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Student Loan Rehab Completed Last Year CR shows collection account?

Date: Sat, 07/04/2009 - 03:58

Submitted by crystal.snyder
on Sat, 07/04/2009 - 03:58

Posts: 6 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 8

Student Loan Rehab Completed Last Year CR shows collection account?

Hi everyone,

I pulled my credit report before applying for a new car loan. I needed some assistnace with my PHEAA student loan.

I defaulted on this loan in 2006 and completed the rehabilitation program to remove it from default status. I recieved paperwork stating the loan was rehabilitated and I dind't pay much attention to actually checking my credit report to verify it.

After the loan was rehabilitated, I couldn't afford the payment so I applied and was approved for a consolidation. I have never missed a payment since colsolidating :-)

However, my credit report has the new consolidation loan listed, but the origina PHEAA defaulted loan is listed, with a $0 balance but Current STatus: Collection Account
Additional Information: Collection Account, Student Loan assigned to governemnt

Is that the correct status? I thought this was to be removed after a rehabilitation?

I have a school loan, as well.'s in 'good standing'. My friend has a school loan that is in 'default'. I've never heard of a Student Loan Rehab Program. Can someone give me some information on this, so I can pass it on to my friend? Thanks.


Submitted by sdchargers_63 on Sun, 07/05/2009 - 03:34

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