Are Think Cash or Cash Jar legal or illegal?
Date: Fri, 06/26/2009 - 09:42
Are Think Cash or Cash Jar legal or illegal?
I'm not sure about Cashjar but Think Cash isn't a payday lender,
I'm not sure about Cashjar but Think Cash isn't a payday lender, they are an installment lender, therefore the pdl laws wouldn't apply to them. They are backed by the bank of Delaware and legal.
my sister is working with cash jar, but i do not think they are
my sister is working with cash jar, but i do not think they are legal anywhere.. i am pretty sure they are in belize. but they will work with you, she said they are really not bad and agreed on an affordable payment plan.
Cash Jar
Cash Jar is a total rip off. I borrowed $400.00, it stated I would have to repay $520.00 that's intrest and fees, So far they have withdrawn $650.00,I called and they told me because I didn't call and ask to pay back in full they are charging intrest only and I'm just now starting to pay off the principal amount and I still owe $455.00. So I have to pay $455.00 to pay it off in full before the next due date, or they keep charging the intrest of $105.00 per pay period.
gues, what state are you in? i would start a new thread, we can
gues, what state are you in? i would start a new thread, we can help you :) once your account is secure and you default, i would demand a paid in full from them.. i really doubt they are legal..
I agree they did the same to me, told me that my payment would b
I agree they did the same to me, told me that my payment would be for 575 and it was in my account the day that they were to take it but b/c i did not call them they only took out 150 and charged me finance charges. I have already paid $855 and they say that i still owe them the principal of 500 plus 20 more in finance charges. they are a total scam do not use them.
Quote:Originally Posted by fortmoore86Has anyone dealt or had an
Originally Posted by fortmoore86 Has anyone dealt or had any sucess with Think cash or Cash Jar? I live in KS - thanks! |
cash jar is a great loan place when you need money fast. I got a loan from there for school and they have been great
unknown, i am pretty sure they did close their accounts
unknown, i am pretty sure they did close their accounts
I had the same bad experience with Cash Jar. Its kinda funny the
I had the same bad experience with Cash Jar. Its kinda funny they screwed up again yesterday and I see this forum today. They lie to you really bad. The screw up for yesterday was that I told them to take out $250 for this months payment and they only took $150. The people are liars! Last month they only took the interest payment saying that I didnt tell them to take more out either! I talked to someone supposedly of Management last month and she said that she listened to the taped conversation and I only said to take the minimum. Of course I knew I had not said it but she says "I really wish you could hear the tape". She says they cant send me a copy of the tape but said she listened to the whole thing and I was wrong! During my first conversation the call taker said my first name wrong twice and I corrected her twice. So I asked the manager if she had listened to the tape to tell me what the rep. had called me as my first name. Well she then tells me that she didnt listen to the whole tape but just went to the portion where I stated how much to pay or take out. These people are total LIARS! They also changed my due date. I get paid on the 15th and told them on weekends they would need to take it on the 17th. One month they took it on the 17th and then when the payment landed on a weekend again they tried to take it on the 14th! Of course it wasnt enough in it so I get hit with bank fees as well as their fees! Then they lied about it and supposedly listened to that tape and supposedly heard me tell them that on weekends I get paid the day before! Again a lie because I dont get it the day before so why would I have said it??!! Rip off artists who know that they are always right and you are always wrong! Stay clear of this CASHJAR thing unless you want the same treatment I got!!!
Cash Jar: A rip off
I got into a real mess with Cash Jar and another company. Cash Jar said "You qualify for up to $1,500." Then, I applied and they said they would only give me $600. I needed $1,000, so I borrowed from a second company and got a total between Cash Jar and the other company $1,100. After paying just interest on the two loans for four paychecks (about $800 so far), $450 has come out of my last paycheck from the two companies together. It has been nearly impossible to buy food or pay my electric bill. It will take me another three months of this hell to pay this off. I figure that the interest rate and fees with this loan equal about 72-80%. I might be able to pay this off sooner by adding this to a credit card in $150 increments.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousI got into a real mess with
Originally Posted by Anonymous I got into a real mess with Cash Jar and another company. Cash Jar said "You qualify for up to $1,500." Then, I applied and they said they would only give me $600. I needed $1,000, so I borrowed from a second company and got a total between Cash Jar and the other company $1,100. After paying just interest on the two loans for four paychecks (about $800 so far), $450 has come out of my last paycheck from the two companies together. It has been nearly impossible to buy food or pay my electric bill. It will take me another three months of this hell to pay this off. I figure that the interest rate and fees with this loan equal about 72-80%. I might be able to pay this off sooner by adding this to a credit card in $150 increments. |
What state are you in? CashJar usually isn't licensed and is a very shady company. Provide more information so we can help you.
-Names of each pdl company.
-Whether they are store front or Internet.
-How much you borrowed.
-How much you paid so far.
-The state in which you reside.
I'm having the same problem... borrowed $500 for a total pay bac
I'm having the same problem... borrowed $500 for a total pay back of $575.00 they didn't deduct the full payment on the due date as I understood it would be, stating I had to call them. But it says in the contract if need to call if you can't pay your payment as agreed...I put a stop payment on the drafts. I'm haggling with them now about how I interpret the contract vs how they interpret the contract... I think we should get them shut down they are ripping off several people that are already in financial hardship... this can't be legal or morally right.
I'm in the state of Arkansas CashJar is an internet site How c
I'm in the state of Arkansas
CashJar is an internet site
How can you help Shazzers?
We need to get this company stopped.
They are a financial institute or scamming institute out of Belize
The supreme court of arkansas ruled that lenders using bullshit
The supreme court of arkansas ruled that lenders using bullshit excuses to charge triple digut interest are, in fact, bullshit
Hi Guest, you can check the internet pdl lending rules of your s
Hi Guest, you can check the internet pdl lending rules of your state from the following link.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousI'm in the state of Arkansas
Originally Posted by Anonymous I'm in the state of Arkansas CashJar is an internet site How can you help Shazzers? We need to get this company stopped. They are a financial institute or scamming institute out of Belize |
Everyone needs to start filing complaints with their Attorney General's office and the FTC, it can be easily done on the Internet, the complaint link for the FTC is in my signature, and to locate your attorney general's website just google it.
This frieghtens me. I just took out a loan with CashJar. I am in
This frieghtens me. I just took out a loan with CashJar. I am in Oklahoma and did it all online. I'm told the money will be in my acct. on Tuesday morning as soon as the bank opens. I know this because I specifically asked if it would be available at midnight - since it will be directly deposited into my account. I was on the phone with the guy for at least an hour making sure I understood him correctly. He told me that there were 3 payment options available to me. 1. just pay the min balance for up to 4 paydays, but after that it will be the min + $50 to begin to break up the principle. 2. pay the min + $50 to pay on the loan and the principle at the same time (but I'll have to call 3 days in advance to set that up). 3. pay in full which I will have to call 3 days in advance to set up.
My suspicions, besides all of the comments I just read, is that I got a call from cash jar before I even e-signed. The email says that they are open M-F 9A to 6P. It's Sunday??? I called the number back after searching the company on and seeing that they have an F rating. It sounded like the same guy but he gave a different name. He said they are opened Sun to Sun 6A to (I can't remember what he said because he changed it twice).
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousThis frieghtens me. I just t
Originally Posted by Anonymous This frieghtens me. I just took out a loan with CashJar. I am in Oklahoma and did it all online. I'm told the money will be in my acct. on Tuesday morning as soon as the bank opens. I know this because I specifically asked if it would be available at midnight - since it will be directly deposited into my account. I was on the phone with the guy for at least an hour making sure I understood him correctly. He told me that there were 3 payment options available to me. 1. just pay the min balance for up to 4 paydays, but after that it will be the min + $50 to begin to break up the principle. 2. pay the min + $50 to pay on the loan and the principle at the same time (but I'll have to call 3 days in advance to set that up). 3. pay in full which I will have to call 3 days in advance to set up. My suspicions, besides all of the comments I just read, is that I got a call from cash jar before I even e-signed. The email says that they are open M-F 9A to 6P. It's Sunday??? I called the number back after searching the company on and seeing that they have an F rating. It sounded like the same guy but he gave a different name. He said they are opened Sun to Sun 6A to (I can't remember what he said because he changed it twice). |
If I were you I would cancel it asap! Unfortunately, they now have your bank account number, which means it will never be safe again. I know how these companies work, while you may think placing a block on them will prevent them from accessing your account, it may temporarily, not permanently though. They have several different names, and can access your account by changing their name.
Cash Jar
Tried countless times to contact and of course they denied. When asked where they are at got answers of Utah and Belize. In Ca it is against law to do loan business on internet without being rgistered. PDL companies are limited to $300 and max of 15% interest. No rollovers and must pay offin 30 days. Check out Department of Corporations.They are police agency for State of Ca.
I have borrowed from cashjar and I have not had a problem with t
I have borrowed from cashjar and I have not had a problem with them. Finance charges are high but I pay them off within a month which keep the charges low. Also I never have borrowed the max. They will try to give you the max so it will take longer to payoff so they can get more money from you. My advice is get it if you really need it but pay it off as quick as possible.
phone busy
I am trying to get in touch with cash jar to pay off my loan I been calling sense Monday all I get is a busy signal on the phone. I trying to let them know to take the full amount of money out of my account. What do I do I do ?
My experience with cash jar... "borrowed"a couple hundred from t
My experience with cash jar... "borrowed"a couple hundred from them a couple months back. Changed my account and re-paid them a total of $0.00. They called a couple times from some number but I just blocked it. Sent 'em an e-mail outlining their EFTA violations as well as their violation of my state's criminal usury law. I also included the SCOTUS says their binding arbitration doesn't mean shit if the contract is illegal.
So far I've not been sued and it is not on my any of my credit reports. Thanks for the free money, Cash Jar!
I recently aquired a loan from cash jar. I assumed it was like
I recently aquired a loan from cash jar.
I assumed it was like another loan I obtained on line.
I was the biggest scam yet.
I borrowed $500 dollars on August 21st. To date I have paid $800 dollars.
I called them today to inquire as to why they were continueing to withdraw money from my account. They told me the $150 that I have been paying is only the fee. I have only paid $50 dollars toward my loan.
I did not listen carefully, or did not ask questions. I assumed they were like the walk-in payday loans or even like another instituion I borrowed money from.
Please ask questions and continue to trust in God like the dollar bill says. "In God We Trust".
i got a loan for 400 i just got a call from a collection agency
i got a loan for 400 i just got a call from a collection agency that stated they where going to sue me if i dont make payment arrngements can they sue me?
I've read the entire thread. I've seen ALOT of negative things a
I've read the entire thread. I've seen ALOT of negative things about Cash Jar, but, NOTHING negative about Think Cash. Think cash is an installment loan. Cash Jar a PDL. Has anyone had any bad experiences with Think Cash? If so, can you please comment on them? Thanks.
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousi got a loan for 400 i just
Originally Posted by Anonymous i got a loan for 400 i just got a call from a collection agency that stated they where going to sue me if i dont make payment arrngements can they sue me? |
Which lender? By the way, if you received a call from a collection agency tell them you will do NOTHING until you receive your dunning letter (letter of collection) in the mail as required by the FDCPA. Keep a journal of when they call and what the conversation was about, ask their name and employee ID number. Depending on what state you are in you can even record the call without their knowledge if your state is a one party state.
I've usedcashjar successfully four times. The trick is to tell
I've usedcashjar successfully four times. The trick is to tell them that you want to PAY IN FULL on your next pay date AT THE TIME OF LOAN. If you can'tmake the full payment--CALL THEM. If you forgot to tell them to pay it in full you still have 24 hours from when they deduct the finance charge to call and pay all or part of the loan. The finance charge decreases as the loan gets smaller. They explain it all when you borrow. Paying 375 for a three hundred dollar loan is not ideal but really helps when you are in a pinch.
So...'Cash Jar' IS a PDL? Ok...I thought it was, but, I wasn't p
So...'Cash Jar' IS a PDL? Ok...I thought it was, but, I wasn't positive. Is 'Think Cash' like a Cash Call thing? Ya see, I've been getting alot of ads (VIA the Web..) from Think Cash ( I think that's what it is called). However....I sure don't want to put myself in more debt than I'm already in.
i had a loan through v cash jar borrowed 600 paid them 17
i had a loan through v cash jar borrowed 600 paid them 175 closed my account they settled for 175 now paid in full
I had a loan through cash jar. They changed my due date on weeke
I had a loan through cash jar. They changed my due date on weekends or holidays to be taken from my account the day before I was paid. It threw my account into nsf and to date I have paid out over $200 to my bank alone. I faxed them my bank account statement to show them their screw up and someone named "Star" said she would determine "if" they had made any sort of mistake. Star is a very nasty speaking person. Very cocky and just plain unprofessional. They were supposed to have taken my last payment on 11/16/09 but of course tried to take it on 11/14 and I once again got hit with nsf fees with my bank. I made a complaint to the Attorney General in Fl. which is where I faxed the documents and they say they cant get involved. Cash jar is a rip off. The manager "Star" is as nasty as they come. The loan would not have been a problem had they not made the mistakes. Then again they might have done it on purpose to get more money! Who knows but I would like to see someone take these people on. I also made a complaint to the BBB in Fl. but Cashjar is not a member and did not respond to the complaint. Something legal has got to be done to bring these people down!
Think Cash is not a payday lender, they are a personal loan type
Think Cash is not a payday lender, they are a personal loan type of lender and unfortunately are usually legal in what they charge. On the other hand, Cashjar is a payday lender as far as I know and are not legal in the state of FL. I do not have my own computer so am unable to access the links to do the research on Cashjar but, you can go to the link below and research it yourself.
FL has CSO's (Credit Service Organizations), understand that a CSO does not follow the payday lender laws and are usually perfectly legal in what they charge, they are not required to be licensed they are only required to register with the secretary of state.
The best thing you could do for yourself is close out your account and open a new one at a totally different bank. Contact Think Cash and let them know your account was closed but you are willing to make payments via the mail because that is the only way you are able to do so at this time, do NOT give them or ANY lender your new account information!
If you discover that Cashjar is not legal to lend in your state (and I don't think they are) CLICK HERE to find out how to deal with illegal lenders.
Meanwhile, I am moving this to the payday loan help section.
Meanwhile, I am moving this to the payday loan help section.
I recently received a 'loan' from Think Cash (First Bank of Dela
I recently received a 'loan' from Think Cash (First Bank of Delaware..I think the bank statement said, when the debit came out). Anyway.....they said that "so much of the payment will actaully go to your balance and not the % charge." I have made 3 paynets already and NONE of the payment has gone to my balance. Also....I called and tried to explain I just can't have them take a payment out THIS payday...they basically said "too bad." How can I deal with them? Any advice? shut the accou shut the account down and report them to the AG's office. Check out the News report on what to do if you live in Arkansas.
'Think cash', however (what they tell me, anyway) is an 'install
'Think cash', however (what they tell me, anyway) is an 'installment loan'. They DO have a schedule the amount that comes out on each of my paydays. However....when I've called them, they will tell me something different than was originally said.
Cash Jar is a predatory lender. Extremely awful for anyone. Ma
Cash Jar is a predatory lender. Extremely awful for anyone. Matter of fact, you cannot even touch the principle interest due to the fees that they tack on to the original loan.... 500.00 can turn into 1500 dollars very easily
'Think Cash' has some very high fees, as well. It seems like you
'Think Cash' has some very high fees, as well. It seems like you would never pay the 'loan' off. I just couldn't handle the % coming out of my bank account every teo weeks. It was driving me crazy!! No money for bills, etc.
Quote:Originally Posted by sdchargers_63'Think Cash' has some ve
Originally Posted by sdchargers_63 'Think Cash' has some very high fees, as well. It seems like you would never pay the 'loan' off. I just couldn't handle the % coming out of my bank account every teo weeks. It was driving me crazy!! No money for bills, etc. |
There needs to be a regulation on CSO's, so many payday lenders have gone from operating as a payday lender to operating as a CSO simply because there is more money making opportunities and no worries of regulations, basically, the CSO model has a license to steal. I do wish more people would file complaints with their government officials on CSO's and their business practices.
Sorry, SHAZZERS..but, i don't know what CSO means? 'Think Cash'
Sorry, SHAZZERS..but, i don't know what CSO means? 'Think Cash' says it's an installment loan. Really..wants the difference? PDL's take fees, etc. out, as well.'s difficult to deal with them. I know their number when they call. They only leave a computerized voicemail..and, sometimes, no message at all.
Quote:Originally Posted by sdchargers_63Sorry, SHAZZERS..but, i
Originally Posted by sdchargers_63 Sorry, SHAZZERS..but, i don't know what CSO means? 'Think Cash' says it's an installment loan. Really..wants the difference? PDL's take fees, etc. out, as well.'s difficult to deal with them. I know their number when they call. They only leave a computerized voicemail..and, sometimes, no message at all. |
Depending on the states, installemt loans are usually regulated. As far as I know CSO (Credit Service Organizations) are only required to register with the secretary of state and not required to obtain a license to operate.
We had a loan from cash jar, they refuse to send anything in th
We had a loan from cash jar, they refuse to send anything in the mail and refuse to accept any payments in the mail, I beleve they are not legal in the USA because of this. Something is fishy, even there debt collecter refused to mail anything and refused to give a payment addy, According to the Fair Debt Laws they must send you info in writing
you are all lucky.....I borrowed $ interest is $360 a m
you are all lucky.....I borrowed $ interest is $360 a month. They have already taken almost over $1000 and I haven't paid any of the principal. Steer clear of them like the plague
Quote:Originally Posted by Anonymousyou are all lucky.....I borr
Originally Posted by Anonymous you are all lucky.....I borrowed $ interest is $360 a month. They have already taken almost over $1000 and I haven't paid any of the principal. Steer clear of them like the plague |
It sounds like they are illegal in your state (just guessing), however, begin a new topic and provide more info and we will try to help you:
-Names of each pdl company.
-Whether they are store front or Internet.
-How much you borrowed.
-How much you paid so far.
-The state in which you reside.
Wow Im glad I could pass this along to friends and family. Its
Wow Im glad I could pass this along to friends and family. Its amazing how they say one thing and mean another. Out of the lenders I have used in the past I'm sorry to say that they are the worst. Infact I have a lawyer working on my case now. I borrowed One thousand have paid well over my borrowed amount and interest over 1700.00 and yet Im informed by the CSR that I still have to pay over 800.00. So my question is why should I pay 3000.00 dollars back for 1000.00 loan. This is highway robbery. When you call and ask them to deduct the whole amount they say they will but ofcourse they dont then they inform you that you never called to have this amount deducted. This is a way that cash jar has taught the agents to scam the consumers because when you call it is word of mouth. Word of advise go back to the original documents and take time to read it ask for a supervisor and believe me if you over paid you will get all your money back if they are still not flexible use a lawyer atleast your money will go to good cause instead of feeding the fat pig.
Quote:Originally Posted by fortmoore86Has anyone dealt or had an
Originally Posted by fortmoore86 Has anyone dealt or had any sucess with Think cash or Cash Jar? I live in KS - thanks! |
rip off
same situation as everyone else. i'm not sure if cash jar is ev
same situation as everyone else. i'm not sure if cash jar is even legal. I spoke to the branch manager at my bank and she told me to put a stop payment on the debit and it will stop the payments to cash jar. When I called cash jar they agreed to put me on a different repayment schedule which would be all principle. They told me I would be placed in the "internal collections" dept. I don't think car jar is even allowed to report to equifax, experian or transunion. I want to get them paid and rid of them asap...good luck with these crooks