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Credit Partnership

Date: Mon, 01/09/2006 - 10:43

Submitted by anonymous
on Mon, 01/09/2006 - 10:43

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 282

Credit Partnership

Does anyone know this company Credit Partnership LLC? I was having my debt managed through them and then they all of a sudden disappeared! Their website is now unaccessable and the phone number (877-202-8500) is disconnected. Any advice?

Thanks for the advice, Eric, I have been copying and pasting into Word for years now. But I agree with you on this site. Initially I tried to print screen everything, but this became a pain. So I tried to copy and paste into Word one day, and whola, it printed everything! And I mean everything (because it opens the hidden links and print everything onto one page)! These guys don't have a leg to stand on if this comes down to legal wars, I tell ya! There is no denying that the ripped all of us off. And how many more are out there who don't even realize it yet?

This certainly does "suck", and you are only beginning your battle. But I tell ya. If you stick to your guns and see this thing through, something in our favor is bound to happen.

BTW, I contacted "Consumer Bob" of one of the local news stations and he is already in response of my email. On Monday I sent him a copy of the letter I sent to the CA Bar and I also gave him the link to this site so that he can review all of the information we have posted. Perhaps he can find out more about this scam than us and give us a hand at exposing Troy Hall and his phony company, Credit Partnership.

Good luck to you in your fight, Eric. You are not alone.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 08:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I don't think Cp was phony, I think Mr. Hall wasn't handling the $$$$ right. He settled one debt for me. On another note, the website is back up for the State's investigation. They want to see exactly what people have in there, etc. The Client Security fund will refund up to 50k. I'm not worried about proving what I had in there, the time it will take to get my $$$ back is what bugs me.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 17:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I started with the address on the web site (41743 Enterprise Ct #202, Temecula), this is now the office of "ABC Foster Family Agency Inc" which seems real honest and told me a law firm was there before they moved in last month.

Then I went over to the address on the letter I recieved from CP in November (41880 Kalmia St #115, Murrieta) this is known as "Kodam & Associates, PC". I walked in and pulled out the letter from November and the receptionist said they no longer have anything to do with Troy Hall or CP. She gave me a paper with the Kodam logo that says the following -

Please be advised that Credit Partnership Law Office no longer resides at this office and Troy Hall has left the this firm effective Monday, December 5, 2005. The contact information we have for Credit Partnership and Troy Hall is the following:
Credit Partnership/Troy Hall
40960 California Oaks Road #219
Murrieta CA 92562
Phone: 951.677.1265
Fax: 815.331.5236
We are in the process of changing all our signs and firm nameand we apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you.

At the bottom of the page in small print it says (Formerly Hall & Kodam) and gives Kodam's info.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 21:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

nice detective work Eric in Escondido!!! I just recently printed off all of my stuff and will be sending in my documents for the CA state bar. It's true however that the length of time is the issue for me. Although I don't have it bad as some....$4700 is $4700 you know what I mean?


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 02/03/2006 - 00:15

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Okay, so "phony" was too strong of a word. So how else would one describe a company who took money for services not rendered? Yes, yes, they paid three of my four smallest debts too. I just find it odd that for me, and it appears everyone else so far, that my last debt which was the largest of them all, would never settle for less than 90%. I also find it odd that many of the people who have posted a blog on this site stated as a matter of fact, that CP never even contacted some of their creditors, much less made attempts at settling any of them.

Yes, I agree he handled the $$ inappropriately. But in my book, this constitutes fraudulent behavior. He took our money, negotiated a few small bills, and then took the rest of it after it had time to grow into very large sums (because he would not agree to settle our debts at 90%, remember?). And did I also happen to mention that the man and his company never had a license to do business in CA? He was licensed to practice law, yes, but one must also obtain a business license if one wants to provide a service to consumers.

So call it what you want. We are all still out thousands upon thousands of dollars! And Mr. Hall kindly disappeared off the face of the map leaving us and the states "systems" to figure it all out.

Baird555, it may "only" be $4700, but darn it if that wouldn't have paid off at least one your debts, right? And I'm a single mother living on one income (no child support). That $2980 of mine which disappeared with Mr. Hall would have paid off my final debt plus CP's fees. Now I am not only out $2980, but I still owe $2500 (original debt only $1K) to my last creditor. Something that should have been negotiated months and months ago. I would have settled at 90% just to get this one out of my hair for good, and gotten on with my life.

And lets not be mistaken here. Just because we apply for a refund with the Client Security Fund, does not mean we will get a refund. I have not even received an approval from my original complaint to even try and apply for a refund. This certainly does stink!


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 02/03/2006 - 09:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well, I just tried to access CP's website and it looks like it is back down. I hope everyone got all of their information printed out. . .

What also really stinks, I was reading the info on the Securities Fund and it states that one of the factors that makes the refund process take so long is that it is on a ???first come first serve basis.??? So, while the fact that there are so many of us may help with proving that there was actual misconduct, it appears that this is also a bad thing at the same time. I am just glad that the 2 accounts claimed to have been settled were actually settled, although I still have 4 creditors out there. And, I found out that they had fibbed on what the final balance was on one of them. The final balance was actually less than what they stated, which means that they made a little more than they should have on their fees.

I just hope that Troy Hall gets what is coming to him, you have to love Karma. Taking advantage of people that are already in financial trouble. He only got a little over $2,200 from me, but I was in the process of trying to clean up my credit so that I could buy my first house. My husband, me and our 2 kids had to move in w/ my parents so that I could pay as much as possible to CP, I had enough to pay my final 4 and CP and now I have to start from scratch all over again.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 02/03/2006 - 11:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

oh my GOSH!!! i also was wondering what happened to these people. trying to contact them but they just all of sudden disappeared!!! I am going to Army for 6 months and I am not able to call of have anybody fix my problem. What do you guys think I should do!?


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 02/03/2006 - 16:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just received a letter this weekend too. The State Bar basically said "sorry, but since Mr. Hall resigned there is nothing they can do", no complaint was filed. However they did refer me to the Security Fund, but reading the rules on this, it clearly states "that an applicant must establish loss of money or property which came into the hands of an "active" member of the State Bar while acting as a lawyer, trustee or fiduciary as defined in these rules and which loss was caused by the dishonest conduct of that "active" member of the State Bar".

Hence the word "active". It does not state that they will retroactively refund money from the Fund from the time that the attorney ???was active???.

I'm still going to give it a shot and file for a refund, but if they deny me because he is no longer "active", I'm going to hire an attorney and sue Mr. Hall! I'm sure that there are plenty of Class Action lawyers in the San Diego area who would be happy to take a case like this. In fact, my sister works for an attorney and I'm sure he'd be more than happy to refer me to someone he knows.

This whole thing is such a crock! How can this man just walk away from all of us, take our money, and not have to pay the price? And how can the State Bar, and all of the other agencies that we sent complaints to be so blind to what this man was doing? None of them want to take responsibility. No! But the Bar had the nerve to state in their letter to me that I should keep all of my records just in case Mr. Hall tried to reapply for a license in the future. They would then seek MY HELP, using my documentation, so that they could deny him a license!!!! The nerve of these people! "Sorry, we can't help you, but we want you to help us if and when the time comes". HA!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/06/2006 - 11:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hello guys sorry that all of you had to go through this, I myself was taken for about 2K I was with them for about 1 1/2 years I wasn't awere of this site untill today after recieving a phone call at work by one of my cc's and of course like everyone else I recieved the leter around the 5th of january, and so today I just did alittle more resaerch and found this site. I am so glad I found it for a moment there I thought I was the only one trying to find these people the way they made themselv's seem was so promising but they never paid any of my debt so here I am starting all over with this whole credit issue.
well I hope everyone gets back what they put into it and ill be praying for you guy's and your cases that you have, and for any inconvenience that this has brought upon you and your families.

ps. the bible teaches that your to do unto others as you would have them do unto you mr. hall is in for a good one and to add to that the bible also teaches that each one of us will give acount for what we have done to others.

God Bess. Pastor David Z.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/06/2006 - 16:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Susie...I think you will be ok for the security fund...He was "active" when he took your money..italso states that the lawyer must be DICIPLINED BY The bar..Disbarred "or" resigned.. the state bar files say that he has voluntarily resigned.
Don't give up girl...we are all in this together


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/06/2006 - 16:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I talked to the Security Fund Office today. They said as long as I can prove that he had the money (ledgers, bank statements), then I can get it back, it just takes time.

In regards to your question Susie-he took our money when he was in good standing with the CA Bar. Don't think for a second the State is going to let him go with nothing. Anything he owns (house, cars, etc) will be leined and eventually repossesed. Any money that comes out of the fund, the State Bar can go after the personal property of the lawyer in question to pay back the fund. I'm getting everything together, and I'm mailing it out by wednesday.

PS-The address for the client security fund is the same as the state bar intake.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/06/2006 - 18:06

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

this situation is a sad one for sure. i work in the collections industry and have dealt with credit partnership unsuccesfully for almost 4 years now. in that time, i was only successful in settling one account with them and that was only after the firm i worked for had obtained a judgment against the consumer and began a wage garnishment. Unfortunately for everyone who signed up with credit partnership, they were unaware of the ultimate scam that company manifested. ANYONE CAN SETTLE THEIR OWN DEBT, you do not need a company to do it for you. its as easy as a phone call to the creditor. too many people have paid this company to negotiate on their behalf and in turn, generating even more costs to the consumer. i strongly urge all of you to not sign up with another company as this seems to be the norm in the negotiation industry.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/07/2006 - 13:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They paid off all of my debts, and sent me a check for the remainder of what was left in my account. Up until now i haven't called them. But all of there numbers have been disconnected. They did okay buy me, but i was a little sceptic at first when i asked to come to there office, and my rep said he was working out of his home. He said it was more easier for him instead of going to the office to work. But thank god it was all taking care of. I am worried about fraudlent transactions done in my name by someone that used to work with this company that had access to all of my personal info. If we as clients have no numbers or address to get in contact with someone.(mr troy hall).


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/07/2006 - 14:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

You know, this might sound really bad, but after what this guy has done to all of us I really wish him to end up divorced, penniless, living on the streets having to beg for spare change. I really think this guy should have a criminal record that will follow him around for the rest of his life.

Susie, I agree with Ryno, the way that I read it sounds like they just had to be active when the misconduct occurred, I hope that I am not wrong. I hope we all get out money back so that we can move on and settle our debts by ourselves. I went through this company because I was too timid to call and settle things myself, but I've come to realize that even over the phone, the most the creditor can do is be rude and all I have to do is hang up on them. . .it's that simple, it's what they do when we are rude with them.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 02/08/2006 - 16:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just went on the CP website today and was able to print out my debits and account information. I have been with CP since 2003 and really didn't feel like collecting all of my bank statements to prove the debits. I have been checking the webiste regularly praying that it would come up so I could get my information and it is up.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/13/2006 - 16:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Ryno and heatherperez, I hope you are right regarding the Client Security Fund, and I appreciate the positive spirit you bestow. I too am usually a very positive person, but this thing has just worn me down. Especially when I received the letter saying "sorry, can't help you". But we'll see. I've already written off the $2900 that I invested with CP, so if it ever comes back to me then it will just be a nice surprise.

Anon, you are correct in stating that debt settlement companies like CP only make things worse for consumer costs, and you are right that most debts can be settled by ones self. However, after dealing with several of my creditors on my own, I eventually had to turn them over to CP, because they were never willing to settle anything with me. In fact they were just down right rude, harassing, and judgmental. They would agree to some repayment term with me, but then turn around in a month or two and change the rules in the middle of the game. They would want to renegotiate some other term, or accuse me of not paying a payment on time (even though they were debiting my checking account. How does that make me at fault?) and the late/over the limit fees just kept adding up to the point where it was no longer feasable for me to negotiate anything further with them. I too once worked in the collection field, and I know from experience that being mean to the consumer is not the way to get them to react to a positive outcome. Companies like CP are a necessary evil, and it's unfortunate that CP did what they did. But not all of them are like that. In most cases, they really do help the consumer get out of overwhelming debt situations (and avoid bankruptcy as in my case) that most creditors are not responsive to when dealing with the consumer.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/14/2006 - 09:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I went to court in downtown LA on 9/13/05 and did my bankruptcy hearing through Credit Partnership, and though I have moved, I have not received my final letter of dissolution from the court in LA. Who do i contact about that...I'm not sure how long it takes to get the final letter once the 3 months are up.

Anyone out there with similar situation?

Corrine Petteys


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 02/15/2006 - 17:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Anybody heard from the State Bar's Security Fund? I mailed my application in about a month ago, and have yet to hear anything. I'd like to see how many of us would think about persuing a civil/ criminal lawsuit for fraud, against Mr. Hall. I think if we did a class action, maybe we could recover our losses faster than a state fund.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/25/2006 - 09:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have not heard anything from the State Bar Security Fund either, however, I only sent my paperwork to them on Feb 6th (I overnighted it and they received it on the 7th).

As I recall it could take some time to hear back from them, and even longer to get results. Perhaps we should call them and follow up on our claims beore we file a class action? Because I also recall that only one or the other can be done: We either wait for the Security Fund to accept or deny our claims, OR we file suit. We cannot do both according to the information on the application. Anyone have any suggestions?


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/27/2006 - 08:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i have filled out my paperwork to get a rienbersment... and i have creditors calling me all the time... i dont have the money to give them obviously since i went through a consolidation agency.... wat do i tell theses creditors... they are harrassing me for the money... threatning me... an i dont know wat to say or do... it was so much easier when all i had to say "here's the number to the firm i go through you deal with them


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/27/2006 - 09:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I recived my acknowlegement letter today from the client security fund with a case number and a pamphlet(entitled how is your csf request handled?). I have yet to read it but at least ive heard something.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/27/2006 - 18:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Kelly, when did you first submit your application to the Security Fund? This will give us some sort of turn around time frame from them.

lvlyhawaiiangrl, if I were you I would either hire another debt reduction company (which one, I don't know), or simply go to your local Consumer credit counseling service and apply with them to put you on a debt repayment program. At least this will get you back on the path to paying off your debts and at the same time, will more than likely stop your creditors from harrassing you.

But most importantly, do not negotiate with your creditors on any type of payment terms (you also have the power to hang up on these people). There is a statute in each state in which a debt will be written off (usually 7 years). If you negotiate with them each time they call you, this will start the clock of the statute over again.

Let someone else handle all of that for you. At least if you are on a repayment plan with consumer credit counseling, you will also be on the road to becoming debt free. And when you do receive your refund from the State Client Fund, you can also apply that to your current debt program. Whatever money you were paying monthly to CP, you could pay the same to Consumer Credit. It's a longer process sometimes, but at least you'll be protected.

Hope this helps!


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/28/2006 - 08:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Uhm...I don't have any suggestions for the class action lawsuit...but I think we all need to get each others info to be on the safe side.
What if for some reason this forum shuts down, and we can no longer communicate?? I mean sometimes I think to myself, at least I am not alone on this, and thats what helps me get through. If it weren't for all of you, I don't know what I would do. Although all of us "STRANGERS" have not had any resoultion to any of this, its nice to know we are in communication and trying to figure this out together. I worry that one day I will logg in, and this forum won't be here anymore.....{I'm dealing with trust factors now} So maybe we can figure out how we can all get each others emails and we can always be in contact, "just in Case"


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/28/2006 - 11:06

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Add another $5,000 to that estimate of the money they took just from people writing here. I'm a college student who gave them at least that and am assuming they settled my two smaller debts but have no idea how much they still owe me... Guess the local P.D. is the next stop..


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/01/2006 - 19:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Do you have any record of your payment? If a business takes money from you and does not return the service or product that you expected, you can file complaint against them with Consumer Protection Office of your state. Also consider contacting BBB, FTC. Keep us posted with this.


Submitted by stanley on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 09:03

( Posts: 1639 | Credits: )


I just noticed this on-line at the State Bar's website, it seems to back up our understanding that we should be able to get out money back.

"Is Discipline of the Lawyer Needed?

The fund can reimburse you only if a lawyer lost your money or property through an act of theft, or an act equivalent to theft, and has been disciplined. So, unless the lawyer resigned from the bar, died, or was found guilty or liable in court on charges relating to your application, you cannot be reimbursed until the lawyer is disciplined through the Attorney Discipline System."


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 09:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi Heather,

And that is the question of the day, isn't it? Is he being disciplined? The State Bar site says: Disciplinary and Related Actions 1/27/2006 Vol.inactive(tender of resign.w/charges) 06-Q-10381 Not Eligible To Practice Law.

What the heck is that supposed to mean; Resign w/charges? Does this mean he is going to be disciplined or already has been?

Anyone know anything about this? We could pull the records, but it costs anywhere up to $30 and I don't know if I'm quite willing to put any more money into this thing.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 10:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Ok, so I guess my post was just too long, so let me abbreviate it. My response form the State Bar claims that they are awaiting a ruling from the California Supreme Court w/ regards to Mr. Hall. Which probably means that eventually his status on the Bar's website will say "not eligible to practice law in California, pursuant to CA Supreme Crt."


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/06/2006 - 13:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Also, I think that I may have reached Mr. Hall on Friday...I tried calling his house # and it rang and rang and you know. Well not 10 min later I received a call from a guy saying he got a call and was on the other line and did not answer it. He asked about my company name and was not too happy when he found out it was a law office that specializes in civil litigation. The guy would not give me his name or phone number but I know that no one else made any calls during that time frame. I hope he is sh%&&%ng bricks now.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/06/2006 - 13:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been searching for others that have been through what I have. I'm so happy to see Im not alone. I checked cp's website recently and copied all my info I was upset before that I didnt have any records to prove other than a few bank statments. I totally trusted this company for 4 and a half years with $6209 in and when I wised in Nov. after a year of no settling with my creditors I wanted my money back, I was told to hold on a few more weeks they are talking with creditors and will settle that week. I called back got answering message , I emailed no reponse. I wanted a refund it was to late they shut down. Thank you for all you helpful info I have got my forms and sending it in this week. Good luck to you all.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/07/2006 - 11:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just got off the phone w/ Murrieta PD and the officer that I spoke w/ was too busy dunkin his donut. He trid to tell me that Mr. Hall's taking the money was not a crime that it was strictly a civil matter. So, I guess now I call El Cajon PD and Temecula PD and see if I have better luck w/ those, if not I guess I can try Fresno PD and see if I can file a report w/ them. I want this idiot to actually have a criminal record resulting from this.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 10:09

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Initially I tried to file a police report with the Murriet Police Dept but they were clueless as to what I was trying to ask of them. "You want to file a criminal complaint?", they would ask me. "Uh, yes", I would say, and then I would be transfered to some other department who had no idea what I was trying to accomplish. That's when I was directed to the State Licensing department and was told that Mr. Hall never even had a business license to practice business in the state of CA. hhhmmm?

But I did file complaints with the BBB, FTC, the State's Atty General and, of course, our favorite, the State Bar of CA. And although they all sent me letters saying they were sorry this had happened, there really was not much they could do about it except put in on file. What? Then what are they good for is my question? Sad, very sad, this whole situation.

So good luck to whomever does try and file a criminal complaint with the police. They have no idea how to handle a situation such as this.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 10:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Ok, well I am finally mailing out my package to the Client Security Fund. I won't hold my breath though.

As for the police report effort, I have called Murrieta, Temecula and El Cajon just to have them all tell me that I need to file a report with my home PD. I call them just to have them tell me that I need to file a police report where the crime was actually committed. This is such complete BS.


Submitted by heather perez on Fri, 03/10/2006 - 11:43

( Posts: 51 | Credits: )