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GC Services Default Loan

Date: Mon, 07/20/2009 - 19:59

Submitted by anonymous
on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 19:59

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 3

GC Services Default Loan

Soaplady/Community: I have been trying to work with GC Services for over a year (if you count the attorney who gave up). Yes I am in default. I am willing to pay. They absolutely refuse to send a payment schedule, offer me a payment that does not change with each contact, or respond in writing. They ignore all my written inquires. They say they do not handle any business in writing. They claim to not accept payment by mail. They have instructed me to "get a credit card" so that I can pay over the phone.

They are refusing to send me any records of payments made, and they claim no knowledge of nor receipt of tax refunds that have been withheld.

They will not send me any concrete information. My attorney withdrew and told me he couldn't continue to accept my money because GC Services would not respond to him.

I am willing to pay...BUT I must have paperwork and some sort of record to work with. I cannot and will not send money off into thin air.

I have repeatedly contacted the Dept of ED, and the Ombudsman.

I have read hours of posts on this site and other sites but I have seen nothing about dealing with people who refuse to respond in writing (they change their story on the phone every time, so no more calls). I need to receive something from them in writing.

Advise me please. Forward this to any other resources if you can.

You are not entitled to a payment schedule....nobody with a defaultl is. Your balance is due in full per your prom note. Any payment arrangement will be verbal and temporary. They will not respond in writing due to contractual agreements with your guarantor.

It is quite possible depending on when you defaulted that they have no record of tax offset. If you have been in default for awhile and you are dealing with a subrogated account, they would have no record.

When did you default?


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 20:59

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