Little By Little
Date: Sat, 03/13/2010 - 18:56
Little By Little
Hey Lawn, how are you doing? Best wishes for a debt free life.
Hey Lawn, how are you doing? Best wishes for a debt free life. Do spent some time here and share your knowledge in helping those who want to lead a debt free life too :)
(Been out of 'the loop' for a while. Hello, everyone!!) I'm slo
(Been out of 'the loop' for a while. Hello, everyone!!) I'm slowly, but, surely, getting my credit under control. Paying off loans and debts..and..actually seeing my credit score raising!! Almost have a car loan paid off (pretty excited about this!!). Just wanted to give ya'll an 'update' on me.
Lawn, it is so good to hear from you. I can't believe the baby i
Lawn, it is so good to hear from you. I can't believe the baby is that old,now! I am glad to hear you are making progress and climbing out of the hole--it takes a while, but it is worth it. Keep posting and sharing this info to others who may be where you were.
SD--good to hear from you,too! It is great you have been able to get on track with your finances, it really takes a weight off. You need to keep posting,also, to share how you did this with others...Good Luck to both of you...Karen
Thanks for the "Welcome Back" message (that was very sweet!). Ye
Thanks for the "Welcome Back" message (that was very sweet!). Yep...I'm doing well. Getting debt DOWN (finally!!). It IS a good feeling!! I'll keep posting and giving ya'll an update. Thanks, again.
I have been trying to pay off my debt since the middle of 2008.
I have been trying to pay off my debt since the middle of 2008. I am still at it and I have made so much progress.
It is good to hear these stories. It makes me feel like there are a lot of ppl who are in the paying off debt catagory together.