Unpaid Tuition went to collections
Date: Mon, 12/07/2009 - 13:41
Unpaid Tuition went to collections
My wife has been having problems dealing with all kinds of collectors. From cc's to phone bills and now the newest addition - college tuition.
She hasn't paid them since the fall of 2005 and just this fall it went to collections. She dropped out and haven't had a clue that she owed them anything, thinking her sallie mae would cover her tuition, which, of course, it didn't.
It is a public university and the collection agency is NCO. My questions are: is there a statute of limitations on the unpaid tuition?(not a loan, just a school balance). The school, as their rep. said, hasn't sold the debt, but merely hired NCO to service it. NCO, on top of the owed amount, charged her $1400 in servicing fees. Is it legal for them to do? Our state is Oklahoma.
Thank you!
p.s. i was thinking about getting a personal loan, but doubt either one of us would qualify. Can she re-enroll in school and get financial aid that would cover the past due balance and the rest of her tuition?
There is no SOL on public school debt. Plus they will submit is
There is no SOL on public school debt. Plus they will submit is for state tax seizure.
Yes the collection fees are very legal...your wife agreed to them.
Thank you for clarifications. Can she apply for financial aid if
Thank you for clarifications. Can she apply for financial aid if she goes back to that school to cover her debt? Would they settle for less than what's owed?
The debt will have to be paid prior to registering and no, futur
The debt will have to be paid prior to registering and no, future financial aid cannot be applied to it.
yes they will settle ...usually they will waive a portion of the collection fees.
I got a student loan from sallie mae back in 2003 and set up pay
I got a student loan from sallie mae back in 2003 and set up payment for every month, but then lost my job in 2004 and couldn't pay. So when I found a job in 2005 I tried to set up a payment plan with them for $50.00per week since my new job I was gettin paid bi-weekly and the collector on the phone said they weren't goin to accept anything but the full payment and so I just haven't paid anything. And so now my sister is getting mail at her house from different law firms saying that their court records show that sallie mae has filed a civil suit against me and that I should file chapter 13. I haven't been contacted by a sallie mae rep or collector in a little over a year and I really don't know what to do or who to contact. The lawyers letters say that sallie mae wants to garnish my wages and I really can't afford that because I am a single mother without help and really could use some legal advice and help with this situation.
Sounds like a private loan that sued you. Were you served?
Sounds like a private loan that sued you. Were you served?
Would it be a good idea to send them a DV to see the original t
Would it be a good idea to send them a DV to see the original terms and paperwork? as well as buying us some time to think about what we are going to do. thank you!
DV wont buy you time. With student loans, DVing is seen as a sta
DV wont buy you time. With student loans, DVing is seen as a stall tactic since these accounts are all worked third party.Easily verifiable and you have more than ample opportunity to request the prom note. Terms on a defaulted student loan are all the same....balance in full on demand.
Quote:Terms on a defaulted student loan are all the same It was
Terms on a defaulted student loan are all the same |
It wasn't a loan per se, but I see where you are coming from. Can we try to settle with the school? Can they get it back from collections?
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousIt wasn't a loan per se, but
Originally Posted by Anonymous It wasn't a loan per se, but I see where you are coming from. Can we try to settle with the school? Can they get it back from collections? |
Doesnt really matter if it is a loan or tuition. CA's are hired under contract, which means that the school cannot simply recall a debt without paying the CA, even if the CA doesnt do any work. Thus schools general will not talk to anyone assigned to collections since someone else is getting paid to collect the debt.
can you set up a rehab with them for this or it is strictly for
can you set up a rehab with them for this or it is strictly for loans? thank you!