Wage Garnishment in Texas
Date: Sat, 06/20/2009 - 07:44
Wage Garnishment in Texas
Oh yeah...admin wage garnishment is valid in all 50 states, rega
Oh yeah...admin wage garnishment is valid in all 50 states, regardless of the states garnishment laws....it is authorized by congress. You will either want to look at rehab or consolidating with the Department of Ed's Direct Loan Program.
Read the Student Loan Basic Information sticky at the top of thi
Read the Student Loan Basic Information sticky at the top of this forum.
I have read that the government i.e. DHS- child support, taxes a
I have read that the government i.e. DHS- child support, taxes and student loans garnished from your pay in Texas. But, credit card debt and other creditors cannot because your pay is %100 exempt.
You're right, consumer debt cannot be garnished in Texas, just F
You're right, consumer debt cannot be garnished in Texas, just Fed debts such as child support, back taxes, student loans...However, just because Texas is a non-garn state doesn't mean that they can't - and won't - levy accounts for consumer debts.