Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Thu, 10/08/2009 - 10:36
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a loan out with Sandpoint Capital...after working with the moderators and members here and drafting up a recovation letter, this was the response I received!
Hello Jason,
We did not receive the fax, so I am glad that you emailed the document as well. I will let you know that if you review the documents that are sent to you at the time of your approval, it states on your loan note and disclosure that the laws of Nevis are the laws that govern this loan and that is what is agreed upon when the loan is approved. According to our records the $300 was lent to you on 8/11/09 and your first due date was 8/25. You have made three payments of $90 on this loan, which total $270. They were made on 8/25, 9/10, and 9/25. This would leave you with a $30 payment due to payoff the $300 principle amount. I will let you know that by settling the account his way, any further application for a loan will be denied. Please let me know when you would like to have the $30 payment processed and I will set it up. This final payment will settle the account. "
THANK YOU (Shazzers/Paul/BeagleMom, etc.) to everyone who helped me out!! :D Now I just have to wait for Ace Cash Services!! :)
Hello Jason,
We did not receive the fax, so I am glad that you emailed the document as well. I will let you know that if you review the documents that are sent to you at the time of your approval, it states on your loan note and disclosure that the laws of Nevis are the laws that govern this loan and that is what is agreed upon when the loan is approved. According to our records the $300 was lent to you on 8/11/09 and your first due date was 8/25. You have made three payments of $90 on this loan, which total $270. They were made on 8/25, 9/10, and 9/25. This would leave you with a $30 payment due to payoff the $300 principle amount. I will let you know that by settling the account his way, any further application for a loan will be denied. Please let me know when you would like to have the $30 payment processed and I will set it up. This final payment will settle the account. "
THANK YOU (Shazzers/Paul/BeagleMom, etc.) to everyone who helped me out!! :D Now I just have to wait for Ace Cash Services!! :)
What was the email address you used to contact them ?
What was the email address you used to contact them ?
Congrats Makris and hey kfstaff24 hope everything is fine.
Congrats Makris and hey kfstaff24 hope everything is fine. Nice to see you again. :)
It is great to see kfstaff24 here. Hello jason you have already
It is great to see kfstaff24 here.
Hello jason you have already 1,011 posts.
I'm waiting to vote for you.
Jason Makris you are quite welcome, keep up the good work, you a
Jason Makris you are quite welcome, keep up the good work, you are on your way to becoming Payday Loan Free! Yay for you!