is there a direct loan that's based adi instead of gross????
Date: Tue, 08/18/2009 - 06:51
is there a direct loan that's based adi instead of gross????
just for anyones info, we as a family have a $o dollar entertain
just for anyones info, we as a family have a $o dollar entertainment budget, we do not smoke, we do not drink or do we have any other frivilous expenditures. We do not have any charge cards or vehicle payments b/c both of our vehicles are late models we bought at a repo auction. We barely make ends meet with the basics of essentials and we are definately not keeping up with the neighbors. I do not even have a cell phone for goodness sakes b/c we just can't afford such luxuries. Seriously, I never knew getting my degree would benefit me so little. What a sad realization..