Disability and unable to pay student loan
Date: Thu, 01/14/2010 - 00:42
Disability and unable to pay student loan
It is not easy to get rid of the student loan even when you're d
It is not easy to get rid of the student loan even when you're disabled. The department of education follows a very high standard for what to be considered as disability.
Check out the following url. You may find it useful.
If your are total perm disabled and can get a physician to sign
If your are total perm disabled and can get a physician to sign on documents certifying it is possible to on ffelp lns (federal) to do a discharge. There is a form, ask the servicer or check their site. On private credit its different. There may be a consumer advocate group that will work with you. Alot of if depends on the conditions. Expect to provide social security benefit letters. Start dates of the condition. If you took out the loans and were aware if your current disability it may not even matter.
When I made the loan back circa 2001, it was a small amount, whi
When I made the loan back circa 2001, it was a small amount, which with several requests for forbearance and extensions, is now a overwhelming $15000. Soon, after I earned my degree, I worked as long as I could. Anyway, I soon, also, found out that as a disabled veteran, (no one volunteered the information) that I should not have had to borrow money to return to college. I am presently awaiting an upgrade on my VA disability, and have just gone through the first part of SSD Hearing to receive disability compensation there. My concern is, I barely can afford to live on what I presently receive through VA, have no other income, and have to visit shelters for food. During my research, I have discovered that if I am awarded the SSD, it can be offset. Then, I will, once again, have nothing. I have attempted to contact an Ombudsman, and VA to no avail. Is there any advice you can give that maybe of assistance? Thank you
since your disability predated the loan, it will not be discharg
since your disability predated the loan, it will not be discharged.
Consolidate thru Direct Loans under the income contingent repayment plan. If your income is low, your payment will be set to zero.