student loans
Date: Wed, 07/29/2009 - 10:25
student loans
Don't they have to show me some PROOF that my real lender gave them the loan? I already am paying for the loan - but if lender A gave one of the loans to Lender B - then Lender A should pay them. What do YOU advise? - One of the lenders is dishonest - Two cannot collect from one loan. :roll:
Who is the lender you are paying and who is requesting payment?
Who is the lender you are paying and who is requesting payment?
You could get yourself in a whole lot of trouble in terms of default by ignoring letters. Loans are frequently transfered.
call...doint write
Are these federal or private loans?
student loans
Um - did you not read carefully? - I AM paying my lender - the other lender sent me a form letter saying they took over ONE of the notes. They don't even have the name of the lender on the letter. I send it to MY lender & my lender says - no - we still service /own that loan.. In order for a loan to be transferred the original lender has to KNOWINGLY transfer it - otherwise I can send YOU a bill - saying you're - um, car company "transferred" you car loan to me " - PROOF - BTW, I am NOT in default - ever. SALLIE MAE is the crooked company - They have already been criminally indicted by the NY state Attorney General. Are you a true expert - or just another crook in this business???
You didnt answer MY questions.....Sallie Mae is a lender but who
You didnt answer MY questions.....Sallie Mae is a lender but who else is requesting payment? Did you call them to question it?
Are these private or federal loans?? It sounds like you have more than one loan.
Before you jump to conclusions, you better make sure you have all YOUR facts straight....otherwise you could regret it later on.
student loans
As I said . federal loans from UG through grad school EDUCAID - ALL of them. Sallie Mae sends a form letter saying "my lender" trnasferred my "loans" to SM.
But my "Loans" are not just the measly 10K they type at the bottom of the letter. EDUCAID says thet they are still servicing the loan.Sallie Mae is committing fraud. I asked for proof that Educaid gave them the loan - they dont answer. I've already paid the loans. THEY are in trouble, honey - not me. I've given the State dept. , FBI & FDLE all my paperwork. SLM has already been indicted for bribery in NY.
Wake up honey, your bosses are crooks ;-)
Have you called Sallie Mae to find out who the loan was from?
Have you called Sallie Mae to find out who the loan was from? Before you make stupid claims (FBI dont give a hoot about student loans) I would suggest you look up all your loans on NSLDS and verify your information. Or did you take out any private loans?? Sallie Mae is not going to try to collect anything they dont have paperwork for.
And I never worked for Sallie I have been out the student loan industry for 6 years.
Sallie Mae has already sent me a copy of the same EDUCAID note t
Sallie Mae has already sent me a copy of the same EDUCAID note that I sent them when they identified the loan year. This is the very same note that EDUCAID has confirmed they still serviced. The excuses given to this crooked company because folks just can't believe Sallie Mae would do such a thing - yeah yeah - I think it's interesting that EDUCAID checked & thought they might have made a mistake. But Sallie Mae - *never considered they made an error - because they are knowingly defrauding me & the governement.
In addition, they are saying they have been paid by insurance when in fact I* paid them by reconsolidating my EDUCAID consolidation.
Not only have they cost EDUCAID kka Wachovia KKa Wells Fargo - tons of money in lost interest over the years they would have had my consolidation, they are cliaming that they were ALSO paid by federal insurance. Listen, Sallie Mae already had a track record for violating the law. Now, I have evidence they will take money that they never owned. I intentionally paid them even thought stopped collection, just so I can get them prosecuted. They always try to get folks to default so that they have the credibility factor - but with me, I paid them - I was never in default with my legitimate lender & now have enough documentation to get the IRS and the SEC very interested - especially the IRS since Sallie Mae never filed a 1098-E. I love it when a bad guy goes to jail
You dont understand student loans....federal insured means that
You dont understand student loans....federal insured means that the guarantee agency would have paid them off...not an insurance policy. Sounds like you defaulted at some point in time...that is the only time that the term federally insured comes up.
Personally I dont think you have a clue what you are dealing with.
school loans
Somewhat of a 'debate' here. Ya know, 'GUEST', people on the Forum are just trying to help understand, alittle more, about Student Loans. I'm not trying to put you down, I'm just saying it's hard to listen to ANY advice, when you're not willing to be 'open' to it. I'm dealing with a Student Loan, myself. I do have to say they can get to be difficult to handle and understand.:confused:
Quote:Originally Posted by SOAPLADYYou dont understand student l
Originally Posted by SOAPLADY You dont understand student loans....federal insured means that the guarantee agency would have paid them off...not an insurance policy. Sounds like you defaulted at some point in time...that is the only time that the term federally insured comes up. Personally I dont think you have a clue what you are dealing with. |
Yes I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about - but I don't have the time to spell it out to a blog/board.
YOU seem clueless - as I have repeatedly typed that I NEVER took a loan with SALLIE MAE. I have two LEGITIMATE college degrees : One undergrad & one graduate degree. BOTH from REAL colleges. I've worked thirty years for some of the biggest law firms in SF . I know how many credits & classes my loans paid for. I NEVER defaulted
You DO work for Sallie Mae - you have the same crooked attitude. No skin off my teeth - I've forwarded the mess to my kid's firm which has close ties to Gov.thanks to them the IRS is now looking very closely - since SM never sent in those 1098s - Pay attention here:
the 1098s MUST be sent to the IRS - not just me. We just got back
the letters from the IRS stating they NEVER rec'd 1098s for SM -
Go ahead say the IRS hasn't a clue - They have more ethics than you & your SM... Talk about the employees lapping up the corporate grabage. I suppose the NY AGO was clueless too when they indicted SM for bribery. I wonder, too if you got suckered into B. Madoff's investments - `cuase "bigshots" are above the law?
Quote:Originally Posted by SOAPLADYYou dont understand student l
Originally Posted by SOAPLADY You dont understand student loans....federal insured means that the guarantee agency would have paid them off...not an insurance policy. Sounds like you defaulted at some point in time...that is the only time that the term federally insured comes up. Personally I dont think you have a clue what you are dealing with. |
You know, I realize that you think I said "paid by insurance" - Let me REPEAT: this is the quote from what Sallie Mae put in my credit record. They are NOT my words. Go call SM & say they are clueless -
I'll agree w/ you on that one! - G
FYI....student loans are bought and sold between lenders all the
FYI....student loans are bought and sold between lenders all the time....just like the mortgage industry this is pretty standard practice.
Ok..if you know everything, why are you asking questions here???