Forge my name as a cosigner
Date: Fri, 06/19/2009 - 07:14
Forge my name as a cosigner
The loan totals around 50K plus 8.5% interest rate, so you can imagine how long it will take to pay off. So, ladies and gents, what are my options? My credit is very crutial and can even impact my work, let alone my life in general.
Should not cosigners sign some papers or need to accept the responsibility of what they cosigning? I know that I can file an identity theft, but that will result a criminal act againest my nephew, who deserves it.
Any advice or suggestions would be kindly appriciated.
Thank you all.
you have a dilemma.either pay loans you knew nothing about,or file id theft charges against your nephew.if you have the proof i would file the id theft.sorry,but why should your nephew benefit from this?either that or make him pay you back under the threat of the charges.either way he should pay for this.
I would order copies of the prom note from the lender and confro
I would order copies of the prom note from the lender and confront the nephew. Then file the police report....and yes criminal consequences will apply.
Look at this objectively and remove the family element from your
Look at this objectively and remove the family element from your thinking. You have been victimized and even worse, victimized by a relative. That should still not deter you from filing a police report and the IDT Affadavit from the FTC website. Based on the amount this will likely result if felony charges. Send a copy of the police report, IDT Affadavit, proof of identification and a copy of your credit report to each CRA reporting. The must permanantly block them form your CR's. They will also place a Fraud Alert on your files which could stay in effect anywhere form 90 days to 7 years. As far as the lenders, send them a copy of the police report and IDT affadavit plus a statement explaining the situation. They will probably be the ones to go after your nephew.
Get it taken care of and fast! I'm guessing this is a private l
Get it taken care of and fast! I'm guessing this is a private loan because of the co-signer. If your nephew defaults on the loan, they WILL come after you and with a vengence.
You nephew needs to be held responsible for this. If I were you I would also go through your credit report with a fine tooth comb, if he forged your name for loans, there might be other things he used your name for.
forgery on cosigning
people we know even family memebers will do things like that it gets you in trouble even though they use your name as a cosigner. why they do such things is probaly not to mess up themseves but the other because they have good credit but now is messed up. but we have to forgive 8)
Forgive?? I am sorry....the nephew is a crook and a thief.
Forgive?? I am sorry....the nephew is a crook and a thief.
Thank you all. It is very frastrating. Could not sleep at night
Thank you all. It is very frastrating. Could not sleep at night at all. I am just trying to find out if there is anything else out there he put under my name.
But this is what is bothering me the most. Shouldn't the Finaid folks need to verify such comitments with the cosigner? If it is that easy for someone to put such amounts on other's shoulder, then we are all at risk.
Just imagine how many family members may have your information, ex, or family member. Anyone could obtian your information, ssn, dl, etc.. most of the information just sitting around somewhere in your home, and anyone who lives or stays there could access it.
So, the whole system seems to be designed for crooks to get their wish granted easily.
These sound like private loans that are done outside of the fina
These sound like private loans that are done outside of the financial aid office. Most of these apps are done online and the docs are downloaded, signed and returned.
NJCLASS loan. I think it is a private loan, but couldn't be sure
NJCLASS loan. I think it is a private loan, but couldn't be sure.
Ok....the is a state of NJ backed private we are tal
Ok....the is a state of NJ backed private we are talking federal offense....prison and/or $10.000 fine. And considering he did it 3 times.....wouldnt wanna be him!