NO. End of call.

A few hours later I got a call from Check-N-Go saying I was approved too and that all they needed was a voided check to move forward. I told them I didn't even have a checkbook and when they said that it was their "new policy" and there wasn't anything they could do, I said NO. End of call.

According to my bank account, on Oct 14, $200 dollars was deposited WITHOUT MY CONSENT or knowledge at all by CMG Group LLC. NOWHERE did I electronically sign or give authorization to have this done. I also DID NOT consent to my personal account information being given out to ANYONE other than Check-N-Go. Anyway, 2 weeks later, on my next payday, $60 was withdrawn by CMG Group LLC so I called them asking what was going on. I spoke to a Kim, who was "managing the account". Once I got the skinny, I told her that I NEVER approved of this and asked why it happened. After not getting a solid answer for anything I was asking, I told her that I would give her back the $140 for the principle loan , as they had already withdrawn $60 all by themselves. She asked that I send over a bank statement showing that I hadn't used the funds, that I had money in my account to pay it back. After I faxed that over, I never heard back from them again. 2 weeks later, $60 was withdrawn again.

So, I went online and began reading these posts about CMG Group, FFG, RoVo & Associates, and other scammers that dick people out of money by withdrawing excessive amounts past the loan amount AND interest at their own discretion. Not wanting this to be done to be, and after reading what others had done, I closed out my account.

Last Thursday, Dec 9th, I got a call from Matthew Glunt from some legal place (couldn't understand him) stating he was calling on behalf of CMG Group and trying to collect a debt of $458 due to an unpaid payday loan. I argued with this guy for at least 20 minutes. He then began to deal with me, saying that he would drop the NSF fees and what I owed down to $308. I told him I wouldn't pay it and would seek legal counsel. When I asked him to prove to me where I agreed to receive the loan in the first place, he said they sent me an e-mail, saying that "if I didn't respond, this would become a legal and binding contract". I dug though over 13,000 emails in my inbox AND spam and found NOTHING from CMG Group.. not even in the body of the messages. He said he would send me the letter from the legal office saying they would pursue the debt. When I told him to both e-mail and send me a copy via USPS, he couldn't verify my apartment number to where I live. I find it ironic that they had all this information about me, even if they did get it from Check-N-Go somehow, but never obtained my apartment number (which, I'm sure, is in Check-N-Go's system)

Now I sit with these comstant phone calls on my call log from 2 numbers. 469-656-3485 and 866-945-8627. The 469 number has the automated "Joseph" guy calling about "a check I wrote." Funny. I've NEVER written a check in my life. I have received my letter from RoVo and am debating what to do with it. I have received one call at my place of work, which irritates me to no end, by a "Miss Hogan" from RoVo & Associates, trying to resolve the debt of $458 before they "move forward with verification of my SSN in the state of Texas." When I told her that I spoke to someone previously and I would go to court to resolve it, she proceeded to end the covnersation with "Have a great day." I added that I would be responding to the letter that her firm had sent me to dispute the account. She said "Ok." and hung up. How professional of a legal firm to simply hang up.

As of now, my decision is not to pay them a dime. I had, at one point, told Matthew Glunt that I would give them the $80 for the remainder of the principle of the loan that they deposited without my approval. That just wasn't enough.

I am doing more research on these companies. I'm looking to see if CMG is licensed to loan in the state of Texas. If they are not, the entire transaction was both illegal and fraudulent. I'm doing more research on RoVo & Associates to see exactly who they represent. And so on...

If ANYONE out there has any advice or suggestions, I'd be more than happy to hear them.



Submitted by on Wed, 01/12/2011 - 16:00

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I too am getting these threatening phone calls from 'joseph'. I didn't believe it because I've NEVER written a check before. They have gone so far as to call my employer several times (how embarrassing).my question is were are they even getting my info from? I have no debts and never filled out a loan app.

Submitted by on Mon, 01/17/2011 - 18:53

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If you search on CMG Group, you will find many similar complaints of unauthorized deposits for loans never agreed to, followed by equally unauthorized withdrawals, supposedly for only "interest and fees", so they never stop. The only way to stop them, apparently, is to close your account, after which you start getting threatening calls from debt collectors like FFG.

For a look at how this type of scam is run, see here:

Submitted by on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 01:49

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Where is there valid proof that they are not licensed to lend in TX? Because if I can obtain that, I can nail them to the wall for fraudulantly entering my bank account and withdrawing money like they did. The account is closed, as per my last post, but I continue to get random automated calls from a more professional sounding "Joseph from FFG".

I am annoyed and I'm ready to fight this head on.


Submitted by on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 21:54

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ive been harressed by ffg and associates for some weeks now.. i calle the bbb and they have a rating of an f.. thanks for everybody who has replied to this forum. it really helps out alot. these ppl are scammers and they will get u if u let em.. and everything that everyone is saying, is exactly what they said to me.. thanks everybody... i am definitly filing a complaint

Submitted by on Mon, 01/31/2011 - 15:13

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I JUST got a call from someone who didn't say he was with any firm or CMG, but was calling for CMG to collect my loan amount (please see long post on page 36). He asked if I was going to take care of it today, and when I told him I would go to court for it, he tried to tell me that it would cost more than the settlement. He asked why I could go to court and I told him that CMG wasn't licensed to lend in Texas. He has the AUDACITY to ask "then why did you take the loan?"

What kind of f***ing idiot asks that question!? He KNEW that it's an illegal transaction! Then he went on about "did you pay it back?" and "why did you use the money?"

I told him about how the money was put into my account WITHOUT my consent and when I made the initial attempt to give it back, the lady from FFG never contacted me back and the money began to be withdrawn, again without my consent, from my bank account. I told him I closed it out and started getting harassing calls.

He said he would note it.

End of conversation.


Submitted by on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 14:14

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Hello, friends. I hope you guys can help me.

My family received a call from a lady that represented Frontier Financial Group of New York, and threatened that I could be taken to court. I gave her a call back not knowing that FFG purchased my debt (started with Wells Fargo, and then to 2 other groups before it was given to FFG). At first, I did the "protocol" on how to handle collection agencies and she told me to not mistaken her for a collector. She was going to serve me but just wanted to hear my side of things.

Long story short, I screwed up. I mismanaged my credit and took advantage of the system. Heck no, am I going to pay the amount but I'm willing to settle. At first she said no but later said she can think about it, but it will have to be $xxxx, which is about 2/3 of the overall amount. Some people are saying they are not legit, but it sounds like they rightfully own my debt. These lawsuit threats are worrying me and honestly I just want to settle and move on.

Any advice? Should I just make my offer tomorrow and then ask her to send it to me in writing? I did let her know that regardless of what she told me I'm going to do what's best for me and settle each account one at a time (I have multiple). The other accounts have already offered me settlements of about 20% which I'm ready to take.

Thanks for listening,

Submitted by helloall on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 14:42


( Posts: 15 | Credits: )

DO NOT do anything unless you have positive proof that they own the debt and its within SOL. Immediately send them a DV letter(look on this site for a template and fit it to your situation). Make 100% sure they are legally able to collect the debt, most are scammers. Just the fact they started off with threats of court says ALOT!! That they are in fact scammers. You are by federal law to receive from ANY debt collector a dunning letter WITHIN 5 days of initial contact. DO NOT make any promises to pay WITHOUT DVing them first!!! Her saying "do not mistake her for a debt collector" alone says shes a scammer, that is EXACTLY what she is, A DEBT COLLECTOR-and probably an illegal one. DO a DV letter first and ask them also in the letter to restrict all correspondence to USPS only as phone calls to you(even if you dont have or use it) incur a cost on your cell service. I can call you and say I belong to such and such group and you own me $2000 and ask how are you going to pay it. DO NOT fall for the scammers out there now a days. Please for your sake SEND a DV letter CMRRR!

Submitted by on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 15:02

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Wow, you're very passionate about this. Is it silly for me to want to pay this debt though (through settlement at ~20%). I do feel obligated to make things right. However, I rung my original creditor (xxxx Bank) who forwarded me to one CA, who told me they sold my debt to blah lbah, who then took me to FFG. I confirmed that my debt is with FFG in that manner. Is that enough? or should I send them a DV letter. Also, people said FFG is in Nevada. The address she gave me is in NY.

Thank you so much me7715. Guess there's a reason why she said, "if you want to pay for it it needs to be done within 24 hours," before I send the blah blah blah something about taking me to court. She also wanted me to put this debt onto a family member's line of credit so I can then start paying for it monthly again. I said no, I'm going to use my money settle my other accounts. I hope I didn't say anything stupid but again, thanks for the help. If you don't mind, please keep in touch. I'm a young adult and just trying to make things right with my life.

Submitted by helloall on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 15:14


( Posts: 15 | Credits: )

From what I'm gathering, FFG comes from several places apparently and has several aliases.

"Contact FTC, Texas Attorney General, Nevada Division of Financial Institutions, and FBI to report. You might also contact the California Department of Corporations to see if they are getting any similar complaints, since they stopped a similar scheme from operating into California a couple years ago.

Do not just file an on-line complaint, call them directly as well. Be sure to make clear that there are many similar complaints against CMG Group, and that they have been running this scam for years."

That's what someone posted in response to my last post on both this site and another.

My intention now is to send a Cease and Desist letter.

Oh, and as far as serving me papers, it's a joke. The first person I talked to over the phone couldn't even verify my apartment number. They could only verify the complex. Real sketchy to me..


Submitted by on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 15:41

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Helloall, no its not silly at all to want to pay a debt. You just should know a few things if you do. Is this account on your credit report? If not, making any kind of payments will restart the clock and it more than likely be put back on your credit report for another 7.6 years which will bring down your credit score. Also, settling for less than owed can come back at you later to bite you again, 99% of JDB's(junk debt buyers) will sell off the remaining balance to another JDB and it starts all over again. If you choose to pay it make sure they are legal in your state to begin with and they legally own the account and BEFORE making ANY payments have something in writing from them stating that this account will be "Settled in Full" with such and such payments. They will claim that they cant send it until after you pay, and thats another red flag, if they cant send the stipulation in writing before then odds are you will hear from another JDB down the road and really get scammed then. Them saying it "needs to be paid in 24 hours" says ALOT about them. That they either do not own the account and they are scammers and are phishing for money. Its always good to pay debts, just not to scammers and companies that will lie, cheat and steal your money. Always send a DV letter to anyone that claims you owe money. Its just to make sure your not being scammed and they are legal, and there are ALOT of companies out there with this economy that are just ripping people off left and right. Anyone who starts off with threats of court is usually a bottom feeder that has no leg to stand on legally. Also, if the account has been passed around that many times odds are they do not have the documentation to legally collect. Anymore questions just ask

Submitted by on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 15:55

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"Is this account on your credit report?"

On 9/30/10, "Wells Fargo Card Company" reported to TransUnion with a "charged off as bad debt' status. They've actually reported this the end of every month for the previous few months before that. I see nothing from any of the companies that were associated with my debt. In this instance, i see nothing on my credit report from "Frontier Financial Services."

If you choose to pay it make sure they are legal in your state to begin with and they legally own the account and BEFORE making ANY payments have something in writing from them stating that this account will be "Settled in Full" with such and such payments.

How would I check if they are legally able to collect money from me in Texas? In regards to checking if they legally own my account, is that the DV letter you're referring to? What is the best way to ask them for their address so I can certify mail them my letter? What if they ask me for my telephone number (I called her after she left her number with my brother. I don't live there anymore but I want them to stop calling my family and worrying them with a 'lawsuit') and my address?

Them saying it "needs to be paid in 24 hours" says ALOT about them. That they either do not own the account and they are scammers and are phishing for money. Its always good to pay debts, just not to scammers and companies that will lie, cheat and steal your money.

I have started with the original creditor, a national bank, and then traced it to Frontier Financial Group. However, that's not to say if she's really a representative of FFG. I'm guessing I should send her that DV letter immediately huh? Again, what's the best way to tell her I'm going to send her this letter. Having spoke with her, I have a feeling she's going to tell me that she's "not a debt collector and that protocol won't work."

Also, if the account has been passed around that many times odds are they do not have the documentation to legally collect. Anymore questions just ask .

The reason why I wanted to pay it off is because mentally and emotionally I can't stand the idea that I owe these people and just want to get rid of them. It sounds like you're telling me though that my debt may have been forgotten and there are companies out there that will try to scam me (junk debt buyers)? In this case, how many years will I have to wait before this debt can no longer legally hurt me? And what can I do to start working on my credit score? It's currently a 527 (ugh, just 2 years ago, it was above 650). Again, thank you for your help. I promise I'll return the favor somehow.

Submitted by helloall on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 16:17


( Posts: 15 | Credits: )

"Actually, nothing can put this back on your credit report after the 7.5 reporting peiod has expired."

Is that also what Statute of Limitations mean? They only have a certain amount of time to collect from me? After that time period is over, am I free of that debt? I'm so sorry, you guys, for all these questions.

Submitted by helloall on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 16:31


( Posts: 15 | Credits: )

Hm... I looked up Redline Recovery and they are active. They were the group that has been sending me settlement papers and whom "Another Bank" has passed my account to. Thanks for the useful tip! Looks like FFG is NOT legally able to collect in TX. If anyone can verify my statement, I would greatly appreciate it.

- Ha

Submitted by helloall on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 16:44


( Posts: 15 | Credits: )

From what I have looked up, no they are not licensed in Texas. First step is always send a DV letter, on the templates on this site, there are FDCPA laws they need to follow and one is asking if they are licensed to collect in your state. Send the letter and seeing that it looks like they are not licensed you will probably not hear back from them. Make sure you send it CMRRR, that way you get the green card back. Also, in Texas they have 30 days to respond to your DV or they must cease all Collections. Texas is the best state for consumer laws!

Submitted by on Fri, 02/04/2011 - 08:18

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i've gotten a couple of calls from FFG saying they're calling on behalf of some attorneys at rovo and assc. out of SD county that pertains to me. then he gives me his phone number and my file number. i want to call them back and ask what this is all about, but after reading everyone else's complaints, i'm hoping it's just a scam. any advice?

Submitted by on Thu, 02/10/2011 - 09:44

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I've been getting their calls since last summer. They have even called my coworkers, and left me threatening messages at work and at home. I tried calling them (mistakenly from my cell) to request proof of the claim and when I requested they stop calling me at work they hung up on me. I called back but the result was the same. Today I logged a complain with the Better Business Bureau because now they're calling me on my cell phone as well. It would seem to me that if they were legit and really entitled to collect any debt, they should easily be able to provide the proof I requested.

Submitted by on Thu, 02/10/2011 - 13:30

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FFG is in fact a debt collector as defined by federal and state law.

Federal FDCPA defines a debt collector as anyone who collects a debt owed to another after it becomes delinquent. State laws use similar definitions.

They are located in Henderson NV, and regulated by the Nevada Division of Financial Institutions as a debt collector. A couple years, they were fined when Nevada had to track them down because they weren't licensed to operate as a debt collector in Nevada.

It is a violation of FDCPA for a debt collector to use deception to collect a debt.

Telling you that they are not a debt collector, which would mislead you into believing they did not have to comply with the provisions of FDCPA, (such as prohibitions of threats of arrest, abusive or harassing collection, misrepresenting the status of a debt, failing to send you the required "g" letter notification, failing to handle disputes or verify alleged debts, etc), is itself a violation of FDCPA.

This is what you are already dealing with.
Get an attorney.

Submitted by on Wed, 02/16/2011 - 02:14

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I have no debt however I just bailed a friend out of jail on Monday. It was a felony so I had to out up $200 and the title to my car. My friend gave me the money back and I know he would go to his court dates. I'm not worrying about getting my title back because I trust my friend. Now this is why I'm here...I got home today to a message from Frontier Financial Group saying (now this is paraphrasing) Hi, my name is___and our phone number is_____. We want to help you with the matter in your county and we would like to help you voluntarily resolve this matter.
What matter? Helping my friend go to court? Helping me make sure he goes to court? Has anyone experienced this one before?

Submitted by on Thu, 02/17/2011 - 20:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

it's more than likely a random scam call as they do this with alot of people.they are calling you in reference to something involving's just coincidence that you helped your friend when this piece of sh*t called.file a police report for the call.then don't worry as it is a scam call.probably when you posted bail and gave your title they got your info,or they got it from another source.just know it has nothing to do with the situation with your friend.

Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 02/18/2011 - 06:26


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I am a collector working for another company and this company is a good company - They terminate any collectors NOT treating clients correctly. I have a friend that worked for them for several years and she says they have fired people for not following company policy which is treat people right. Being a collector I feel I help people set up payments to resolve a problem that will only grow and cause terrible legal problems in the future if not resolved. I like what I do . I treat people with respect and dignity. The problem is that it is not an easy thing to discuss handling a delinquent bill. People dont want to pay sometimes because they think they can get out of it. Then there are those responsible people that just fell on hard times and are trying to work it out. I know that I help people through some difficult times and I treat people the way that I would want to be treated if I wer in their shoes.
Just because someone does collections doesnt mean they are a bad guy. Debtors - please take some responsibility for owing what you owe, too. It works both ways.:!:

Submitted by on Mon, 02/21/2011 - 16:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

There is nothing wrong with the collection industry as a necessary entity to the business world. Businesses are entitled to collect what they are owed. Unfortunately when a person relies on commissions to collect money and certain companies encourage bending or even breaking the rules, the whole industry gets a bad name. I am spoke with a consumer advocate attorney in length a few times and he was well aware of the fact that some collection agencies play the odds of getting sued as part of the cost of doing business. Kudos to you and your company for being an exception. Please post a new thread if you want explaining your position. You may get a couple of bad remarks but for the most part we would support you.

Submitted by Frogpatch on Mon, 02/21/2011 - 16:31


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

Shame on You - You said you borrowed 200.00 then in the next sentence you said you arent going to pay back the loan OR THE INTEREST YOU OWE AND YOU NEVER INTENDED TO ! By the way thats fraud - You MY FRIEND ARE ONE OF THE DEADBEATS!!!
There ARE actually people out there who have fallen on bad times and ARE TRYING TO PAY THEIR BILLS - YOU MAKE IT HARDER TO BELIEVE AND HELP THEM !!!!!!


Submitted by on Tue, 02/22/2011 - 05:49

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