Another PDL laid to rest
Date: Sat, 01/09/2010 - 15:51
Another PDL laid to rest
I got a letter from the consumer protection department of the attorney general's office in Oklahoma. Attached was a copy of a letter from USFastCash's legal department, stating that my account has been marked PIF with a zero balance and closed. Thus, matter closed.
The email on the letter was Are they one and the same?
The email on the letter was Are they one and the same?
Yup, one in the same! I am so proud of you Icon, you are doing a
Yup, one in the same! I am so proud of you Icon, you are doing an awesome job!
2 down, 5 to go, and all is still quiet. No calls, no emails, n
2 down, 5 to go, and all is still quiet. No calls, no emails, nada.