How to Moderate !!!!!
Date: Thu, 09/03/2009 - 05:10
How to Moderate !!!!!
Here are some basic moderation tips for you all !
[FONT=Arial][/FONT]A ) How to Delete a spam post !!
[FONT=Arial]On the right hand side [next to Report Post (the triangle shaped icon) and above Join Date] you will find a blank check box. Check mark[/FONT][FONT=Arial] in this box to select a particular post.[/FONT]
Below the last post (right side) you will find Moderation section
Select the function i.e Delete Posts then click on Go
You will land here..
Deletion Options
How would you like to delete?
'Soft' delete - Leave "Deleted" Message
Keep Attachments
Physically remove (note always select this)
Reason for Deletion: (optional)
Then click on the Delete Posts button
B) Thread Moderation..
On top of the first post, you will find Thread Tools option
Select any function from there to carry out moderation activities.
How to Move a thread
Select Move Thread
Then click on Perform Action
You will land here..
New Subject
You may rename this thread if you wish.
New Subject: (Change Nothing)
Destination Forum
Destination Forum:
(select the forum where you want it to send)
Leave No Redirect (note always select this)
Leave Permanent Redirect
Leave Expiring Redirect
Expires in
Redirect Title: (Change Nothing)
Click on Move Thread button
Similarly you can close a thread. (Means lock the thread) Just select close thread and click on perform action button. The thread will be locked or rather closed.
C) To Moderate Posts..
Click on the Edit button (you will find them after every post) and carry out moderation activities.
Hope this helps !
I will probably need practice but I will eventually catch up to
I will probably need practice but I will eventually catch up to the younger ones. LOL Thanks!
:) I love the "merge thread" option, which we never had before.
:) I love the "merge thread" option, which we never had before. Yesterday I saw two new threads by the same person regarding the same issue. I merged those threads into the same.
Has the issue been corrected with mods being able to mod in all forums -- Or are we still limited to certain formums?
PS, does "approve" and "unapprove" do anything? Or is that some
PS, does "approve" and "unapprove" do anything? Or is that some feature that's not implemented?
as far as being able to moderate all threads.i have my full powe
as far as being able to moderate all threads.i have my full powers back.
DC Approved posts and Unapproved posts is working fine.Just need
DC Approved posts and Unapproved posts is working fine.Just need to connect it to the sidebar panel.
It's function is similar to the Pending Post feature that we had earlier.
Anyone else still without Mod rights? Please let me know.
As always, I'm behind the eight-ball here. But can we make a sti
As always, I'm behind the eight-ball here. But can we make a sticky out of Jason's moderator instructions? That would be very helpful, thanks.
Quote:Jason's moderator instructions? I was trying my hand at te
Jason's moderator instructions? |
How to make a thread sticky
From Thread Tools section you are getting the following options..
Open Thread
Unapprove Thread
Move Thread
Copy Thread
Edit Thread
Delete Thread (ONLY in Case of solicitations and multiple spams in one single thread else please AVOID this function)
.Stick Thread
Merge Threads
Select Stick Thread and then click on the Perform Action button. The thread will turn into "sticky".
To remove the sticky option select Unstick Thread and click on the Perform Action button.
KS.. hope this helps !!