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Running away from debt

Date: Tue, 12/01/2009 - 13:42

Submitted by spinstergirl
on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 13:42

Posts: 51 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 16

Running away from debt

No, I'm not hiding from the debt collectors and PDL lenders (well, not all of them anway); but when I was really frustrated and scared and stressed out and could feel it all weighing heavy on my chest, I laced up my shoes, leashed up my dog and I walked. And walked. And walked. And I felt so much better. Sure I was alone with my thoughts (which at first was not a good thing), but after a few weeks I'd picked up the pace and I was jogging. Now I'm running. I've found that while my financial situation is still in the crapper, I feel better physically and am dealing with things from a better emotional state. One of the first things I did when I realized I needed to get my finances straight was cancel my cable. At first it was hard, but then I realized how persuasive commercials are and I found my cravings for McDonald's, Taco Bell and even Macy's (lol) were lessened. When I want to relieve stress or get away from the madness, I lace up my shoes and I run. It might not be for everyone and it took me some time to get to this point, but I encourage all of you who think you can't handle it, to get outside and take a walk. You'll be surprised what it can do for you.

Thank you! Yesterday, was especially tough. My new bank closed my account (which was in good standing) because my former bank finally reported me to Chexsystems. I took a long run last night. It's actually turned into a surprisingly good thing (sort of). I'm working out payment arrangements with the legal lenders and the illegal ones no longer have access to my bank account. Now, I'm reading up on how to deal with them.


Submitted by spinstergirl on Thu, 12/03/2009 - 10:05

( Posts: 51 | Credits: )

I was just thinking of that today the stress and how to relieve it. I have been on the computer none stop since last night to find answers but when I go to the forums to get answers and I have been checking all the posts, I can't seem to get any answers for my situation and I think it is because each case is different or maybe I'm just too dumb to understand LOL!!!!. So tomorrow I am going to garden and see if any thing comes to me or maybe someone will have an answer for me. I am determined to get out of debt though. I have been working on an IRS debt that is near done so I am happy about that. Next are the credit cards...


Submitted by debtfreeme on Thu, 04/29/2010 - 14:05

( Posts: 9 | Credits: )


This is to inform you that you were actually going correct with the remedies for relieving stress.Stress busters are important because creditors just want chances to dance on the debtors head if they fail to make repayments on time! To avoid harassment it becomes necessary for the the debtors to make some arrangement to get out of of the situation.


Submitted by Rebecca Miller on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 10:12

( Posts: 131 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
though the urge to run is there, you must find a way to get debt and therefore your life back in order.. god luck

I don't think you're getting the message in this thread 507736, we are not running away from debt, we are trying to find ways to relieve the stress of being in debt, and our situations, so we can be strong to handle it. It is a type of meditation.


Submitted by debtfreeme on Thu, 06/24/2010 - 20:29

( Posts: 9 | Credits: )

Greetings to all!

Before I entered this great website, I was really worried about the all of my accumulated dumb debt and how I was going to deal with it.

Part of my stress busting was to actually absorb all of the settlement posts.
Another part was the actually planning to destroy my debt.

My stress was 99% gone after the first settlement with chase.
I knew that my journey would be successful because of this forum.

1. Take ownership of the debt.
2. Divorce the debt.
3. Destroy the debt.

And now it's all about helping out others.
Which is a really great stress busting activity and pay it forward thing.

King "Kash" Jabba Labba


Submitted by King Jabba Labba on Fri, 06/25/2010 - 06:39

( Posts: 507 | Credits: )

I too began walking....I have walked and walked....that has help. I have also yelled a lot (LOL). i think it is good to talk about the emotional stress and toll that these situations of debt have taken on us and what we can do to relieve that stress in a health manner. I also find that this board has helped me has anyone who has responded to me. NOw I just need to take the time to re-register and get my name back up (LOL)....anyway thanks for this thread!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/28/2010 - 17:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )